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  1. First crack at this... using powershell for now since it's my native language. Attempting to create a composite movie rating leveraging the standard set of ratings sources, while adding weighting measures to various community ratings. Definitely some more conditions and logic will be needed for scenarios where subsets of ratings sources are available, but the weighting math should hopefully mitigate a chunk of that. Feedback welcome! $moviename = "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" $rtaudiencerating = 95 $rtaudiencecount = 645107 $rtcriticrating = 98 $rtcriticcount = 82 $tmdbrating = 7.8 $tmdbcount = 5028 $traktrating = 8.3 $traktcount = 11089 $metacriticrating = 91 $imdbrating = 8.2 $imdbcount = 547137 $ratings = @{} $null = $ratings.Add('tomatometerallaudience',@{'MaxValue'=100;'rating'=$rtaudiencerating;'weight'=10;'votecount'=$rtaudiencecount } ) $null = $ratings.Add('tomatometerallcritics',@{'MaxValue'=100;'rating'=$rtcriticrating;'weight'=10;'votecount'=$rtcriticcount} ) $null = $ratings.Add('themoviedb',@{'MaxValue'=10;'rating'=$tmdbrating;'weight'=20;'votecount'=$tmdbcount} ) $null = $ratings.Add('trakt',@{'MaxValue'=10;'rating'=$traktrating;'weight'=20;'votecount'=$traktcount} ) $null = $ratings.Add('metacritic',@{'MaxValue'=100;'rating'=$metacriticrating;'weight'=20;'votecount'=0} ) $null = $ratings.Add('imdb',@{'MaxValue'=10;'rating'=$imdbrating;'weight'=20;'votecount'=$imdbcount} ) $community = @{} $totalcommunityvotes = $ratings['imdb'].votecount + $ratings['trakt'].votecount + $ratings['themoviedb'].votecount + $ratings['tomatometerallaudience'].votecount $imdbpercentvotes = [math]::Round( $ratings['imdb'].votecount / $totalcommunityvotes,3) $traktpercentvotes = [math]::Round( $ratings['trakt'].votecount / $totalcommunityvotes,3) $tmdbpercentvotes = [math]::Round( $ratings['themoviedb'].votecount / $totalcommunityvotes,3) $rtpercentvotes = [math]::Round( $ratings['tomatometerallaudience'].votecount / $totalcommunityvotes,3) $communitysum = $imdbpercentvotes + $traktpercentvotes + $tmdbpercentvotes + $rtpercentvotes if ( $communitysum -gt 1 ) { $rtpercentvotes = $rtpercentvotes - ($communitysum - 1) } elseif ( $communitysum -lt 1 ) { $imdbpercentvotes = $imdbpercentvotes + (1 - $communitysum) } $adjtraktcount = 1; if ( $traktpercentvotes -eq 0 -and $ratings['trakt'].votecount -ne 0 ) { $adjtraktcount = 100 } elseif ( $traktpercentvotes -lt 0.002 ) { $adjtraktcount = 100 } elseif ( $traktpercentvotes -lt 0.004 ) { $adjtraktcount = 80 } elseif ( $traktpercentvotes -lt 0.006 ) { $adjtraktcount = 60 } elseif ( $traktpercentvotes -lt 0.008 ) { $adjtraktcount = 50 } elseif ( $traktpercentvotes -lt 0.010 ) { $adjtraktcount = 30 } elseif ( $traktpercentvotes -lt 0.100 ) { $adjtraktcount = 10 } $adjtmdbcount = 1; if ( $tmdbpercentvotes -eq 0 -and $ratings['themoviedb'].votecount -ne 0 ) { $adjtmdbcount = 100 } elseif ( $tmdbpercentvotes -lt 0.002 ) { $adjtmdbcount = 100 } elseif ( $tmdbpercentvotes -lt 0.004 ) { $adjtmdbcount = 80 } elseif ( $tmdbpercentvotes -lt 0.006 ) { $adjtmdbcount = 60 } elseif ( $tmdbpercentvotes -lt 0.008 ) { $adjtmdbcount = 50 } elseif ( $tmdbpercentvotes -lt 0.010 ) { $adjtmdbcount = 30 } elseif ( $tmdbpercentvotes -lt 0.100 ) { $adjtmdbcount = 10 } $adjtotalcommunityvotes = $ratings['imdb'].votecount + ($ratings['trakt'].votecount*$adjtraktcount) + ($ratings['themoviedb'].votecount*$adjtmdbcount) + $ratings['tomatometerallaudience'].votecount $adjimdbpercentvotes = [math]::Round( $ratings['imdb'].votecount / $adjtotalcommunityvotes,3) $adjtraktpercentvotes = [math]::Round( ($ratings['trakt'].votecount * $adjtraktcount) / $adjtotalcommunityvotes,3) $adjtmdbpercentvotes = [math]::Round( ($ratings['themoviedb'].votecount * $adjtmdbcount) / $adjtotalcommunityvotes,3) $adjrtpercentvotes = [math]::Round( $ratings['tomatometerallaudience'].votecount / $adjtotalcommunityvotes,3) $adjcommunitysum = $adjimdbpercentvotes + $adjtraktpercentvotes + $adjtmdbpercentvotes + $adjrtpercentvotes if ( $adjcommunitysum -gt 1 ) { $adjrtpercentvotes = $adjrtpercentvotes - ($adjcommunitysum - 1) } elseif ( $adjcommunitysum -lt 1 ) { $adjimdbpercentvotes = $adjimdbpercentvotes + (1 - $adjcommunitysum) } $null = $community.Add('imdb',@{'votecount'=$ratings['imdb'].votecount;'percentage'=$imdbpercentvotes;'adjpercent'=$adjimdbpercentvotes } ) $null = $community.Add('trakt',@{'votecount'=$ratings['trakt'].votecount;'percentage'=$traktpercentvotes;'adjpercent'=$adjtraktpercentvotes } ) $null = $community.Add('themoviedb',@{'votecount'=$ratings['themoviedb'].votecount;'percentage'=$tmdbpercentvotes;'adjpercent'=$adjtmdbpercentvotes } ) $null = $community.Add('tomatometerallaudience',@{'votecount'=$ratings['tomatometerallaudience'].votecount;'percentage'=$rtpercentvotes;'adjpercent'=$adjrtpercentvotes } ) $communityweight = 70; if ( !$ratings.ContainsKey('metacritic') ) { $communityweight = $communityweight + 20 } if ( !$ratings.ContainsKey('tomatometerallcritics') ){ $communityweight = $communityweight + 10 } $scoring = @{}; $scoringtable = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $ratings.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { $current = $_; $source = $current.Name $sourcetype = $null; if ( $source -in ('tomatometerallcritics','metacritic') ) { $sourcetype = "Critic" } else { $sourcetype = "Community" } $sourcerating = $current.Value.rating $sourcemax = $current.Value.MaxValue if ( $sourcemax -eq 5 ) { $adjustedmax = $sourcemax*20; $adjustedrating = $sourcerating*20 } elseif ( $sourcemax -eq 10 ) { $adjustedmax = $sourcemax*10; $adjustedrating = $sourcerating*10 } else { $adjustedmax = $sourcemax; $adjustedrating = $sourcerating } $sourcevotecount = $current.Value.votecount $communitylookup = $null; $communitylookup = $community[$source] $communityvotepercent = $communitylookup.percentage $communityadjvotepercent = $communitylookup.adjpercent $weighting = 0; if ( $sourcetype -eq "Community" ) { $weighting = $communityadjvotepercent * $communityweight } else { $weighting = $current.Value.weight } $newcompositerating = ($adjustedrating * ($weighting/100 ) ) $null = $scoring.Add($source,@{'SourceType'=$sourcetype;'SourceVoteCount'=$sourcevotecount;'SourceRating'=$sourcerating;'SourceMax'=$sourcemax;'AdjustedRating'=$adjustedrating;'AdjustedMax'=$adjustedmax;'CommunityVotePrc'=$communityvotepercent;'AdjCommunityVotePrc'=$communityadjvotepercent; 'Weight'=$weighting; 'NewRating'= $newcompositerating } ) $null = $scoringtable.Add([pscustomobject]@{'Source' =$source;'SourceType'=$sourcetype;'SourceVoteCount'=$sourcevotecount;'SourceRating'=$sourcerating;'SourceMax'=$sourcemax;'AdjustedRating'=$adjustedrating;'AdjustedMax'=$adjustedmax;'CommunityVotePrc'=$communityvotepercent;'AdjCommunityVotePrc'=$communityadjvotepercent; 'Weight'=$weighting; 