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Missing Actor thumbnails


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My problem is different. My issue is only (only?) with Robert Downey JR

Somehow, when processing XML files (which are correct) Emby server ver 5882 removes him from the list of actors playing in the movie!

I guess this is linked to the . "dot" at the end of JR.

@@Pierre , can you post the part in the server log where the API is contacted searching for his metadata? If you browse the given url manually, does it return an error?


Remember to hide the API Key here.

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Is this what you want:
2016-03-13 13:31:40.9891,Debug,,Loading full details for Iron Man,1,Application

and the following lines?


One thing you can try: try updating the picture of Robert Downey JR.

If I select a picture (any picture displayed) the image is replaced by a black box.

If I am right this is the only actor with which I have a problem. Two problems in fact:

1) his name is removed from the list of actors when rebuilding the database from the XML file ==> I had to refresh the movie manually

2) I cannot save any image ==> I have to add a file "folder.jpg" manually in the folder

I managed to fix both issues manually, but something strange is happening.

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Yes, I guess in the next lines he tries to download data from TheMovieDB (or alternative)

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So if I just want to let emby download actor images without storing anything in my local movie folders (I don't want to let it overwrite my nfo files), which options do I have to enable?

Is it:

- Basics: "Download artwork and metadata from the Internet"

- Services - People: fetch primary Images

- Advanced: "download all images in advance" and "download images for actors"


What's the difference between the services setting and the advanced setting regarding actor images downloading?

Do I need to enable both settings?


And when I do all this, will the Emby addon for Kodi sync those actor images to Kodi?


I still don't get any actor images with the settings described above.

Is there anything I forgot?

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  • 3 weeks later...

mhh I switched from beta on PC to stable on Synology NAS, again actor thumbnails don't work :-/

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  • 1 month later...

Is there anything new to this? I still can't get any actor images :(


I have enabled the following to get this working:

- Basics: "Download artwork and metadata from the Internet"

- Services - People: fetch primary Images

- Advanced: "download all images in advance" and "download images for actors"

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Unfortunately they are missing for all of my movies. :(

Isn't it possible for Emby somehow to use the already existing actor Images I have in my movie folders already?

I use nfo files created with MediaElch, so shouldn't Emby just fetch the actor images as it does with all other fanart?

Edited by Marv
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Unfortunately they are missing for all of my movies. :(

Isn't it possible for Emby somehow to use the already existing actor Images I have in my movie folders already?

I use nfo files created with MediaElch, so shouldn't Emby just fetch the actor images as it does with all other fanart?


At the moment we don't support that convention, but potentially in the future.

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That would be really nice.

But why isn't my EmbyServer downloading any actor images by itself?

I don't know how to fix it. Is there any setting I may have overlooked?

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  • 1 month later...

After latest stable I deleted all people data, libraries and rescanned everything... still not getting lot of people photos.


Anyone still experiencing this?

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Try refreshing a movie from the detail screen. Emby Server does download by itself at the time the movie is imported into the library, unless you import your own metadata as part of it. That's something we need to improve on in the future.

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Good day,


I do not know if that help or not, since I run to some titles with this problem, I tried everything, then simply I went to imdb and get the identification # for them, went to these problem titles, an chose the option identify, and well all done, all the actors for these titles display.


My best

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I am on server version and I have setup Library -> Advanced -> Metadata Path as:



and people folder would be:



On 7 Jul, I noticed server created a new people folder in:



So due to server now automatically adds 'metadata' to the custom path caused all people meta missing.

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  • 1 month later...

For the next release and in the current beta, behavior is improved to help with this.


When scanning in new titles, even if you have existing metadata we'll still go out to the internet to try and pull in people information. 


Also, when opening individual person detail screens, there will be some on demand refreshing to attempt to fill in metadata for people that don't have any. 

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  • 1 month later...

So after several weeks ignoring my issue with actor images I want to solve it again.


I have local nfo files and images created and downloaded with MediaElch for each movie and tv show.

And they are all used by Emby without any issues.


I understand that local actor images are not used by Emby and that makes totally sense to me (dublicates etc.)

So I want actor images to be handled by Emby exclusively.

I set up my server in a way where I would think that Emby should download and store all actor images for me centralized.

But it does not download anything for me.


These are my settings (everything else regarding metadata services is turned off)








So what else do I need to do to finally get actor images? I also tried refreshing individual movies and tv shows but that's not working aswell.

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Enable the metadata downloaders, then refresh a movie and you should see cast images for that movie


Is there a way to refresh all media meta data at once? I find a lot of TV shows need to be refreshed from time to time. It'd be nice to have an option in Scheduled Tasks if there's not a way to do it already.

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Is there a way to refresh all media meta data at once? I find a lot of TV shows need to be refreshed from time to time. It'd be nice to have an option in Scheduled Tasks if there's not a way to do it already.


You can always force Emby to redownload anything and redo the metadata.


01. Stop Emby

02. Delete whole content of cache folder inside Emby installation folder.

03. Delete every ".nfo" of your media folders

04. Delete every "poster.jpg" of below Emby installation folders/subfolders

05. Start Emby

06. Re-scan libraries in Scheduled Tasks


If I'm not mistaken... this way Emby won't find the people metadata anywhere and will be forced to redownload and recreate the people metadata from scratch.


That saved me a few times before.

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Is there a way to refresh all media meta data at once? I find a lot of TV shows need to be refreshed from time to time. It'd be nice to have an option in Scheduled Tasks if there's not a way to do it already.

Click Refresh at library level.

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Enable the metadata downloaders, then refresh a movie and you should see cast images for that movie


omg finally its working :)

Thank you.


I had this enabled in the past but nothing happened there so I thought this setting would not effect actor images.

Good to know I could have saved much time if I just had left this setting alone :D

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