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Streaming to Xbox One DLNA got worse?

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So I used to stream to the Xbox One Video app through DLNA and that worked most of the time and the quality was great (I always had transcode at best quality).  Then the web based video player started working better than before so I stopped using DLNA for a while.  Now with the new Server release and improvements in DLNA I decided to go try it again.  It works as far as playing the movie but now I notice they have heavy artifacts.  I double checked my transcode settings and they are still set to best quality.  If I play the same movie in the browser it looks great.


Is there a new setting I don't know about or is this just something that might've inadvertently taken a step back?


Their is a max streaming bitrate in dlna now, although if your hard wired i dont think that would be an issue.


Yes it would be. the setting always applies. so start with that.


This is what I've had it set to.



Posted (edited)

Its under dlna in the xbox one profile under playback settings.


I would personally be surprised if your hard wired if its an issue with the max bitrate, but its worth a try, i have played to over dlna very high bitrate content over even wireless and been able to and have not came across content that cannot be handled by a hard wired connection, of course xbox dlna implementation might have its own issues so as luke said its worth a try. 


What kind of artifacts are you seeing?

And what kind of content are you trying to play? 1:1 blu ray mkv rips, mp4's? ect...

Edited by Ghostm
Posted (edited)

Its under dlna in the xbox one profile under playback settings.


I would personally be surprised if your hard wired if its an issue with the max bitrate, but its worth a try, i have played to over dlna very high bitrate content over even wireless and been able to and have not came across content that cannot be handled by a hard wired connection, of course xbox dlna implementation might have its own issues so as luke said its worth a try. 


What kind of artifacts are you seeing?


And what kind of content are you trying to play? 1:1 blu ray mkv rips, mp4's? ect...

Ahh!  OK, mine is set to 8000000.


I'm not wired but I haven't had problems in the past streaming direct (or close to it) and like I mentioned if I use Xbox's IE it streams at the highest rate (checked through the options while the movie is playing).


The artifacts I'm seeing are compression artifacts.


The content is mostly mp4's but I watch some mkv's also.  

Edited by Ironman273
Posted (edited)

Something strange going on with the xbox profiles, i noticed the same thing you did on my 360. 


Playing around for whatever reason i clicked on default profile then hit save, for whatever reason the 360  started calling up the generic default profile.


And video played fine.


As soon as i got rid of the generic default profile and it used the 360 profile again the macro blocking started. 


I played around with the video conditions and such in the 360 profile but this is getting a bit over my head and removing them seemed to do nothing. The bitrate stettings in the generic and xbox 360 appear to be identical. 

Edited by Ghostm

So i guess for now click on the default profile and hit save, see if that works for the xbox one, it did for me anyway with mp4's as the macroblocking disappeared. 


Ok well i dont know if its an ffmpeg transcoding problem to wmv or what, i dont know what ramifications it would have on xbox profiles either as i dont use my xbox for watching video.


To fix the issue i used the generic/default transcoding information instead.


If you go to the xbox one or 360 profile click on transcoding then in video change the information to what you see in the default profile. 


The xbox profiles seem to transcode to asf and wmv2 and the generic profile uses transport stream (ts), h264. and, aac for audio codec, it seems to playback fine using that. 


see my comments in the thread about the xbox 360. it's probably the same issue.

Posted (edited)

I think mine is calling up the xbox profile, im checking my logs, to do this i removed the generic profile, unless theirs more to it i dont see or understand. 


2014-08-17 18:47:18.6066 Debug - Dlna: Xbox 360 - Received PlayRequest: PlayNow
2014-08-17 18:47:18.6316 Debug - Dlna: Found matching device profile: Xbox 360
2014-08-17 18:47:18.6336 Debug - Dlna: Xbox 360 - Playlist created
2014-08-17 18:47:18.6336 Debug - Dlna: Xbox 360 - Playing 1 items
2014-08-17 18:47:18.6336 Debug - Dlna: Xbox 360 
I really think it maybe a transcoding issue to wmv2, as soon as i made it transcode from wmv2, asf, to then use ts, h264, and aac it played fine without any macroblocking. As soon as i removed it and entered the default 360 transcoding information again the macroblocking started again. 
I honestly have no idea what formats xbox can play though, i just stumbled on this by chance. 
Edited by Ghostm

Maybe it can handle some ts with h264 but other apps are defaulting to wmv just like we are. Probable for good reason


Just incase ironman wants to test here is where i changed the transcoding information in the default xbox profile, but as luke refers to, might be a reason the default profile was using asf, and wmv2 for xbox, you will have to test and see if you encounter any issues.


This is what i entered under transcoding video to fix the macroblocking for me anyway.




I should also mention trying to play some highbitrate mkv's i would get playback error prior on the 360, since changing the transcoding information they all play now, i suppose this will require alot of testing though. I dont have many varied filetypes. And never use my 360.


I'm afraid this might be a little over my head.  I will probably just wait for the server to get updated and keep using the web browser to play files.  Then again, there's that "media payer" update coming to the xbox one also so I don't know what that'll change.

Posted (edited)

Yea i read about that, looks like alot of new format types will be supported.


