New guy question.
Everything seems to be working FreeNAS-11.0-U2 (e417d8aa5) and emby- But I don't understand what the Emby Dashboard info is telling me.
When I selected the the folders for Emby I used a media folder I had made and the jail that the Emby plugin made. The storage folders show as /mnt/FNAS/Media/Movies which is a folder I made
and /media/Movies which is in the emby_1 jail.
However, when I look to see where the metadata is being stored using the Server Dashboard it shows /var/db/emby-server/root/default/Movies
Now I cannot find that folder anywhere on the FreeNAS server.
Everything is setup to the defaults. So is the server actually able to access the metadata with that designation?
Is the data being saved? Or is this just pointing nowhere?
Extra Question: I know I should do a different post. If the answer is long I will do so. Just let me know.
If I need to reinstall FreeNAS can I get emby to reuse the jail that already exists or must I allow it to use a new jail.