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User Groups


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Per request from Luke, I am breaking up the suggestions from this thread:

I'll add additional information for each topic as needed


For those coming from the Windows NT environments and environments that borrow from this practice, you're probably very familiar with User Groups. User Groups is something that's VERY overdue for Emby.


Essential I feel Emby Server Owners / Managers need the ability to assign users to given user groups to be given at least the following:

- Administration Panel Rights

- Library / Channel Access Rights

- Library Management Rights

- Transcoding Rights

- Remote / Local Streaming Rights

- Device Rights

- Camera Upload Access

- Download Access

- Hide from Login Screen


Note to Admins:

While a topic on User Groups appears to exist:

This appears to be a very different sort of user groups then that thread.

As stated, this intended to be the user group management similar to the Windows NT and/or Active Directory Services.

The post closest to this thread that is similar appears to be this thread:


The topic has been stale with no major input on design and thus this thread.

Please merge the threads if merited, but a fresh discussion on this topic appears to be in order.

Edited by Lighthammer
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Hi, yes this is a good idea. Rule of thumb is add your +1 to existing requests rather than creating new ones. Thanks.

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Hi, yes this is a good idea. Rule of thumb is add your +1 to existing requests rather than creating new ones. Thanks.


I'll do that on the other thread, though I see very little discussion in that thread on the specific design features.


I'm also going to argue passionately that this is something that is so very overdue that unless there are major performance bugs in Emby currently, this really needs to be a very high priority. 

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