'NewRating'= $newcompositerating } ) } #$highestweight = $scoringtable | Sort-Object Weight -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 if ( ($scoringtable.Weight | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum -gt 100.1 ) { Write-Warning "Weighting calculated over 100.1%" } elseif ( ($scoringtable.Weight | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum -lt 99.9 ) { Write-Warning "Weighting calculated under 99.9%" } $NewRating = [math]::Round( (($scoringtable.NewRating | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum/10),1) Write-Output "","" Write-Output "Current movie is $($moviename)." Write-Output "Rotten Tomatoes Critic rating is $($rtcriticrating) out of 100." Write-Output "Rotten Tomatoes Community rating is $($rtaudiencerating) out of 100." Write-Output "Metacritic rating is $($metacriticrating) out of 100." Write-Output "Trakt community rating is $($traktrating) out of 10." Write-Output "IMDB community rating is $($imdbrating) out of 10." Write-Output "The MovieDB rating is $($tmdbrating) out of 10." Write-Output "","New composite rating is $($NewRating) out of 10."
  2. quackpipe

    Common Sense Media ratings

    You have critic ratings and tomato meter, it would be be nice to see a Common Sense Media age rating. Or an option to turn it on or a plugin to enable it. Thanks!
  3. Hallo I'm looking for the best workflow to transfer my music files into an emby library by preserving (must have) track rating and (nice to have) album rating. I have about 28k tracks. Approximately 75% ALAC / m4a; about 20% AAC and another 5% mp3. I have about some hundred audiobooks / audio drama - most of them ALAC / m4b. About 60% of my music tracks are rated (=> 17 k tracks); about 30% of my music albums are rated. I want to preserve this ratings and want to transfer the ratings into emby. But how? The iTunes app (MacOS) doesn't write ratings (track / album) into metadata of the files. The ratings are stored in an XML file. (As far as I understand). First Approach: Within iTunes write rating into Metadata field Comment (iTunes MP4: @cmt) or Genre (iTunes MP4: @gen) Within MacOS app "Switch" change ALAC to FLAC (necessary step as iTunes MP4 can't store rating metadata (right?) which probably works without quality loss for ALAC. For AAC / mp3 this is not very attractive... Within MusicBrainzPicard (MacOS) use Script to set Metadata field (ID3v2: POPM) to my track rating (extract from field Comment or Genre) There is no Metadata field for album rating - I guess this information will stay in Comment / Genre (... and be lost ...) Transfer audio files (FLAC with Metadata) into emby; read Metadata from file; Track ratings show up (right?) Second Approach: There might be a way to directly use the iTunes XML file to get the track ratings "into" emby (but then they are in emby ... not in my files ....) My Questions Do you know a procedure to extract track ratings directly from iTunes XML into emby? Do you think my procedure (first approach) will work? especially do you agree that it's necessary to change from ALAC to FLAC? Do you have a suggestion for my AAC and mp3 files? In addition: as FLAC-files support ID3v2 Metadata: Does the transfer from ALAC to FLAC solve the problem with multiple values for Album artists / artists (=> classical music), and can emby handle the Metadatafield Performer? (ID3v24: TMCL:instrument) or (ID3v23: IPLS:instrument)? Thanks for helping!
