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Script: Dump Playlist Files to Folder, Embed Artwork


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For those which dont embed artwork in their music library...


My Car, when playing from usb,  requires artwork to be embedded and emby's in built 'Download To' functionality is a bit schizophrenic on this



There are a few paths in the config

The [emby formatted xml] playlist, The output folder, A default image if none is present.

The script will look for a folder.jpg or a folder.png in the tracks folder, or default to template image in the config.

A [max] artwork setting setting ensures artwork is scaled down if required by the end device, and embedded artwork format is changed to jpg


prerequisities: install and run with powershell 7+

Currently only works for mp3/flac music with jpg/png images... probably could be made to work for any other, ffmpeg allowing.


edit: updated to use metadata from ffprobe in filename output


if there is a need for it could source artwork from emby api rather than direct for filesystem.

EmbedArtworkinPlaylist v0.0.0.5.zip

Edited by ginjaninja
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updated to include an artwork size, oversized artwork scaled to the dimensions....(my car doesnt support artwork greater than 1500x1500, and browsing performance is  better in album view with smaller artwork)



v0.0.0.4 : added max artwork size setting and ensured artwork was formated as jpg (png uses too much memory on my car)

Edited by ginjaninja
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