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Scan media library


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How exactly does "scan media librray" works? I am asking as it takes a huge load of time given my large media collection. It can be several hours sometimes.


* Is "scan media library" the only way to add new movies to the library and does this always have to happen when at the same time scanning all my other 1,000s of movies?


* What exactly is being scanned for the movies already in my database that makes it take so long?



Thanks in advance!!!

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For mine which I have a lot of movies and tv shows when I upload the new movie into the movie folder it will automatically pick it up within just a couple of minutes.


My scan media library when I run it only takes a maximum of 5 minutes after the initial scan.


My initial scan took 1 1/2 hours since then it has been quick and responsive.


The scan itself is scanning the library for new media, metadata, images and what not if I am not mistaken.


What kind of processor and ram are you running on the server?


I am running a Amd Phenom II 910e @ 2.6 ghz with 8gb of ram Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.


The server never powers off unless there is an outage or a windows update.

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For mine which I have a lot of movies and tv shows when I upload the new movie into the movie folder it will automatically pick it up within just a couple of minutes.


My scan media library when I run it only takes a maximum of 5 minutes after the initial scan.


My initial scan took 1 1/2 hours since then it has been quick and responsive.


The scan itself is scanning the library for new media, metadata, images and what not if I am not mistaken.


What kind of processor and ram are you running on the server?


I am running a Amd Phenom II 910e @ 2.6 ghz with 8gb of ram Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.


The server never powers off unless there is an outage or a windows update.


Thanks, this is very helpful.


What is the frequency that you have set your library to scan? You mentioned that new movies are being picked up within minutes after adding. Is that triggered separately or do you have a very high frequency of library scans.


I thought that the scan is also updating IMDB votes or so? What else is being updated?


My hardware is similar to yours, so this should not be the issue.


Let me finish the scan now and see whether it speeds up thereafter.

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I have my library scans that actually scan the full library running at 2 separate styles.


Weekly Sunday 1 am

On application startup. -  only time this comes into play is when the server is restarted or the computer itself which in turn restarts the server


So 99% of the time it is weekly unless a update is pushed through either mb3 or windows that would require either a computer restart or a server restart

Edited by bloodtaker
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Great, and new movies are still being added independent of the library scan?


I noticed what my issue may be. When restarting, the library scans takes just a few seconds to go until 60%, but then basically hangs. I have taken a look into the log file and there are many different errors. Would be great if someone could take a look at it. Thanks!



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I know your very first error is about privileges to the file.


Actually see a lot of that going on.


Also the 404 error is being through for the metadata host basically might have been offline at the time.


Others that know more about it will let you know as I am not a coder just a avid user.

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Thanks. No idea what the privilege issue could be from. All files are local on same server as MBS and wouldn't know what issues are?


Just also noticed the error below, which may be related. Together the log file above, I hope that some developer could look into. Library scan never finishes and hangs at 65%.


Scan media library failed

a week ago

The CancellationTokenSource has been disposed.

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Koleckai Silvestri

Need to turn on debugging under advanced and the look a the logs under Help. If you post them, others can look to see what the error is. Could be one item in your library throwing an exception.


Edit: I see a log was posted but is no longer available.would need to be reposted.

Edited by Wayne Luke
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Koleckai Silvestri

Hmm... Looked at it really quick nothing really stood out permission wise. The ADE plugin is failing so you might uninstall that and see if this improve. Will look at it more when back at my desktop. On my iPad currently.

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Thanks, I have uninstalled the plugin, but this did not change anything.


See attached another log, which includes the information before it stalls / hangs. Unfortunately, I cannot paste both together as paste.to has a size restrictions. The log above and this one should make the full log. Thanks for looking into this!



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Thanks. No clue, how can I find out?


Was looking into the log myself. Could it be related to special characters such as ü, a, ö and others?

Edited by steve1977
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You have no clue where your xml came from?  Do you have 3rd party metadata fetchers (or did you ever) like MetaBrowser or MCM? or one of the small guys that try to fetch metadata?

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You have no clue where your xml came from?  Do you have 3rd party metadata fetchers (or did you ever) like MetaBrowser or MCM? or one of the small guys that try to fetch metadata?


Now I got your question. MBS is the only software fetching XML files. Besides that only been using EMM and SB for metadata, but none of the two is creating XML files, but instead NFO.

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I am starting to narrow down where the issue is. I can finish the library scan as long as the bandwidth is good throughout the scan. If I am starting the scan with low bandwidth, it always hangs at the same point of the scan. I can then restart as often as I like, but it always hangs. Any idea why this is happening and whether this can be fixed? Some form of time-out or anything that prevents the library scan feature to "hang"? Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hold of there are large improvements in the next server release if you are still having issues then we will look into them.


Currently my start up library scan of over 30000 items takes 1 minute 23 seconds.


Initially the whole lib will have to rescan.

Edited by Tikuf
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How long did the initial rescan take for your library? Unfortunately, mine is still not completely rescanned. I am unclear though whether this is normal and it may well take a few hours / days?

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that log is all of three minutes. i would just be a little more patient and not watch the progress meter.

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I just restarted to send a clean log. Also, paste.to comes to its limits rather fast. I can send yesterday's log (12 hours?) or just keep resending the one that I have just sent. The issue is that it gets "stuck". When I sent it after 3min, it was at 20.8%. Now it is still at 20.8%. Updated log below. Thanks in advance!



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And here we go with the log file after soon 12 hours of scanning (had to split the log into 4 parts given paste limit size). No progress at all and it is stilL "stuck" at the same % as after 3min. Any ideas?


Part 1 https://www.paste.to/u1F8h44n


Part 2 https://www.paste.to/gu76XWY


Part 3 https://www.paste.to/9LwZtWPk


Part 4 https://www.paste.to/pPcQVrNS


Part 5 https://www.paste.to/a0Vmiyos

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