  4. blinkiz

    Movie ratings in Sweden

    se.txt: SE-btl,1 SE-7,5 SE-11,6 SE-15,8 These are the metadata ratings used in Emby when having localisation Sweden in dashboard for metadata. These reflect the offical law in Sweden 2010:1882. https://www.riksdagen.se/sv/dokument-lagar/dokument/svensk-forfattningssamling/lag-20101882-om-aldersgranser-for-film-som-ska_sfs-2010-1882 I have tried to find official rating guidelines about series but I have not found anything. It would be great if that could be handled.
  5. To report a minor display issue. In Emby Theater (view set to Auto/TV), when the rating description is too long to fit onto a single line, the box around it gets out of alignment. Ie it doesn't adjust for the new line of text. See screenshot attached. It seems to display fine via the web interface, but not at the larger text scale of the TV view. Thank you, AD
  6. kaczy44

    IMDB - show votes

    Hi, Is there any possibility to add display of IMDB votes in next release ?
  7. Hi, I've been using EMBY since the MediaBrowser days, in combination with MCM (Media Center Master). Which in the past handled the heavy lifting for media organisation and metadata fetching. With EMBY I'm trying to use parental controls, now I have a mixture of US and Australian (local) MPAA ratings. EMBY likes AU-??, when you define a local rating and it populates with only those options in the parental control. Which it can handle AU-G and G, but it runs into issues with PG-13 and it's equivalent AU-M,AU-MA+ settings. If you set parental to AU-M it ignores PG-13 (which in the technical definition of a caparison could equal either M or MA+), so I want to bulk edit them to a rating EMBY can handle. So I'm looking to see if it's possible, or the best solution, to tidy up my library and bulk edit 100+ movies that have incorrect local based MPAA ratings (not just PG-13 rated movies). I've asked this over at MCM forums as well, as looking to see if Pete has a solution. I've seen a number of threads on bulk editing, with talk of something might be worked on. MetaBrowser are an application appears to be dead, non-maintained at the source so can't even activate. Suggestions welcome. Cheers,
  8. Currently running Windows Server v3.0.5968.0 As of I believe just before the 5960 beta release, I noticed all of my movies had lost their critic ratings. Previously there were 2 ratings on the details web of the web UI (note this is a movie that has had a critic rating added manually as an example) But now I can only see the IMDB rating, or 'Community' rating. If I open up the metadata via 'Edit' - i can see that the 'Critic Rating's are all blank (these were all previously populated, i know because I am OCD with my metadata) However, if I look into the 'movie.xml' files of my media, most of them indeed have a Critic Rating entered Now I know I can do a 'Refresh' at the top level of my Movies folder - but I want to understand why they went missing in the first place and how we can prevent it from re-occuring? Any ideas? Thanks
  9. I'm manually cleaning up my MPAA ratings as I had no idea they had gotten so out of hand. One of those things that I forgot I setup metabrowser to do for me before I switched to emby being in charge of getting my meta a long time ago now. Looking for a plugin developer or perhaps a server option to address this problem... for example if the metadata contains GB-15 I'd like to be able to set my own personal rating for that to keep everything in the US standard here. So Emby fetches GB-15, plugin/server mapping feature changes GB-15 to R. Another example is Not rated, unrated, N/A I would set these to map to NR giving me one rating to check for all my NR items in reports of the server. Thanks.
  10. brad_w

    custom ratings images

    hey all, I remember ages ago with the old community tracker there was an article on how to setup custom images for ratings.. i went on a hunt in this new forum and haven't been able to find a thing. is anyone able to tell me how exactly i set them up? i previously had them working no problems on my old system, and because it's pretty much a setup once and leave it be thing.. i've completely forgotten where abouts it goes, and didn't back up my IBN folder.. ahhhh! as far as i can remember they go in there, but just not sure the folder structure/naming conventions needed. i have the images ready to go. any help appreciated! Cheers.
  11. Netbug

    Trakt Ratings and Facebook

    MB Version 3.0.5135.31685 Trakt Plugin: 1.9.5120.5009 G'day. So I have Trakt running through MB Classic and connected to my FB account. One of my friends just informed me that I am consistently rating shows as 5/10. I only see a 5 star rating on the screen that pops up after watching a show. Any idea what's going on here?
