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There are a couple of artists that do not show their MB data. Why can that be? For most artists with Info this works perfectly..537537949_Screenshot2020-08-27at14_53_36.thumb.png.645aff8389f0502b6de6b93e49fcadca.png1775705976_Screenshot2020-08-27at14_53_58.png.1bcf95d9576af8beef02c3334f5cbdd0.png




Yes, but it doesn't do much. I tried searching for name and MBID but the search results stay empty both ways.

Thanks for the input so far! Its not a major issue, just something that made me wonder.


Can you please attach the server log? thanks.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Did anyone maybe have a look at this? Did I post the right file?

I also discovered that the priority of fetching metadata does not work as expected, even when musicbrainz has the highest priority and available info emby seems to pull from AudioDb.. That goes for pictures and Info.

I asked myself if Emby isn't pulling metadata in another language than the preferred one.. That would explain some missing data, but not all of it.

EDIT : And how is the Identify Option supposed to work? Even if I paste name and muscibrainz link the next window stays absolutely empty.

Edited by CathMowr

Ok just did a quick test

1 with identity - just put in the name - and rockers hi-fi was pulled up as first result along with loads of others - so it does work

2. occasionally people get issues with trying to access external resources in emby - so..

2.1 restart your emby server - then go and try and identify the artist and do a full refresh with replace all if identify still fails - then post the log again as it will be small and contain the attempts to MB and Audiodb - much easier to search and see if you have errors - oh and make sure you have the debug option enabled (needs a reboot to be active after you enable it which you are going to do anyway)

3.Dont put the log into a rtf file leave it as a txt file!!!!

With regard to the overview of the artist

4 IIRC the metadata - overview etc comes only from AudioDB - and for Rockers Hi-Fi - there is almost nothing on AudioDB to do with this band hence why i think you are not getting an overview etc - check you other artists that dont/do have overviews on audio db to see what you are getting or not etc



1 - I didn't get any search results. Do I need to activate something specific? I tried this with multiple artist, put in their names, their IDs, don't get anything.

2. I put in debug mode, restarted several times, made a general refresh of all artists and multiple ones for the specific ones I was trying to update. Nothing.

To work with examples that have some more data on theAudioDB i tried it with "Yung Hurn" and "Def Ill". With the first one I still get shown the old overview that I updated a couple of hours ago. With the other one I get shown nothing, even if I updated the data, also a couple of hours ago.

3. Sorry, I wasn't sure how this works. I expected Emby to download a file to my folder and didn't know the expexted file format, thats why I asked. I put a .txt file into the attachments of this post.


Posted (edited)

Since you are on a Synology the "TrustFailure" is a known issue in stable  There are dozens of topics in the Synology forum section.

You will need to install the beta version or wait awhile for a future stable release.



Edited by Happy2Play
  • Like 1

yep your server has issues with numerous errors in the log

re trust failures - ssl

which is stopping musicbrainz lookups amongst other things


As you are using a synology with mono - i would go to the synology sub form here and look for similar posts to do with trust failure there have been some recently

also you might be able to upgrade to the x64 package now and get rid of mono etc etc - which will improve things to a degree etc - and you should benefit from a speed increase - IF you Nas is compatible

@Happy2Play can you move this thread to synology forum please


Ok, now that I (kind of) know what mono is some new questions pop up but anyways, another time...

I am a little bit on the fence with the beta update but since I do not want to crash anything and I do not know how to find out if it will work with my NAS? How to find out?

Funny enough I turned off my VPN and the aforementioned artists loaded their info and new pics, but other artists are doing weird stuff now. Rockers Hi-Fi are now there two times, one time as a "Hi Fi" version and one time as a "Hi-Fi" version. Emby seems to get confused with MBs relationship system where you can merge different (unofficial) spellings under one official spelling. The strange thing is that this was never a problem until... I tried if disconnecting my VPN would change anything.

I then tried something else because you said Emby pulls the artist info just from audioDB. I pasted the Audio DB link to the artists, fetched metadata. Nothing came up. I also pasted the MB ID and fetched. Boom. Everything there.

Ill attach my log, maybe someone can make sense of all this. I cannot.




Beta is fine - its the same for all OS variations and .25 is working well - no saying you cant have issues but high probability you won't especially if you can move away from the mono version

search the Syno sub forum for your NAs version to see what comes up re beta etc - what is your NAS?

Ok yes a VPN will cause issues - sounds like you need to configure it so emby can see MB etc

As for dual Rocker Hi-Fi vs Hi Fi - thats 99.9% your data - one track or more has a diff MB reference and/or the atrist(s) field has the diff spelling - and when you correct that in emby and/or the file metadata it usually fixes it - but sometimes you need to remove the albums affected - lib scan - then add back to fix it. - So in your control.

As for the audiobd comment - audiodb matches on MB ids to find the artist on initial lookup - so if they match then audiodb finds the Atrist etc - so that will be why

Posted (edited)

I will try to find the correct version for my DS218!

Its interesting because up until now I had no problems running the VPN while running Emby.. Strange that its making problems now with the fetching.

