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Custom Aeon Nox MediaBrowser compatible skin - now supporting Helix

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Posted (edited)

Hi All,


Gotham Aeon Nox 4.1.9 skin is released in stable repo! 

Helix Aeon Shednox 3.0a released in beta repo!












The skin has two 'Mode' switches on by default for MB3 mode - XBMB3C Video and XBMB3C Music. 


What works:


- Main menu and sub menu entries should automatically point to the 'standard' locations

  - You will probably want to add your custom collections as Video nodes

- Search

- NextUp Widget

- Latest Movies Widget

- Latest Episodes Widget

- Random Movie Widget

- Random Episode Widget


Released in the XBMB3C Repo.



Git: https://github.com/xnappo/aeonnox.xbmb3c

Alpha: https://github.com/xnappo/aeonnox.xbmb3c/archive/master.zip


Helix Git:

Git: https://github.com/xnappo/skin.aeon.shednox.helix

Alpha: https://github.com/xnappo/skin.aeon.shednox.helix/archive/master.zip



Edited by xnappo
  • Like 3
Posted (edited)

Good job! Works pretty good already. The only problem I discovered after some playing around is with the nextup episode widget.

I get the first 4 entries twice, after those the rest is fine.


It looks like this:

entry1 / entry2 / entry3 / entry 4 / entry1 / entry2 / entry3 / entry 4 / entry 5 / entry 6 / entry 7 / entry 8


Will play around some more!

Edited by tube82
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Hmm - not seeing that here.  What type of view are you using?  Panel?


Do you have a native XBMC TV database?



Edited by xnappo

Very nice xnappo, I will give it a whirl later on. One suggestion maybe is to use the MB3 Fanart for some sections on the homescreen, not sure if that is in your plans. Cheers


Yep, I plan to but didn't find the right code. If you know where it is feel free :)




Okay - that should be a good clue.  


To confirm - if you put Widget 1 and Widget 2 next to each other you get:


Widget 1: 1,2,3,4,1,2,

Widget 2: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8




The weird thing is there are only supposed to be 8 widgets!  I don't get how there can be 12.


If you bring up the meta-data - is everything wrong or just the image?




  • Like 1

Disregard.  I found it.


If you want to test, open this file:




And change this line:

5280       <include condition="Library.HasContent(tvshows)">WatchListTVItems</include>


5280       <include condition="!Skin.HasSetting(xbmb3c) + Library.HasContent(tvshows)">WatchListTVItems</include>

I wasn't seeing it because it will only show up if you have an XBMC TV database.


Thanks for testing!


  • Like 1

Thanks!  Updated in the Git.  Please let me know if you see any other problems!



  • Like 1

Already found something else :)


When XBMB3C mode is DISABLED, 'Movies' and 'TV Shows' in the home screen still link to the XBMB3C movie and TV sections

  • Like 1

Can you confirm this is true if you restart XBMC?





It doesn't change after a restart of XBMC. (the widgets correctly show the XBMC items immediately after the change, though)


One other thing which might actually be more of a XBMB3C issue:

The mapping of additional fanart is not perfect, yet.

A good way to test this is via the widgets. Layout offers 'Logo', 'ClearArt' and 'Landscape' as options.

In XBMC mode all those three are different. In XBMB3C mode 'Logo' and 'ClearArt' show the 'Logo' image from MB3, 'Landscape' doesn't seem to exist and in Aeon Nox is actually generated on the fly with the fanart and the 'Logo' put on top of each other as a fallback.


The necessary art exists in MB3: 'Logo' is matched correctly, the 'ClearArt' is called 'Art' in MB3 and 'Landscape' is 'Thumb' in MB3.

  • Like 1

Okay, I will look at the menu items. Unfortunately it is complicated :)


With regards to artwork - are you talking about within widgets specifically? Certainly a lot of thr cleanup we did within the library did not get propagated to the widget metadata yet, and a lot of it is simply missing.



