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  1. Since the latest update we have been unable to stream live OTA channels to our ROKU devices. The only change has been the update to EMBY. Our OTA is streamed through a HDHomerun Extend which has worked fine for years. The Roku simply shows the spinner as if the show were starting then doesn't actually start. The spinner continues to look as though it were buffering or something, stops for a second or two and you think the show is about to start but then it starts spinning again and never starts. To complicate matters the same thing is happening when I try to play a Live TV stream over the network to another PC in the house which I've never had a problem with. It fails outright on the pc the spinner doesn't keep starting over it just fails and kicks me out to the guide. Again to complicate things further when I try to stream to my iphone it plays just fine. This happens both through the house network and remote network. So something is preventing playback just to the Roku and PC devices in the house network. I am running the server on a linux box, headless. I only get on it when I have to do an update. I run Arch linux, so I will need to make sure there hasn't been some other update that broke anything on the system but I've never had a problem with this since converting to Arch on my server in roughly five or so years so I don't think I will find any issues there but I will verify that when I get the chance. The pc I am trying to view live tv on is also a linux machine running Arch. I normally maintain my server setup from this other unit and have no issues but since the last update live tv is now dead... The thing is if there were something strange going on with permissions or something then I would think I couldn't stream to the iphone as well as the pc's and ROKU's but that isn't the case. So I believe the server PC is operating fine and there is a change to the EMBY server app that is causing the problem... Recorded TV and the movie library stream fine. This is only happening with Live TV... I have attached the logs. The last four attempts at play back are a failed playback to a ROKU device, failed playback to PC, successful playback to iphone both local network and remote. I hope I get feedback as it stopped entirely on another thread I had interjected myself into as I am not the only one with playback issues on ROKU since the new update... Honestly, if it were just me I wouldn't know it wasn't streaming live tv I almost never watch it. However, my wife watches it daily, DAILY. In the morning getting ready for work. In the evenings for local news, occasionally other shows she likes available OTA. So you can imagine how often I am being asked if there is any progress on this... Please help if you can. embyserver.txt ffmpeg-transcode-27ff977d-0d5c-48ce-ac6c-b2b5fe0d20d0_1.txt
  2. Hi, I'm a long time follower and supporter of Mediabrower and now emby. All the way back to early beta versions of Mediabrowser for WMC. I have to say that the project has evolved exponentially and I love what you guys are doing with it. Great work!! Now to my issues. Recently I decided to move my emby Server away from Wintel Server to a dedicated box (NUC) running on i5 with what I think is enough grunt to transcode to multiple devices. Cutting a long story short, I have not been successful in playing content via Android ,Roku 3, Nexus Player, DLNA or Web Clients. It does not apply to all files however vast majority of my mkvs. I suspect that this is to do with transcoding as my external players are just fine. ie. BSPlayer, KODI, etc. There is a lot going on in the log file but this particular one make me thing it's something to do with ffmpeg. "FFMpeg exited with code 138" For example when I play an MKV in Android emby it will launch the internal player however I end up with error; "Playback error: there was an error processing the request. Please try again later" On the other hand, I can play the same content in external player. still redirected by emby I would greatly appreciate if someone had some wisdom to share. cheers. Server Log.txt Transcode Log.txt
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