Concerning the two names - that was no problem until now. You are completely right in thinking that it must be two different IDs, thats the wonderful thing about MB. They have a system where every spelling of an artist gets its own ID but gets collected under one official spelling ID.

EDIT : What I just saw now - Some of those double artists that show up now have no connection to a record, or none that I can see. What to do with that?

EDIT 2 : On the Rockers Hi-Fi example - Both MBIDs shown in Emby lead to the same artist "Rockers Hi-Fi" but Emby makes two different artists out of them..

EDIT 3 : I checked the Artist MBID on all 3 Tracks via MBP. All the same. Confusion.

On the side : From what I saw up until now is that MB put up a really really nice system for their data and handles it really responsibly. People on that website really take their editing jobs seriously, its CC afaik and you won’t run into unverified stuff. If its there it’s usually fine. Plus there is A LOT of data on there. I see the necessity of fetching flashy logos/backdrops from AudioDB but personally I would reduce the data you get from it as far as I can. This website looks sketchy as hell to me.

Anyways, thanks for all the help guys and girls, I will try out those things and keep you up to date!


Edited by CathMowr


i have seen it where you correct the mbzid and the dup still shows - to fix that usually - remove the albums/songs for that artist - get all of them - run a lib scan - it should remove them both - then add them back BUT dont add back the nfo's as the dup will come back just the songs and images. This assumes you corrected the tags in the songs inline with above :)



1. I updated to the 4.5 beta, worked great!

2. After updating I rescanned the whole library and everything went back to normal. The duplicates disappeared except for one as far as i have seen. The artist is "Roni Size / Reprazent".. Now I have a Roni Size, another Roni Size and Reprazent. I checked for the IDs in the ID3Tags of the files but they all add up. Roni Size links to Roni Size on one profile, the other Roni Size links to the MB Profile of "Roni Size / Reprazent" as does the Reprazent artist profile on Emby. Is it possible that Emby can't handle the slash and somehow splits this artist in the UI while the tags say its one? I think I kind of read somewhere here on the forums that Emby has problems with artists like this, i think the example i read about was "AC/DC"..

3. When i try to solve a problem with wrong metadata I always erase everything in the folder, rewrite the ID3 tags and copy the files back into the folder so Emby can make a correct .nfo file for them. This should work, shouldn't it?


AC/DC and another i cant remember are treated internally as a special case - which works i just use AC-DC

try changing the "Roni Size / Reprazent" to "Roni Size-Reprazent" or similar and do the remove change add dance to see if that solves it


I tried changing it manually to "Roni Size & Reprazent" in the tagger now and put it in a test library. Funny enough this library just shows "Roni Size" now. I am a bit hesitant to change it on MB because a) at least one other editor would try to burn me alive for changing something that is technically right and b) the edit would take a week to apply.

Another thing is.. When the information in the ID3 Tag doesn't add up with the entry on MB Emby will just show nothing? I changed the artist names to something ridcolous just for a quick test and this is what emby shows now..767466065_Screenshot2020-09-12at13_42_40.thumb.png.244fb01aef75bbb3ff559f090db1901c.png


no need to change on MBz just in your tags for the songs

not sure what you are trying to do with the second thing?

8 minutes ago, PenkethBoy said:

no need to change on MBz just in your tags for the songs

That's what i meant by manually. If I just change it locally via MBP I get what you see up there. I left all MB IDs as they were, since they were correct. I just changed every field with "Roni Size / Reprazent" to "Roni Size & Reprazent".. And then this weird screen happens.

Btw. the Identify feature now works if i look stuff up by name, MBID but not by AudioDB ID. Information gets pulled from AudioDB but it takes some time it seems. Things I put up there yesterday or so are now in Emby, but when i add something, save it, and instantly try to fetch it via Emby it doesn't show up immediatly.


providers can be rate limited and emby will add a delay to stop users swamping the providers - at the providers request

but not seen any delay on audiodb -before - unless its having a problem today

generally i never use the identify option as dont have the need


I recognized the delay since I started editing articles on AudioDB a couple of days ago..

I also never used the identify option up until the point where Luke recommended it.

May I ask what software you use to edit your tags? 

Posted (edited)

if i get a new album - i use Picard to get the mbz tags

then i amend in MP3Tag - usually Genre as Mbz is not good with that - correct the year etc and check for dodgy Mbz ids etc etc

remember to use ALT+T to get the extended tag dialog in Mp3Tag - much easier to batch edit in MP3Tag - picard is a means to an end - you can get the mbz tags via Mp3Tag as well as discogs etc if you want - more features in Mp3Tag - but Picard integrates with MBz better for me.

Then i convert the songs to mp3 as flac files are way to big for little to no benefit for me

As for audiodb and other metadata providers generally - there will be a delay 24hrs at least or more for edits to be seen in Emby - as the api's cache the data and only update periodically

Edited by PenkethBoy

Thanks for the advice!

I cannot make this artist thing work, neither with MBP nor with MP3 Tag, so It seems I will have to live with 2 Roni Sizes in my Database. 😥

I will have a look tomorrow if the artists update!


if you want - upload the album somewhere and give me a link (via PM) and i will test my end - its usually something simple

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