  12. Hi, I'm using MediaBrowser Version 3.0.5083.27698. I think there is no mapping between ratings from themoviedb and MB localization file. example with "Twelve Monkeys" - country settings for metadata in MB are German 1. got to Metadata Manager 2. select the movie and do a full metadata refresh. 3. no ratings are displayed in metadata Manager 4. choose Ratings (content/custom) "DE-FSK16+" 5. click on save 6. do a full metadata refresh again 7. Content rating is gone / custom rating not The XML output shows that the original rating from themoviedb was used instead the rating from localization file. Thanks for help! <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <Title> <ContentRating>DE-16</ContentRating> <MPAARating>DE-16</MPAARating> <certification>DE-16</certification> <Added>21.06.2013 00:00:00</Added> <LockData>false</LockData> <Type>DVD</Type> <CriticRating>67</CriticRating> <CriticRatingSummary><![CDATA[summary]]></CriticRatingSummary> <Overview><![CDATA[Das Jahr 2035: Die Erdoberfläche ist entvölkert, seit eine Virenepidemie die Menschheit 1996 fast gänzlich vernichtet hat. Die wenigen Überlebenden existieren in einem Unterwelt-System. Mit der Hoffnung auf ein besseres Leben schickt man den Sträfling Cole als Zeitboten ins Jahr der Katastrophe zurück, um den Ursprung der Apokalypse herauszufinden. Versehentlich gerät er zunächst ins Jahr 1990 und in eine Irrenanstalt. Dort warnt ihn der verwirrte Jeffrey vor den "12 Monkeys". Haben sie mit den Viren zu tun? Endlich im Jahr 1996, spürt Cole mit der Psychiaterin Kathryn diese Vereinigung auf und macht eine verblüffende Entdeckung...]]></Overview> <CustomRating>DE-FSK16+</CustomRating> <LocalTitle>12 Monkeys</LocalTitle> <SortTitle>12 Monkeys</SortTitle> <PremiereDate>1996-03-20</PremiereDate> <Trailers> <Trailer>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYkaczzaAVI</Trailer> </Trailers> <Budget>29500000</Budget> <Revenue>168840000</Revenue> <Rating>8.1</Rating> <VoteCount>322581</VoteCount> <ProductionYear>1996</ProductionYear> <AspectRatio>1.839:1</AspectRatio> <RunningTime>129</RunningTime> <Runtime>129</Runtime> <IMDB_ID>tt0114746</IMDB_ID> <IMDB>tt0114746</IMDB> <IMDbId>tt0114746</IMDbId> <TMDbId>63</TMDbId> <RottenTomatoesId>770769878</RottenTomatoesId> <Genres> <Genre>Mystery</Genre> <Genre>Sci-Fi</Genre> <Genre>Thriller</Genre> </Genres> <Genre>Mystery|Sci-Fi|Thriller</Genre> <Studios> <Studio>Universal Pictures</Studio> <Studio>Atlas Entertainment</Studio> <Studio>Classico</Studio> </Studios> <Tags> <Tag>schizophrenia</Tag> <Tag>tödliches virus</Tag> <Tag>philadelphia</Tag> <Tag>cassandra syndrom</Tag> <Tag>stockholm syndrome</Tag> <Tag>time travel</Tag> <Tag>post-apocalypse</Tag> <Tag>monkey</Tag> <Tag>subterranean</Tag> </Tags> <Persons> <Person> <Name>Joseph Melito</Name> <Type>Actor</Type> <Role>Young Cole</Role> <SortOrder>0</SortOrder> </Person> <Person> <Name>Bruce Willis</Name> <Type>Actor</Type> <Role>James Cole</Role> <SortOrder>1</SortOrder> </Person> <Person> <Name>Jon Seda</Name> <Type>Actor</Type> <Role>Jose</Role> <SortOrder>2</SortOrder> </Person> <Person> <Name>Michael Chance</Name> <Type>Actor</Type> <Role>Scarface</Role> <SortOrder>3</SortOrder> </Person> </Persons> <IMDBrating>8.1</IMDBrating> <Description><![CDATA[Das