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Emby for Kodi not auto updating libraries after server update


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Did you update to the latest nightly and downgraded? I'm trying to make sure the add-on is not accidentally creating the database 114.db

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Ok, thanks. I'll post a new build soon to fix the bugs.


Also on MBServer and addon version 3.1.39a. Should I wait for a hotfix before trying anything drastic to get db sync working on my Firestick?

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Also on MBServer and addon version 3.1.39a. Should I wait for a hotfix before trying anything drastic to get db sync working on my Firestick?



just delete the MyVideos114.db file in .kodi/userdata/Database and restart Kodi and it should work again

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Also on MBServer and addon version 3.1.39a. Should I wait for a hotfix before trying anything drastic to get db sync working on my Firestick?

Working on a fix right now, hopefully have a new release out in an hour or so.

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3.1.40 should fix this. Let me know if it's not the case, thanks for helping test beta :)


I'm on rc5 and 3.1.40


22:12:35.565 T:156668749040  NOTICE: EMBY.database -> ERROR:: Database: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/Database/MyVideos114.db missing
22:12:35.566 T:156492588272  NOTICE: EMBY.monitor -> --[ post capabilities/a11077ab222d4e5097171381eca8aacd ]
22:12:35.780 T:156668749040  NOTICE: EMBY.database -> [emby] 1 rows updated.
22:12:36.073 T:156668749040  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
22:12:36.073 T:156668749040  NOTICE: EMBY.library -> --[ retrieve changes ] 2019-01-12T03:06:43z
22:12:36.143 T:156668749040  NOTICE: EMBY.library -> --<[ retrieve changes ]
22:12:44.180 T:156477932784   ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting
foster:/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/Database $ ls
Addons27.db  MyMusic72.db    MyVideos115.db      TV32.db            Textures13.db-wal
CDDB         MyVideos112.db  MyVideos115.db-shm  Textures13.db      ViewModes6.db
Epg12.db     MyVideos113.db  MyVideos115.db-wal  Textures13.db-shm  emby.db
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Ok I understand what you are saying. Looking into it, will likely push another update soon. Thanks.

Edited by Angelblue05
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Ok I understand what you are saying. Looking into it, will likely push another update soon. Thanks.


Thanks for your help. Log attached in case you still need it


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I don't understand. I get you are on rc4, but if you have 114.db on that same Kodi, can you delete it because it should still be using 113.db?


Chiming in. I'm also not seeing auto updates. Just deleted the database from within kodi and started a new and fresh scan. Currently going on. I've got 114 as well as 113 and 12. What a mess :D I've been updating Kodi with nightlies, and Im currently on RC5. I'm supposed to delete all but 114, correct?

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Chiming in. I'm also not seeing auto updates. Just deleted the database from within kodi and started a new and fresh scan. Currently going on. I've got 114 as well as 113 and 12. What a mess :D I've been updating Kodi with nightlies, and Im currently on RC5. I'm supposed to delete all but 114, correct?


My understanding is wait until Emby for Kodi 3.1.41a gets released. Once installed, it should fix auto updates on RC4/5 and not require deleting databases manually. Is that correct @@Angelblue05?

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OK I dug deeper because I still am getting errors for MyVideos114.db when I'm up to 115. 






Look at the file above. If you see references to db files that don't exist remove them. I have references to MyVideos112, 113 & 114. I removed them and added 115. No more kodi.log errors.

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I haven't touched any database files on my Firestick yet. Simply waiting for a newer version than 3.1.39a through auto-update. So far nothing, so no restored sync yet.

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I got the latest via auto update. It's there


Your right, just had to update local addons in Embuary menu... restarting Emby for Kodi wasn't initiating the update.


Now I'm on 3.1.42a & Kodi RC4, but there was a warning before sync my database may be wrong version. Do I still have to dig into Kodi's internals and delete stuff manually with this infernal remote?  :lol: 


...or perhaps upgrade Kodi to RC5?

Edited by VaporTrail
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My understanding is wait until Emby for Kodi 3.1.41a gets released. Once installed, it should fix auto updates on RC4/5 and not require deleting databases manually. Is that correct @@Angelblue05?


Indeed. I've just finished the scan and 114 has no size in MB's. I wonder why it's even there?

Edited by djhifi
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If you're on RC5 then your DB should be 115. Editing the file is simple. Adb pull. Edit. Push


If 3.1.42a was built for RC5, wouldn't upgrading to RC5 fix the issue like it did for @@djhifi (albeit with an empty 114) w/o modifying core files? 

Edited by VaporTrail
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