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Missing Actor thumbnails


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I'm relatively new to Emby, and have recently begun using it in conjunction with my Kodi set-up using the Emby add-on.  This is an AWESOME program!  


But I'm having a weird problem.  I can't get Emby to display any of my actor thumbnails.  They all correctly populate with the names of the actors, and show all of the other movies that the actors are in in my media library.  But the photos won't display in Emby (and therefore also won't display in Kodi).  I attached a picture of the blank image that shows for all of my actors.


Here's how my media is organized:

Each movie is in its own folder.  Each folder is named "Movie Title (year)".  Each movie is named "Movie Title (year).mkv"

In each movie folder is all of the artwork (fanart, poster, disc, logo, etc).  In each movie folder is also a folder labeled "Actors" which contains all the actor thumbnails.  Finally, each movie folder contains an NFO file with all the metadata.


Kodi always displayed the Actor images perfectly.  But now with Emby, none are displayed.


I've tried re-freshing the meta-data for individual movies in Emby, but it doesn't help.  I've also tried refreshing the entire library, thinking that maybe Emby needed to download its own Actor images to work correctly, but again, no change.


I'm hoping you can help.



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I've found that if I go to the "People" section of my library (using the links at the top that are "Suggestions" "Movies" "Trailers" "Collections" "Genres" "People" "Suggestions"), then I am able to refresh each actor individually and it correctly displays the actor's picture.  


Is there a way to do the same type of update for ALL of the actors at once?

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In each movie folder is all of the artwork (fanart, poster, disc, logo, etc).  In each movie folder is also a folder labeled "Actors" which contains all the actor thumbnails.

This I believe is where the problem lies.  Emby maintains its own People folder, which is maintained in the Metadata folder, unless this is really old installation then it is in your IBN folder.  I could be wrong but I don't believe it looks at the movie\actor folder at all.

Edited by Happy2Play
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Its slow but sure,and eventually all the actors will fill in.Just takes time because there are so many.

Unless I'm mistaken, there's a known bug at the moment that is preventing any method to automatically update all people images.  I got about 50,000 people, and maybe 5% have images at the moment.  Clicking on each person individually to refresh is not an option for me.


And this is a relatively fresh install (last 30 days) on Windows 10.  i.e. I don't have any people folders inside my movie folders.


What I am finding, is that when I come across an actor with no image, there is no corresponding folder inside the Metadata/People folder.  Once I refresh that person, the image is loaded and a folder now exists inside Metadata/People.


I also ran the RED utility (to remove empty dirs within Metadata/People) and while it did find a lot of empty folders that were deleted, it still didn't correct the issue.


So the script within Emby that goes out to parse imdb does not appear to be working any longer when applied to the entire media folder, only on individual persons.

Edited by pclausen
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Can someone tell me how I am supposed to get the people pics to download?  Or is this a known issue and being rectified?


Can someone copy their people folder and place it in a downloadable link?



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I'd just like to mention that I'm experience this same bug.

I just did a clean install of Emby on an unRAID box in a Docker container.  


If I "scan media library" in my scheduled tasks all of my movies index correctly and the "Cast & Crew" names and the place holder images show up under each movie.  However, no "Cast & Crew" thumbnails appear.  Even if I "Refresh people" in my schedule tasks, actor thumbnails/bios are not downloaded correctly.  So, it's not just actor images, but their bios that are missing.  No information about an actor is placed in the "metadata/People".  A folder is not even created in the metadata folder.


If I go to the "Movies > People" tab, I can manually refresh an actor and their information (thumbnail & bio) downloads correctly.  However, I have about 25,000 actors in my list right now and I don't plan to download them one at a time.  When I refresh an actor manually, all information is correctly stored in the metadata folder.


One last thing:

Here's another piece of data to make things just a bit more interesting.  Some actor information DID appear in my "metadata/People" folder.  HOWEVER, only actors that were in "MISSING" TV episodes had data download.  Very strange.

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Well the process should be fetch metadata for media then the Refresh People task will attempt to get the people listed in the metadata.


51GB of People is hard to upload somewhere.

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I have the same issue, although some people seem to populate fine! I initially thought that maybe it was just because there were no images for those people. I have not tried to verify this as it is not such a huge deal for me..

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On a side note, If I wanted to migrate servers, would copying %AppData%\Roaming\Emby-Server\metadata from one server to another be sufficient? Would the %AppData%\Roaming\Emby-Server\cache folder need to go too?

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I'm trying to get my cast and crew images to update, I've tried "Refresh People" in scheduled tasks, Refreshing TV directory in the metadata manager and refreshing the individual show from the metadata manager. Nothing but going to the individual cast member and clicking refresh on them seems to work. I cant imagine clicking every single cast/crew member and having to refresh them one by one. Is there something I'm missing? I'm on emby Version 3.0.5724.5

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People missing for me, big actors too.

No empty dirs.

Force refresh still doesnt populate them?

Before I could use RED to remove empty dirs but now there iis no empty dirs and no actors :(


This is clean install with latest beta.

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@badaas, when you say there are no empty folders do you mean that RED does not detect them as empty? Is it possible you have the setting to hide metadata turned on? 560bccce8ca69_metadata.png

Edited by tarnalcock
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I'm pretty sure it's broken.  I'm running latest dev version (have tried latest beta also) and here's what I posted a few days ago in another thread:


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My understanding is that this is a known bug and that it will be addressed in a future release.  I currently have 43,495 people for (2.306) movies and 6,917 for TV (154 shows, 8,640 Episodes), for a total of 50,412 People (probably a little less due to some Movie people also being in TV Shows).


I have People configured to only pick up Actors and Directors and I would say I have maybe 10% images at this time.


When I add new Movies and TV Episodes, any new People are added correctly with images.


When I look in my Emby-Server/metadata/people folder, I have a total of 5,823 subfolders, subtracting 30 (the 1,5,A-Z and one Russian letter folder), I have a net of 5,793 actual People folders, which is close to the 10% of People that have images (5,793/50,412*100 = 11.49% to be exact).


Apparently, the way it works is that Emby only creates folders for People once there is metadata/images to store for them, presumably after picking it up from imdb.


So the bug appears that, for existing titles, when running either the people scan or the refresh from the root media folder under Metadata Manager, Emby does not go out to imdb to pick up metadata for existing people that do not yet have any.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Same problem here : impossible for me to refresh actor thumbnails. I have to select them one by one, it's a waste of time.


Any solution ?


Thanks, and sorry for my bad english :)

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  • 2 months later...

I just recognized this issue myself. I'm using Emby with Kodi addon and can't get my actor images shown in Kodi that way. :(

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I just recognized this issue myself. I'm using Emby with Kodi addon and can't get my actor images shown in Kodi that way. :(

Try a skin that uses skin.helper by marcel. ie his Ttian skin or Eunique by @@im85288 and myself. Look on kodi forum here for them, or kodi.tv.

The helper will fill in the gaps and download images itself. This wont update emby db, but is a stop-gap solution.

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