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Movie ratings in Sweden


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These are the metadata ratings used in Emby when having localisation Sweden in dashboard for metadata.
These reflect the offical law in Sweden 2010:1882. https://www.riksdagen.se/sv/dokument-lagar/dokument/svensk-forfattningssamling/lag-20101882-om-aldersgranser-for-film-som-ska_sfs-2010-1882
I have tried to find official rating guidelines about series but I have not found anything.


It would be great if that could be handled.

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Thanks for adding it.

I just tried the feature by using Version 4.4.24 beta and there is something wrong. When enabling any Swedish parental rating setting for a user then all movies with a SE-x rating is gone for that user. For example, if I set SE-15 for a user then only movies that has missing Swedish rating like PG, PG-13 and so on is left, nothing with SE-x rating. Something is wrong with the mapping here.

How can I help?  :)

Do I need to do a rescan or something before this will start to work?


SE-btl means allowed for everyone.

SE-7, SE-11 or SE-15 means from 7, 11 or 15 years old.

This is the official way of rating movies in cinemas in Sweden according to law 2010:1882. It is also reflected from the metadata source Emby is using when choosing Sweden as wanted metadata.

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They do. They majority have SE-x rating assigned after I did a scan with replace all metadata. A bunch still has PG, PG-13 and so on.

All series/TV has other formats. The American way I guess.

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