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Library scan stuck


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Looking through that last log, I found some photos that were causing problems, so I've deleted them. This time, the scan sticks at 24.5%. Log is attached, but I can't see any problems with photos. Only the fact that the scan library task starts, but never finishes, until I abort the process by restarting the server...




can you show a screenshot of the complete contents of this folder?


\\degas\Pictures\Photos\Home Photos 4



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can you show a screenshot of the complete contents of this folder?


\\degas\Pictures\Photos\Home Photos 4



Luke, here you go:




They are mostly scans of old slides. The "F and F - up to 1999" folder is the same, but with a couple of short home videos (with metadata in sidecar files).

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I'm experiencing the same problem and have temporarily removed the photo folder from the library as the stuck scan interrupts any other video playing.

I'm on Beta version 3.0.5582.1.


No doubt the devs will find the cause before too long.

Edited by rikiwi
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Same here with Version 3.0.5582.1. Scan stuck at 47% and can not be stopped. I need to restart the server. Removed all my pictures now, will see if it work now.

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Hello. I have the same issue. I followed the suggestion and removed the pictures folder from the library and now it completes the scan.

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It may not be just photos.  I have 80K+ songs and the app always stalls at ~22.4% before completing since the last major release.  My scans now run from 25 - 35 minutes long now with 95+ cpu usage and before they ran in less than 5 minutes.  Tried removing the music folder and it scans rather quickly.  However, I did also add anywhere from 5 - 20 pictures of artwork scans to the exrafanart folder for each album too, so maybe it is pictures

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It may well be folder structure, but nothing has changed my end.


It's only happened since ImageMagick was introduced.

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The scan doesn't use image magick in retrospect. (I'm 90% sure) only when you browse.


I've just added a 300k photo library with no issue. Please list any plugins frost.

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The scan doesn't use image magick in retrospect. (I'm 90% sure) only when you browse.


I've just added a 300k photo library with no issue. Please list any plugins frost.


I've just got the server configuration back up right now.

Edited by FrostByte
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The scan doesn't use image magick in retrospect. (I'm 90% sure) only when you browse.


I've just added a 300k photo library with no issue. Please list any plugins frost.

Doesn't it use it to create the folder images though?


Is that 300k photos in one folder, or across many multiple?


As you know, I removed all of my plugins and the scan still stalled.



Edited by CBers
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I kept on having issues over the last year with library scan being. I have not succeeded to point to the main reason and I believe there are different reasons for it. I believe the image extractor plays a larger role of this, but cannot say for sure. Also, special characters may be one of the reasons for it? Please see the thread on this that I just opened. You may want to look into this whether you may face the same situation?



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I've got many special characters like that, but I'm not seeing any time stamps which would indicate how long it spent trying to open that file.  It could be a long or very short time.

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I've got many special characters like that, but I'm not seeing any time stamps which would indicate how long it spent trying to open that file.  It could be a long or very short time.


I have also lots of french shows with special Characters and i also have lots of pictures...still stuck at 46.3% since my post a few hours ago

Edited by saitoh183
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There is a new Version of MBS rolling out. Have you tried this? Maybe it fixes is? Version 3.0.5582.2

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There is a new Version of MBS rolling out. Have you tried this? Maybe it fixes is? Version 3.0.5582.2


hangs at 43.5% still

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I completely took my Photos out and have been putting them back in, year by year.


Scans have been running through so far.


(famous last words)

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The "step-wise" approach has always been necessary for me when adding large libraries. Anyone any idea why adding step-wise works, while adding a large chunk of new movies/music/photos leads to the "stuck phenomenom"?

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Version 3.0.5582.2 doesn't seem to help here.  I have never added photos though, just scans of all artwork for music albums.  Still stalls at ~10.17 and then again at ~24.4% before it continues and finishes.  Scans run 25+ minutes now where as before they were just a few minutes before the big release.  I can live with it though, I just turn off real-time monitoring and refresh when I want because of the cpu usage now.  The price I pay for an old dual core processor I guess

Edited by FrostByte
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Version 3.0.5582.2 doesn't seem to help here.  I have never added photos though, just scans of all artwork for music albums.  Still stalls at ~10.17 and then again at ~24.4% before it continues and finishes.  Scans run 25+ minutes now where as before they were just a few minutes before the big release.  I can live with it though, I just turn off real-time monitoring and refresh when I want because of the cpu usage now.  The price I pay for an old dual core processor I guess


I removed my photos and restarted and scan completed. I will not put them back since i dont really need them there

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