  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

I think the artwork behaves the same in the widgets as it does anywhere else.

An example:

In the TV show level, change view type to 'InfoWall' and in the viewtype settings set 'Use as icon' to 'landscape'.

With XBMC items the art that is called 'Thumb' in the MB3 webinterface is shown.

In XBMB3C mode the fanart is shown, which i believe is set as a fallback when no 'landscape' picture could be found.


I believe to never have seen the 'Thumb' or 'Art' of a show (check MB3 edit item page of a show in the web interface if you don't know which images i mean by that) being used in a XBMB3C skin. I might be wrong though :)



Ok, I AM wrong. 'Art' can be used in skins and is used in Aeon Nox :)

Not sure about 'Thumb' yet.



'landscape' (or 'thumb' in MB3) seems to not be mapped (correctly).

Good place to test: TV show level, viewtype 'BigFan'. Viewtype settings for 'Icon' allow: 'Logo', 'Clearart' and 'Landscape'.

'Logo' and 'ClearArt' show the expected images, 'Landscape' doesn't.

Edited by tube82
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Well the widget art is significantly behind the main browsing art in terms of line up.


Here is the mapping for normal browsing:

         extraData={'thumb' : getArtwork(item, "Primary") ,
                   'fanart_image' : getArtwork(item, "Backdrop") ,
                   'poster' : getArtwork(item, "poster") ,
                   'tvshow.poster': getArtwork(item, "tvshow.poster") ,
                   'banner' : getArtwork(item, "Banner") ,
                   'clearlogo' : getArtwork(item, "Logo") ,
                   'discart' : getArtwork(item, "Disc") ,
                   'clearart' : getArtwork(item, "Art") ,
                   'landscape' : getArtwork(item, "Backdrop") ,

Widgets don't get much at all:

            WINDOW.setProperty("NextUpEpisodeMB3." + str(item_count) + ".Thumb", thumbnail)
            WINDOW.setProperty("NextUpEpisodeMB3." + str(item_count) + ".Art(tvshow.fanart)", fanart)
            WINDOW.setProperty("NextUpEpisodeMB3." + str(item_count) + ".Art(tvshow.clearlogo)", logo)
            WINDOW.setProperty("NextUpEpisodeMB3." + str(item_count) + ".Art(tvshow.banner)", banner)
            WINDOW.setProperty("NextUpEpisodeMB3." + str(item_count) + ".Art(tvshow.poster)", poster)



[EDIT] So you think Thumb should be Thumb instead of Primary?  Several of my MB3 items don't have thumbs...  Back in Frodo there was no such thing as 'poster' in Python - but maybe now the views will work fine with the change.  Will play with it.




Edited by xnappo
Posted (edited)


Well the widget art is significantly behind the main browsing art in terms of line up.


Here is the mapping for normal browsing:

         extraData={'thumb' : getArtwork(item, "Primary") ,
                   'fanart_image' : getArtwork(item, "Backdrop") ,
                   'poster' : getArtwork(item, "poster") ,
                   'tvshow.poster': getArtwork(item, "tvshow.poster") ,
                   'banner' : getArtwork(item, "Banner") ,
                   'clearlogo' : getArtwork(item, "Logo") ,
                   'discart' : getArtwork(item, "Disc") ,
                   'clearart' : getArtwork(item, "Art") ,
                   'landscape' : getArtwork(item, "Backdrop") ,

Widgets don't get much at all:

            WINDOW.setProperty("NextUpEpisodeMB3." + str(item_count) + ".Thumb", thumbnail)
            WINDOW.setProperty("NextUpEpisodeMB3." + str(item_count) + ".Art(tvshow.fanart)", fanart)
            WINDOW.setProperty("NextUpEpisodeMB3." + str(item_count) + ".Art(tvshow.clearlogo)", logo)
            WINDOW.setProperty("NextUpEpisodeMB3." + str(item_count) + ".Art(tvshow.banner)", banner)
            WINDOW.setProperty("NextUpEpisodeMB3." + str(item_count) + ".Art(tvshow.poster)", poster)



[EDIT] So you think Thumb should be Thumb instead of Primary?  Several of my MB3 items don't have thumbs...  Back in Frodo there was no such thing as 'poster' in Python - but maybe now the views will work fine with the change.  Will play with it.






