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Plex finds Movie Emby doesnt, why?

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Just testing out Emby and have a weird issue.


Plex (my original media server) found a new movie added straight away, to my surprise it even got the correct artwork with no assistance.


Emby fails to even acknowledge the file exists and I have no idea why.


Can anyone offer any tips pls?




Hi there, can  you please go over an example? thanks.


Sure, so I have movie in a folder in the correct format Movies\Movie Folder\Movie File.

Emby seems to miss a lot of content when Plex reads all the folders and files.

Maybe its a permission thing, which user does Emby run as on Ubuntu?




Sorry can you go over a real example.  You will probably have to post a server log for this specific example also.


Log shows:-

2019-01-24 12:30:59.060 Info HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Time: 2ms. http://acrau.ddns.net:8096/emby/Library/VirtualFolders2019-01-24 12:31:06.043 Info TaskManager: Scan media library Completed after 0 minute(s) and 7 seconds2019-01-24 12:31:06.044 Info TaskManager: ExecuteQueuedTasks2019-01-24 12:31:07.060 Error LibraryMonitor: Error watching path: /media/nas/Movies	*** Error Report ***	Version:	Command line: /opt/emby-server/system/EmbyServer.dll -programdata /var/lib/emby -ffdetect /opt/emby-server/bin/ffdetect -ffmpeg /opt/emby-server/bin/ffmpeg -ffprobe /opt/emby-server/bin/ffprobe -restartexitcode 3 -updatepackage emby-server-deb_{version}_amd64.deb	Operating system: Unix	64-Bit OS: True	64-Bit Process: True	User Interactive: True	Processor count: 6

Permissions look weird though:-



inode-mount-point.png Movies   root:root 0777 2019/01/23 - 21:47:04   inode-mount-point.png Movies2   1024:users 0777 2019/01/24 - 08:17:58   inode-mount-point.png TV   1024:users 0777 2019/01/15 - 11:03:53   inode-mount-point.png comedians   root:root 0777 2018/12/19 - 20:51:29   inode-mount-point.png documentaries   root:root 0777 2018/12/30 - 20:56:52   inode-mount-point.png             inode-mount-point.png             inode-mount-point.png nas   root:root 0777 2019/01/24 - 07:34:22   inode-mount-point.png temp   1024:users 0777 2





All those attachments don't work as they point to your LAN.  Click the More Reply Options or the Image icon in the reply toolbox and select upload.

Posted (edited)



All those attachments don't work as they point to your LAN.  Click the More Reply Options or the Image icon in the reply toolbox and select upload.

Sorry about that ......



Edited by furbalicious

How did you setup your movie library in emby library setup? What is the example that was missed?


I too had issues where movies found on Plex weren't found by emby.  They're listed there (check the listing for the full file name, its probably listed), just the metadata had to be manually identified.

Movies such-as Ant-Man have their file names as "Marvels Ant-Man (2015).mp4" and was listed under "M" without any metadata. If you look up the movie within IMDB, you'll notice the movie is listed as "Ant-Man" and thus the reason it wasn't matched.  It's simple to identify the movie and get the proper metadata and images to download.

1)  Look the movie up within IMDB.

1.a) E.g.  The url for Ant-Man is: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0478970/

2)  Copy the IMDB Movie ID to your clipboard.

2.a)  For this example, the ID is tt0478970

3)  From the Emby website, find the movie which didn't have it's metadata downloaded, mouse-over it and click the ellipsis (...) and select Identify.

4)  Enter the movie name as saved in IMDB ("Ant-Man") as well as the IMDB ID ("tt478970") and click the Search button.

If all goes well, it'll find the movie and update it's metadata and images and you're good to go.

If you have the system configured to save .NFO file to your media directory, you shouldn't have this issue any longer if you ever restore your emby installtion, etc.

Hope this helps..


How did you setup your movie library in emby library setup? What is the example that was missed?

I just added it after using a mounted shared from a synology nas. The same share is used by Plex which is running on the same ubuntu host. Strange thing is its like emby is running as a different user, it doesnt see half the stuff plex does


So that is probably the issue then, the emby system user doesn't have permissions to the files. what user is plex running as?


Do you know how to change which user the app runs as? Yeah I created a user called plex but I have a feeling emby is running as another linux user in ubuntu



Edit your /etc/fstab and possibly add an Emby only mount.  Edit the file as "sudo nano /etc/fstab" and add the following lines:



Mount as read-only

//%NAS_IP%/%mediafolder% /mnt/EmbyMount cifs ro,username=%username%,password=%password% 0 0
Mount giving Emby full read-write access:
//%NAS_IP%/%mediafolder%  /mnt/EmbyMount cifs rw,username=%username%,password=%password%,uid=emby,gid=emby 0 0

By default, a mount will allow all users read/execute access. So you should at least be able for emby to see your files.


Using the second mount point example will give emby full access to the mount point.


Have you tried shutting down plex then doing a full library scan within emby? Maybe plex is locking some files.


Ah that's great info, thanks !


@@furbalicious please let us know if this helps. thanks !

Just testing atm, sorry for delay and thx for all your help :-)




Edit your /etc/fstab and possibly add an Emby only mount.  Edit the file as "sudo nano /etc/fstab" and add the following lines:



Mount as read-only

//%NAS_IP%/%mediafolder% /mnt/EmbyMount cifs ro,username=%username%,password=%password% 0 0
Mount giving Emby full read-write access:
//%NAS_IP%/%mediafolder%  /mnt/EmbyMount cifs rw,username=%username%,password=%password%,uid=emby,gid=emby 0 0


Hmm getting...


mount: /mnt/embymount: mount(2) system call failed: Operation not supported

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