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I recently downloaded Plex to see what it looks like nowadays and I was impressed with how it manages libraries.


I root user can have access to all the libraries. However, the home screen can show only the pinned libraries. This is great!


I want to havre access to three or four main libraries and hide the rest of the libraries. At the same time I can search for content from all of the libraries and if needed quickly access them.


Can this be done with Emby?

  • Like 1

Hi, no, but you could always take My Media off the home screen and then just use the side menu to access libraries.


I would really like to see this feature or something similar. I need to have access to a number of libraries from time to time but I don't need them cluttering up my home screen as I primarily use Movie and TV Shows folders. The current approach is rather black and white.


More options are possible for the future. Thanks.


A few years ago I switched to Emby from Plex because I was dissatisfied with media libraries cluttering up my main user interface and not letting managed users to delete content.


Today, Emby's home screen and navigation is a lot slower compared to Plex pinned libraries features. I will probably switch back to Plex for the time being until Emby will get a better (more manageable and cleaner) home screen interface. 


Don't you want a personal media server?

Posted (edited)

I really do. I have not followed Plex in while. Is there some serious privacy issues? What is the latest status?


My Emby home screen has 16 libraries that I have to navigate. Plex has three libraries pinned and 13 more available on demand. Current Plex is simpler to navigate. 


Edit: Actually, changing Emby Home screen setting to small icons makes things better. But there is no way to trigger scan library when the small icons are enabled.

Edited by slyfox
  • Like 1

I simply created a separate Admin account for when I want to access all content. I have my regular account where I don't have to see all the clutter that is irrelevant to me. Perhaps this would work for you?


I would really like to see this feature or something similar. I need to have access to a number of libraries from time to time but I don't need them cluttering up my home screen as I primarily use Movie and TV Shows folders. The current approach is rather black and white.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Technically there is a hack to the users config.xml to hide libraries from My Media by adding the libraries string to <MyMediaExcludes> from <OrderedViews>.

You just have to go into each library to see the ParentID.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<UserConfiguration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
  <AudioLanguagePreference />
  <SubtitleLanguagePreference />
  <GroupedFolders />
  <LatestItemsExcludes />

But at the same time it will affect all the additional rows like Next Up, Continue Watching depending on what is actually hidden, but everything is still searchable.  


Note just navigating to user preference Home Screen will adjust/rest these options.  Only did a quick test.  You have to adjust the config.xml with the server offline.


Luke would need to expose/add "Display on home screen" to each library on Home Screen settings, just like the option that already exist for example Collections and Playlists.

Edited by Happy2Play
  • Like 1

I simply created a separate Admin account for when I want to access all content. I have my regular account where I don't have to see all the clutter that is irrelevant to me. Perhaps this would work for you?




That would not work. I think Plex nailed it.


I primarily want to have access to Movie, TV, Shows, Russian Movies, Documentaries.


From time to time, I want to watch something from TV Nature or Animation or WWII Libraries...


With Plex, I can "pin" my main libraries and have them at front to easily navigate. At the same time I have easy access to other libraries if I need to. This way, I can keep track of played/unplayed in my account.


Emby brings everything to the Homescreen. Four to five libraries are ok. But when you have about 16, it becomes cluttered.

  • Like 1

I agree, I think this would be a really useful feature. I want access to all my libraries but I don’t want to see them in the home screen. In the web client this is straight forward as you have the menu on the left. On apps like android it’s going to be more complicated. Perhaps a catch all “all remaining libraries” button at the end of the row?

  • Like 1

I agree, I think this would be a really useful feature. I want access to all my libraries but I don’t want to see them in the home screen. In the web client this is straight forward as you have the menu on the left. On apps like android it’s going to be more complicated. Perhaps a catch all “all remaining libraries” button at the end of the row?


Yeah, one relatively easy option here would be a customizable display limit with a "more..." button.  So, you could sort your easy access ones to the front and tell it to only show x of them.

  • Like 2
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Please prioritize this feature. Over the past several weeks I have been very jealous of how well Plex implements the concept of pinned libraries. Just copy the view to embed with Favourites or Starred libraries. 


I have two primary libraries that I watch often: Movie and TV as well as ten more that I access from time to time. I really don't want the clutter of 12 libraries on my home screen.



Edited by slyfox
  • 2 years later...

hi, sorry for the bump, but thought it more appropriate to post here than create a new thread.

is this still a function that isn't natively possible to do?

I have a library that contains test files (for testing playing and colour accuracy etc), but don't necessarily want it listed as an icon on the homescreen within the "MyMedia" section. is it not possible to have this not displayed?


Go to settings, users, select user, library access.


i don't want to block access to the library though, just not list it on the homescreen "MyMedia" row.
will that setting not block access completely?

3 hours ago, chenks said:

i don't want to block access to the library though, just not list it on the homescreen "MyMedia" row.
will that setting not block access completely?

Yes it will.


ok that's not going to work for me then.
I just don't want it listed as a library on the home dashboard.

  • Like 1
11 minutes ago, chenks said:

I just don't want it listed as a library on the home dashboard.

Hi.  How would you access it?

Posted (edited)

via the sidebar?

I guess my angle is that i'm trying to completely move over from plex to emby due to plex starting to not do the basics very well any more (ie local playback), and in the plex enviroment you can have libraries that aren't necessarily pinned to the home "dashboard", but are still accessilble from other parts of the app.

in emby i see that the library is shown on both the homescreen and in the sidebar. in plex i can set it that a library is not shown on the homescreen but is still accessible if you manually browse to it from elsewhere (ie the sidebar)

i'm not trying to block access to the library, just now have it shown in the MyMedia row, much in the same way that i can set "Collections" to not show in the MyMedia row, but Collections are still accessible elsewhere.

Edited by chenks
7 minutes ago, chenks said:

via the sidebar?

Okay, right now, the sidebar is just the same libraries you defined that you wanted to see in My Media.


ok, but you get what i'm trying to do and the reason for it?
but emby, at the moment doesn't facilitate this.

i was guessing that it might have been the same or similar process as removing Collections from the MyMedia row.


You can remove the whole My Media section if that's what you want to do.


no i don't want to remove the whole MyMedia section, just be able to have granular control over what is listed in it.

but Emby can't do that, so it seems i may have to find a workaround or another solution to achieve it.


Ok I would expect more control over this in future updates. Thanks.

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