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Question about Update v3.0.5518.7 on Windows Server with IIS

Go to solution Solved by Luke,

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Hi everyone

I tried to update my Media Browser Server to the newest Version v3.0.5518.7 from the previous stable version. But everytime it shows me the 404 error and tries to connect to my local inetpub directory (see the picture attached). Obviously in this path is no Media Browser installation so it fails to load the dashboard and all the other stuff. I tried a complete new installation and everything else, running as a service or direct as an application (the application is loading everytime normal, showing the splash Screen and so on), everytime the same error. I am running Windows Server 2012 R2 with the essentials role and of course i have Websites running on port 80/443 through IIS. I tried to stop these websites as well as IIS but it did not work. I can not imagine where the mistake could be, also every version of Media Browser since 2014 runs perfectly also with my configuration on this server. I hope you can give me a tip where my problem could be.



Read the release blog about changes to the url. If you're funneling through IIS you might need to reconfigure. 


thanks for your quick answer Luke!

I figured it out that it was a problem with the port mapping. In my older MB versions I had port 80 configured as the port which runs MB Webinterface, but the update does not allow this in coexistence to the IIS. Now that I changed this in the XML file to 8096 as the Standard port Media Browser is working normally now. But I am still sad that the newer and better version does not allow this Feature anymore to have MB on port 80 beside IIS. Is there a possibility to get back the old configuration on port 80 with the suffix /mediabrowser? Because this looks pretty much nicer with a normal http URL and on some Internet spots you can only access port 80/443. This would be a problem as well


That is incorrect. Nothing has changed regarding ports. Plenty of other users here are doing what you're doing


yea,  windows wont let two different applications use the same port.  So IIS and MediaBrowser couldn't have been both using port 80 on the same PC..  IIS would never have started...


we have never put anything in that would allow or disallow port 80 so i'm really not sure what to say there, sorry. i know there are people using port 8096 and then using IIS url rewriting, but I'm not sure what the setup procedure is for that.


That is incorrect. Nothing has changed regarding ports. Plenty of other users here are doing what you're doing


i do not know what you think is incorrect, i am sorry when i said something wrong. But in the previous stable release it was possible to run MB on Port 80 connecting to it via mydomain.com/mediabrowser and having IIS working on Port 80 as well. That's for sure! Running the old versions I can show you that :D




we have never put anything in that would allow or disallow port 80 so i'm really not sure what to say there, sorry. i know there are people using port 8096 and then using IIS url rewriting, but I'm not sure what the setup procedure is for that.


strange for me, but i want the update because i love the new Features! Thanks for the tip with URL Rewrite. I will try it out


its just TCP networking basics, normally two applications can not bind to the same port on the same IP.  Are you sure someone didn't setup a reverse proxy on your IIS for you and maybe you forgot?   :)  or your leaving something out...    you say "That's for sure! Running the old versions I can show you that "  show me because i'm a bit curious.


its just TCP networking basics, normally two applications can not bind to the same port on the same IP.  Are you sure someone didn't setup a reverse proxy on your IIS for you and maybe you forgot?   :)  or your leaving something out...    you say "That's for sure! Running the old versions I can show you that "  show me because i'm a bit curious.


i know that it is odd having two Services on the same port, but when i am writing "that's for sure" than it is for sure :D

i do not have forgotten to mention a Proxy (i even do not know how to setup this nor someone in my family does) or left something out. If you are really interested i can make a video of working old versions on that. i think during the weekend i have time for this, then i will post a link!

this whole discussion is quite interesting for me, because i thought that was a clever thing, built in by the MB Team to have a working MB beside IIS on port 80. But now i am recognizing that was never the case.

  • Solution

there might be some minor truth to this - for windows 8 and windows 2012 we were using the .net framework's built-in HttpListener, based on http.sys (same as IIS), which allows us to only reserve {Port}/mediabrowser instead of reserving the entire port.


Unfortunately we had to drop this and just go with our universal Socket-based implementation for a couple reasons, one being, the HttpListener has fallen behind feature-wise and we can't afford to wait for new versions of windows and the .net framework in order to catch up. And secondly, and most importantly, we improved the baseline implementation to the point where it is now better for our needs, and we just don't have the time and resources to allocate dev time for a custom implementation for certain versions of windows. 


Sorry, but as mentioned you can achieve the same thing with a proxy, just like everyone else on all the other operating systems are doing.

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huh...   I didnt know that was possible......  I still dont get how that would work... what if IIS had a directory /mediabrowser  how would http.sys sort that out?    Well sorry amarok, sounds like it could have been possible...    :huh:


huh...   I didnt know that was possible......  I still dont get how that would work... what if IIS had a directory /mediabrowser  how would http.sys sort that out?    Well sorry amarok, sounds like it could have been possible...    :huh:


well i have not tested that scenario so i can't say but i think it should fail. but i know that two applications could bind to two different sub-directories using this mechanism.

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