Jahr 2035: Die Erdoberfläche ist entvölkert, seit eine Virenepidemie die Menschheit 1996 fast gänzlich vernichtet hat. Die wenigen Überlebenden existieren in einem Unterwelt-System. Mit der Hoffnung auf ein besseres Leben schickt man den Sträfling Cole als Zeitboten ins Jahr der Katastrophe zurück, um den Ursprung der Apokalypse herauszufinden. Versehentlich gerät er zunächst ins Jahr 1990 und in eine Irrenanstalt. Dort warnt ihn der verwirrte Jeffrey vor den "12 Monkeys". Haben sie mit den Viren zu tun? Endlich im Jahr 1996, spürt Cole mit der Psychiaterin Kathryn diese Vereinigung auf und macht eine verblüffende Entdeckung...]]></Description> <MediaInfo> <Video> <Codec>h264</Codec> <FFCodec>h264</FFCodec> <BitRate>2663582</BitRate> <Width>720</Width> <Height>560</Height> <AspectRatio>1.85:1</AspectRatio> <FrameRate>25</FrameRate> <Language>eng</Language> <Default>True</Default> <Forced>False</Forced> <Duration>124</Duration> <DurationSeconds>7446</DurationSeconds> </Video> <Audio> <Codec>dca</Codec> <FFCodec>dca</FFCodec> <BitRate>768000</BitRate> <Language>ger</Language> <Channels>6</Channels> <SamplingRate>48000</SamplingRate> <Default>True</Default> <Forced>False</Forced> </Audio> <Audio> <Codec>ac3</Codec> <FFCodec>ac3</FFCodec> <BitRate>448000</BitRate> <Language>eng</Language> <Channels>6</Channels> <SamplingRate>48000</SamplingRate> <Default>False</Default> <Forced>False</Forced> </Audio> <Audio> <Codec>aac</Codec> <FFCodec>aac</FFCodec> <BitRate>2663582</BitRate> <Language>ger</Language> <Channels>2</Channels> <SamplingRate>48000</SamplingRate> <Default>False</Default> <Forced>False</Forced> </Audio> </MediaInfo> <OriginalTitle>Twelve Monkeys</OriginalTitle> <Plot>Das Jahr 2035: Die Erdoberfläche ist entvölkert, seit eine Virenepidemie die Menschheit 1996 fast gänzlich vernichtet hat. Die wenigen Überlebenden existieren in einem Unterwelt-System. Mit der Hoffnung auf ein besseres Leben schickt man den Sträfling Cole als Zeitboten ins Jahr der Katastrophe zurück, um den Ursprung der Apokalypse herauszufinden. Versehentlich gerät er zunächst ins Jahr 1990 und in eine Irrenanstalt. Dort warnt ihn der verwirrte Jeffrey vor den "12 Monkeys". Haben sie mit den Viren zu tun? Endlich im Jahr 1996, spürt Cole mit der Psychiaterin Kathryn diese Vereinigung auf und macht eine verblüffende Entdeckung...</Plot> <Covers> <Front>C:\Users\Thomas\Videos\tmp_Twelve.Monkeys.(1995).mkv\folder.jpg</Front> </Covers> <LocalTrailer /> </Title>
  13. MBS Version 3.0.5029.36830 Local TV ratings are still an issue for me as previously reported. The server keeps changing ratings to US from GB. I have local metadata saved and Country set as United Kingdom. The scenario was: Boot HTPC Browse Library with MBS Notice series showing as TV-MA etc. Check series.xml which contains TV-MA Edit series in MBS and change Custom Rating to GB-18 from combo box Save Refresh This then gets me to the first image which has no rating Close the browser and re-open the Browse Library Go to show just edited and back as showing TV-MA even though series.xml now has GB-18 in it.
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