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Library scan stuck


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I don't think Luke has released this change as a beta yet. I'm just collecting information at this point. The fact that it still happened even without plugins is great information although crappy for you.

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Well this is frustrating.  After updating to 5577.623 I am stuck again at 30.1%.

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Well this is frustrating. After updating to 5577.623 I am stuck again at 30.1%.

Can you also post the log file?

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Is this being looked at please? I have left my photos out for now just to prevent the problem. Happy to help with further logs as required.

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Is this being looked at please? I have left my photos out for now just to prevent the problem. Happy to help with further logs as required.

I think @@jabbera is looking at it, as he's been asking me to do stuff via PM etc.


I've taken my Photos out as well.

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I've made some changes and loaded a 25k photo library from flickr with no issues. I'm going to try a million next and see how it goes. CBers has narrowed it down to a single picture causing his issue so I'm going to see if there is anything specific about that image that is causing a problem. I have a full time job, wife, kids, and a life:-) I do this in my spare time so it doesn't happen quickly.

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@@jabbera - I don't think it is a single photo, that was just one it got stuck on as I have taken several folders out of my library to get the scan to complete.


It could well have been the next one in the process but isn't reported.

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@jaberra - I currently have ~32,000 photos across 382 folders and sub-folders currently in Emby.


So, that means I only have 2 photo folders, containing ~2,800 photos and 49 sub-folders, that for some reason won't scan completely - some will, some won't.


I'm going to set up my dev Emby system and just add those 2 photo folders into Emby and scan and see what happens.



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I am having an issue with library scan, it gets stuck at 69.4% and does not move. I have tried restarting the server and the machine to no avail. Here is the server log



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Ah - my library scan is stuck as well. I have no plugins on my server (running on WHS 2011), but I do have a photo library with 63,000 photos in 2,500+ folders.


Just tried removing the photo library, and now the scan will complete. Running on server version  3.0.5582.0

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version  3.0.5582.0. I see from the other thread that my photo library may be causing the issue. Just removed it, and the scan now completes.

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I'll spend some more time looking into this. It doesn't seem to be the imagemagick stuff. @@gcoupe can you post a complete log file please?

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@jaberra - I currently have ~32,000 photos across 382 folders and sub-folders currently in Emby.


So, that means I only have 2 photo folders, containing ~2,800 photos and 49 sub-folders, that for some reason won't scan completely - some will, some won't.



Since I have been running on beta for the last week or so, all was fine, but now that a new beta has been pushed out, it seems to have broken it all again.


5572 was working fine, but on 5582, the scan is hanging again!!


Any ideas?



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Add me to this problem as well. I updated this morning and my scan has been stuck. I do have my photo library as part of Emby. I have not tried removing it yet.

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Looking through that last log, I found some photos that were causing problems, so I've deleted them. This time, the scan sticks at 24.5%. Log is attached, but I can't see any problems with photos. Only the fact that the scan library task starts, but never finishes, until I abort the process by restarting the server...





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I removed my photos from Emby and now the scan completes.

That's always been the case for me.


Add them it stalls, delete them it works.


So what's changed between 5572 and 5582 that has affected my library?

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