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Newer episodes not showing


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I am having a problem with some episodes not showing.  Take The Big Bang Theory for example.  When I go to season 7 in the web client it only shows up to episode 16 even though my server has all 20 episodes for the season so far.  If I go into the metadata editor it shows only up to episode 16 for season 7 which would make me believe that MB3 hasn't scraped in the newer episodes.  But what's odd is if I go to "Latest" it shows s07e20 for Big Bang.  How could it show that if that episode weren't scraped into the library?


The naming convention is the same for all my episodes so I don't why it wouldn't scrape some.  And the problems all seem to be with newer episodes.  I have the same problem with Mad Men.  The first episode of this season (also season 7) is not showing even though I have it.  And again it DOES show up in Latest view.  The more I look into this it seems to be happening with all new episodes.


I don't ever remember this being a probem before.  Has something changed or am I doing something wrong?

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I assume you mean from the latest view as that's the only place I can see any affected episode.  When I try that for the Big Bang episode there is no season listed and, in fact, not much metadata.  Just the date added and the episode number.  I wonder what caused that.  I also wonder how many episodes are affected.

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I've looked some more and it's definitely not all newer episodes.  Other shows are current on episodes.  How can I correct this?

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well i can't diagnose the metadata issues without more information, however for the next release i've updated the server to be more tolerant of that and display the episodes anyway. so you should be able to see them in the next release.

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If I run a scan library now would it show in  thew current log?  Refreshing metadata seems to work, but how can I do that for the other episodes that won;t show under Latest?  Also, what does the exclamation point icon on an episode image mean?

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it tells you tehre's a problem with the metadata. the normal scan won't help because we've already scanned that episodes. it only will see additions and changes. you should refresh the individual item from the edit page.

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But I can't to the edit page since most of the episodes do not show up anywhere. Hence no edit page to get to.


Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

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Under TV Shows>Latest, it shows the latest episodes.  So I can see the latest single episode.  So for Big Bang, I can see s07e20, but not s07e17-19.  I don't see them showing up anywhere else.  


Also, the unwatched count in the green cirlce says 154 for Big Bang.  There have been 155 episodes so far so it is counting some of the episodes that aren't showing.  How is that possible?

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unfortunately i can't diagnose the metadata issues without more information, e.g. logs, screenshots, etc.

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I think he just meant he couldn't see episodes 17 thru 19 anywhere in order to refresh them.


That's correct.  That is not how I have them named.  It's just my shorthand to describe what episodes are affected.


Do you have MBC installed anywhere?  If so, do the missing episodes show up in the recent list there?


I installed MBT and I get the same problem.


unfortunately i can't diagnose the metadata issues without more information, e.g. logs, screenshots, etc.


Here are some pics:


Screenshot showing the show Person of Interest having only 15 episodes in MB3:




Screenshot showing the metadata for the last episode showing in MB3:




Screenshot showing episode 20 appearing in Latest:




Screenshot showing that the missing episodes are indeed present on the server and have the same naming convention as the others:



Edited by bozrdnag
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Try rename file for 17 ep. to "Person of Interest - s03e17 - Root Path - 720p WEB-DL.mkv" and delete old "Person of Interest - s03e17 - - - 720p WEB-DL.*" metadata files. Then refresh metadata in MBS.

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I installed MBT and I get the same problem.


Okay, but I asked about MBC because it has a different method of producing recent lists and displaying TV.

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The problem is that someone (nickname furby) renamed and blocked the episode from correct name "Root Path" to "/" (exactly as slash), which is why is screwed MBS and not only.

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The problem is that someone (nickname furby) renamed and blocked the episode from correct name "Root Path" to "/" (exactly as slash), which is why is screwed MBS and not only.


He is a moderator (or admin) on thetvdb.com. He edited that title to "/" because that is the official name of the title on the Person of Interest website. He then locked that episode so other users cannot just re-edit it back to another title. If MB3 can't handle that title.. hopefully someone can code a work around for that issue.

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Try rename file for 17 ep. to "Person of Interest - s03e17 - Root Path - 720p WEB-DL.mkv" and delete old "Person of Interest - s03e17 - - - 720p WEB-DL.*" metadata files. Then refresh metadata in MBS.


Yah, I saw that and I'll fix it, but that is not my problem.  I have many episodes in multiple shows not showing, not just that one episode.


Okay, but I asked about MBC because it has a different method of producing recent lists and displaying TV.


I thought MBC ran on top of Windows Media Center which I don't have.  I'll have to double check that.


Can you post a screen shot of the metadata edit page for Episode 17?


Unfortunately I can't.  Episode 17 does not show up anywhere for me to edit it.

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well i can't diagnose the metadata issues without more information, however for the next release i've updated the server to be more tolerant of that and display the episodes anyway. so you should be able to see them in the next release.


Do you mean the next official release or the next alpha or beta release?

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I thought the missing episodes were showing up in the "Latest" list.  Can't you navigate to them from there and then hit "Edit"?  Or, if not, try searching for them.

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