Emby is not loading anything for me but the black background. Does work in MS Edge
Chrome Console output:
[Deprecation] document.registerElement is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use window.customElements.define instead. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/4642138092470272 for more details.
(anonymous) @ paper-icon-button-light.js?v=
bower_components/emby-webcomponents/fullscreen/fullscreen-doubleclick.js?v= Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
alameda.js?v= Uncaught (in promise) Error: Load failed: bower_components/emby-webcomponents/fullscreen/fullscreen-doubleclick:
at HTMLScriptElement.<anonymous> (alameda.js?v=
notifications.js?v= [Deprecation] The Notification API may no longer be used from insecure origins. You should consider switching your application to a secure origin, such as HTTPS. See https://goo.gl/rStTGz for more details.
Running Windows 10 Home, Chrome: 70.0.3538.110, Emby:
Running this old of a version because FreeNAS hasn't gotten a new update yet in the Plugin Libary