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Few questions | New to emby


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Hello everyone
I used plex for quite a while now, but want to switch to a different solution and emby looks really promising.
Does emby work completely offline after install ? I already read that it requires to validate your subscription every few weeks but besides that?
Like on plex i had the problem when i disconnect my Router from the internet, the menu (mainly the pictures from actores and covers) vanish or are displayed wrong. 
So are the artworks and covers stored localy or accessed everytime through the internet.
Is the subscription server or client based? So if i buy lifetime for my emby account does everyone on the server (all offline accounts) can use the pro features or only I when i watch via my account?
Thanks for reading :)

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17 minutes ago, Pommes said:

Is the subscription server or client based?

Premiere is Server based and standard license covers 25 devices.  Emby does require validation but should be cached for about a week so offline should work for about that long.  As for images the majority of images will be saved with media or in a central location depending on your settings.  I believe the only online links will be People as they are only download when you enter their details page.  So you could have empty cast and crew placeholders in a offline instance.

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Hi thanks, just installed emby, is there a way that actores and images are permanently saved?
Btw would it be possible just to disable deleting rights on the cache folders where the images are saved?
Thx :)

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that actores and images are permanently saved?

hi, they are permanently saved. Why do you think they're not?

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