Its pretty simple though if you would want to try it, just go to dlna in the server, click on xbox one profile, then transcoding and enter the letters/words in my picture in the slim box in the foreground (ts,h264,aac).


You can delete the profile whenever you want, i often just delete profiles i make when the pre made ones are fixed and no harm done, those pre made ones are always present and cant be ruined. They are never affected.

Edited by Ghostm

yea but you can go into a pre-made profile, edit, click save, and a new custom one will be created in it's place. then the custom one will take priority.


it is generally better to report improvements that you make though so that they can get incorporated into the pre-made profiles.

Posted (edited)

 I can definately report the improvement for myself  changing those transcoding settings described above but I also have limited filetypes, it would be hard for me to say this is not going to break something for someone else.


Although he also said it used to work great for him (minus the macroblocking) and i dont know what the previous profiles included either, if they changed recently, if this is a bigger issue....ect..


Changing the transcoding from asf,wmv2,wmv2, to ts,h264,aac i can report works great for me in the profile anyway. 


I can upload my profile if required. 

Edited by Ghostm
Posted (edited)

I just noticed for instance one file for whatever reason with my changes stutters and stops, most play great, so i deleted my custom profile and used the original premade one it played the problematic file back fine (with lots of macroblocking). While my other files stopped working again.



The xbox is going to be a really tricky one, whenever i upgrade to a new console (hopefully in the next few months) i can definately donate this one to luke, but until then i am worried about messing with the xbox as it seems to have alot of caveats. 

Edited by Ghostm
Posted (edited)

I decided to give plex a try, it does play all formats throughout my library, and looks exactly the same as the mb3 profile, i cant understand why some higher bitrate mkv blu ray rips wont play over dlna using the default mb3 xbox profile, yet they play on plex when the profiles look very similar.


Their also was no macroblocking over plex, however alot of stutter and audio sync issues. 


Im comparing the profiles anyway just to see why some files wont play using mb3 profile, and they do on plex, yet i cant spot any differences, might take a better eye then me to figure that out. 

Edited by Ghostm

I decided to give plex a try, it does play all formats throughout my library, and looks exactly the same as the mb3 profile, i cant understand why some higher bitrate mkv blu ray rips wont play over dlna using the default mb3 xbox profile, yet they play on plex when the profiles look very similar.


Their also was no macroblocking over plex, however alot of stutter and audio sync issues. 


Im comparing the profiles anyway just to see why some files wont play using mb3 profile, and they do on plex, yet i cant spot any differences, might take a better eye then me to figure that out. 



compare the transcoding command lines

Posted (edited)

By transcoding command lines i assume you mean in the xml comparing the transcoding targets? 


If so that looks identical, they are transcoding everything to wmv2 for video, wmav2 for audio, and asf for container and thats the same on mb3.


The only difference i can think of is ones using the dlna server and ones using play to. I went through both xml's and values and file types look the same. 


To use the 360 profile instead of directv all i did was edit it (changed transcode music bitrate setting in the 360 profile) and it created the custom profile and then began to use that.  


I removed that and as mentioned then it called up the directv profile, but with the directv one i was actually was having a very high success rate playing all files back. 


Maybe i should just wait for the upnp properties you mentioned in the other thread to be fixed. Still strange when i edited the 360 profile slightly it appears to  call it up....but then  i am having issues with certain file types despite the profile looking exactly the same as plex. I could be going in circles here if the upnp properties are added and it fixes my issues. 


I do wonder regarding the macroblocking if that is fixable, plex does not display it but does display more stuttering and audio sync issues instead on the xbox, maybe different outcomes of the same issue with xbox's. Although he said the picture quality used to be very good. I cant get quality playback in either mb3 or plex which makes me wonder if its a xbox dlna issue. 

Edited by Ghostm

I am having this issue on my Xbox One also. I tried the settings that Ghost mentioned on the other page and that hasn't worked either. I am part of the Xbox Preview Program and I just got an update that makes it so that it supports MKV and a bunch of other formats.. how do I turn off transcoding all together and make it just push the video.. I say push because I use the Android app to select the video and play it to the Xbox.


You have to add those new formats to the DLNA Xbox One profile.

Posted (edited)

I am having this issue on my Xbox One also. I tried the settings that Ghost mentioned on the other page and that hasn't worked either. I am part of the Xbox Preview Program and I just got an update that makes it so that it supports MKV and a bunch of other formats.. how do I turn off transcoding all together and make it just push the video.. I say push because I use the Android app to select the video and play it to the Xbox.


Yea as happy2play mentioned you have to add those formats under direct play, if you know formats xbox one can support ahead of most of the general public it would be a good idea to share it as well so others can take advantage.


I really dont know why its showing macroblocking on the 360 using the default profile. Its pretty bad but i have no point of reference other then ironman saying it used to be good quality. A comment in the roku by radeon mentioned having issues with mp4 and macroblocking so i dont know if it could be a global mb3 issue or not?


I tried plex and the profile as far as i can tell is the same as the 360 and while it doesnt have macroblocking it has some stuttering and audio sync issues with files i tried.


I still have no idea why certain files play on plex over dlna to 360 and i cant get some to work over mb3, the profiles as far as i can tell are identical. 

Edited by Ghostm

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