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Resume not always showing on Android TV


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For the next release of Emby Server i'm going to add logging messages that will allow us to see the exact playback stop time that was reported by the app. that should help us trace it down. Thanks.

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For the next release of Emby Server i'm going to add logging messages that will allow us to see the exact playback stop time that was reported by the app. that should help us trace it down. Thanks.

Thanx luke


Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

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For the next release of Emby Server i'm going to add logging messages that will allow us to see the exact playback stop time that was reported by the app. that should help us trace it down. Thanks.


That will be useful but I don't think it can be his problem since he said the resume button shows up initially.  The app re-retrieves the item after playback to get the new position so this would indicate that it was properly recorded at that time and then something else subsequently made it go away...

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Hi, i am not getting the resume option, when i use an external player (archos). Is this an archos or an emby problem? 


The only external player that supports position reporting back to us is MXPlayer.

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I dont know if this helps but I dont seem to be having this problem all the time. It seems to be at random and in the case with Star Trek Beyond the non-resume issue seemed to happen more often. 


I originally thought it could be a file type issue.



Okay, Here's another example. Just watching Suicide Squad and backed out from playing and it showed the playback time I kept playing and backing out just to see if I could get it to stop showing the playback icon but it kept showing playback icon. Played another 20 minutes into the movie and I couldn't get the playback icon to show up at all, just showed the page like I've never watched the movie.

Sent in another log from ATV.


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I don't know if this helps but this is a screen shot of my server after I backed out from playing Suicide Squad and its not showing a playback point.5840c4ca9f87b_Untitled.png

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By "the playback icon" do you mean the resume button?  At one point you said there was no playback icon - you still had a play button, right...?


Also what Emby user was logged in when you sent the log from the app?

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What exactly did you do?

To remove the trakt plugin, I just went into the plugin page on server and unistalled.


Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

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By "the playback icon" do you mean the resume button? At one point you said there was no playback icon - you still had a play button, right...?


Also what Emby user was logged in when you sent the log from the app?

Yes I meant the resume button. It would always show the play button.


I only have one use set up in my server and I believe it's "Home" without the quotes.


The emby user that I sent my stuff is always xXSagaiaXx


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To remove the trakt plugin, I just went into the plugin page on server and unistalled.


Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk


And then you re-started the server, right...?


This issue really sounds like something like Trakt or some other external item is modifying the data after the fact...

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Also after uninstalling trakt, you need to repeat the test all over again. Just uninstalling the plugin alone will not change any watched states.

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And then you re-started the server, right...?


This issue really sounds like something like Trakt or some other external item is modifying the data after the fact...


Also after uninstalling trakt, you need to repeat the test all over again. Just uninstalling the plugin alone will not change any watched states.


Yes, after uninstalling trakt I restarted Emby not the pc server, then I repeted the test all over again and got the same results like before I uninstalled trakt

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Ok at this point all we can do is speculate. We need more logging to help trace down the issue, and I'm adding that for the next server release. Thanks !

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I can't see anything in the app log that gives me a clue either but I'm wondering if this is nothing but a response time issue.


xx - if you can reproduce this again, try going all the way out of the app and coming back in (really all that should be required is backing out of the details screen but do the whole app).  Does the resume show up then?  Don't do anything else except back out and come back.

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I can't see anything in the app log that gives me a clue either but I'm wondering if this is nothing but a response time issue.


xx - if you can reproduce this again, try going all the way out of the app and coming back in (really all that should be required is backing out of the details screen but do the whole app).  Does the resume show up then?  Don't do anything else except back out and come back


Okay. Will do

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I can't see anything in the app log that gives me a clue either but I'm wondering if this is nothing but a response time issue.


xx - if you can reproduce this again, try going all the way out of the app and coming back in (really all that should be required is backing out of the details screen but do the whole app).  Does the resume show up then?  Don't do anything else except back out and come back.


Okay, This time with the movie Jason Bourne. I backed out from playing the movie and the resume point showed on the details page. I backed out to the main page and the no green line under movie poster and I back out of the app completely. Went back into the app and no Jason Bourne in the continue watching section of the main page and when I went back into details page the resume point wasn't there. Sent log from ATV


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Okay, what I'm seeing in that last log are progress reports coming in after the stopped report.  Only thing I can figure is that they are taking too long to respond and "piling up" in the queue on the app side such that they keep on going even after you stopped.


I may have to put something in that ensures that only one progress report is active at any given time (don't send another one util the last one responds).


Additionally - Luke is it possible for the server to guard against this by ignoring any progress report that comes in after the playback has already been reported as stopped for that session?

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The current release server has an issue with progress reports taking a long time to respond in certain situations.


@@xXSagaiaXx maybe you should try the beta server, however, in order to avoid disrupting your current server, please follow the instructions that i gave to another user:





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