Actually, no.


I think 'landscape' should be 'Thumb' instead of 'Backdrop' :)



like this:

         extraData={'thumb' : getArtwork(item, "Primary") ,
                   'fanart_image' : getArtwork(item, "Backdrop") ,
                   'poster' : getArtwork(item, "poster") ,
                   'tvshow.poster': getArtwork(item, "tvshow.poster") ,
                   'banner' : getArtwork(item, "Banner") ,
                   'clearlogo' : getArtwork(item, "Logo") ,
                   'discart' : getArtwork(item, "Disc") ,
                   'clearart' : getArtwork(item, "Art") ,
                   'landscape' : getArtwork(item, "Thumb") ,
Edited by tube82
  • Like 1

Okay - did you try it and get nice results?


I will work on getting the widget data in place..




no, didn't try it yet, but can do after catching up on game of thrones ;)


@@im85288 - I suspect the use of 'condition' is not allowed in a 'property'.


Is that true?

<property name="Path" fallback="ActivateWindow(Videos,MovieTitles,return)" condition="!Skin.HasSetting(xbmb3c)">$INFO[Skin.String(MovieHomeItem.Path)]</property>
<property name="Path" fallback="ActivateWindow(Videos,MovieTitles,return)" condition="Skin.HasSetting(xbmb3c)">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(xbmb3c.std.movies.0.path)]</property>

I think it is always just taking the second one.





@@xnappo - yes I think that's it, xbmc language has no standards really!


I suggest in this case just using a VAR that does the check on xbmc mode


I just tried

         extraData={'thumb' : getArtwork(item, "Primary") ,
                   'fanart_image' : getArtwork(item, "Backdrop") ,
                   'poster' : getArtwork(item, "poster") ,
                   'tvshow.poster': getArtwork(item, "tvshow.poster") ,
                   'banner' : getArtwork(item, "Banner") ,
                   'clearlogo' : getArtwork(item, "Logo") ,
                   'discart' : getArtwork(item, "Disc") ,
                   'clearart' : getArtwork(item, "Art") ,
                   'landscape' : getArtwork(item, "Thumb") ,

and it's definately the way to go! 


The views that use 'landscape' art now behave exactly like they do with the XBMC DB!

I tried Arctic and Aeon Nox.


Once you allow the widgets to use 'clearart' and 'landscape' as well, there is only one remaining thing that i can think of regarding art: Extra fanarts. I don't know how XBMC handles those, but a lot of skins have the option for extra fanarts (backdrops) to allow a fanart rotation. Since MB3 also supports additional backdrops, would it also be possible to support those?

Posted (edited)

After some more playing around there is one more thing I experienced:

'landscape' and 'banner' always use the TV show Thumb/Banner, even in season view.

They should change to the season Thumb/Banner accordingly, just like it correctly works with the 'Primary' poster.


Right now for a show with three seasons, an Aeon Nox view with 'landscape' art shows the TV show thumb three times instead of the three season thumbs that exist in MB3. (same with banners)



Just tried it locally, a change to:

    if data.get("Type") == "Episode" or data.get("Type") == "Season":  # If we aren't dwelling with the poster, thumb or banner use series art
        if type != "Primary" and type != "Thumb" and type != "Banner" or __settings__.getSetting('useSeriesArt') == "true":
            id = data.get("SeriesId") 

should be enough for the season banners/thumbs to show up, correct? At least it seems to work just fine for me.

Edited by tube82
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