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Can't get Emby to work on Docker

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I am trying to install Emby inside a Docker container on my DS216+ (DSM 6.1.4).

I tried to install it via the Syno Docker app, but I couldn't get it to work.
Then I followed your installation procedure but it didn't work either.
Here is what I get:


It seems like a permissions issue.
You can also see that I need to use 'sudo' before the command line, otherwise I get this :


docker: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Post http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.29/containers/create: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied.
See 'docker run --help'.

Could you help me?

Edited by glenllivet
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That command doesn't seem quite right, I would check out the docker repo description for a better explanation.




You should really try to use the synology docker app where possible, it's a nice app and works very well. Maybe you can expound on how you were configuring it and the issue you were having?


There's also a Synology Package for emby that works well, if you go here https://emby.media/nas-server.html then click on Synology it'll show you how to install the syno package.



Edit: If this helps at all, here are some basic steps for setting up emby using the synology docker app.


  1. You'll want a user that can read both your configuration directory and media directories, this assumes both are stored on your synology.
    1. I usually create a new Synology user for the different apps that I have, then create a folder under my docker share for that container's config and assign ownership of that folder to the user I created. Then modify the permissions for your media directory so the emby user has read permissions for all folders, subfolders, and files.
    2. You'll want to assign the user and group ID of the user you create to the container, I'll cover that further down but for now you'll want to get those IDs by sshing into the synology and issuing the command "id username". Store the UID and GID somewhere for later.
  2. Open the Docker app and go to Registry, then search for the image you want and select download
  3. Go to the Image section, select the image you downloaded and hit Launch
  4. Give the container a name, then go to Advanced Settings
  5. Select Enable auto-restart (if you want the container to automatically recover from a crash)
  6. Go to the volume tab, select add folder, select the folder you want for the mount you're creating
    1. You'll create a config volume and a media volume, these should point to your config and media locations
    2. In the below example the red box is the folder on the synology, the green box is where that folder will be mounted in the docker container. Line two shows you how those coencide with the folders in my synology.
      1. 5a4bee0ab6a6f_advanced_settings_volumes.
      2. 5a4bee25a93a6_volume_media.png 5a4bee9a40d55_volume_config.png
  7. Network for ease I'd leave as bridge
  8. Port you can let it auto assign the port on every launch, or you can statically assign the ports. I would recommend assigning 8096 and 8920 to a static port of your choosing. 1900 as well if you have media devices you want emby to detect.
  9. Links you can leave as is
  10. Under the environment tab you'll want to modify the UID and GID variables to match the values you retrieved earlier in step 1. You can delete the GID list variable unless you have multiple GIDs you want to use.
  11. Hit Apply, Next, Apply and you should have a functional emby container running under the synology docker app.
  12. If you're having any issues you can look at a number of details if you go to the Container tab and select the container you're interested in, then hit details.
    1. From the overview you can see what ports, volumes, links, and networks you set. You can also the the variables and their values.
    2. If you go to the process tab you can see the processes that are running within the container
    3. Log will display the standard out / standard error output, this is very useful if you're having issues
    4. Terminal will show you the real time terminal output of the command used to launch the container, you can also hit Create which is essentially doing docker exec <container> /bin/bash, or if you hit the arrow next to create you can input your own command. This allows you to easily get a shell in the container to look around or modify things. In the case of the netcore container /bin/bash won't get you a shell.

If you still have questions feel free to ask.


Edit: Fixed image attachments.

Edited by xyz
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Thanks a lot xyz for all these explanations!
I had already installed the syno package but I wanted to try Docker.

The container seems to work... except that I can't get to the Emby page.
It is to be found at mynasip:8096, right?


I opened this port in the firewall and the router.

Edited by glenllivet
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I found what was wrong:

I let the "Auto" value for the local port while creating the container...
So I can reach the page when I type the assigned port in the address.
As you recommended, I will assign a static port so that I can bookmark the address. ;-)

Thanks a lot for your help!

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I found what was wrong:


I let the "Auto" value for the local port while creating the container...

So I can reach the page when I type the assigned port in the address.

As you recommended, I will assign a static port so that I can bookmark the address. ;-)


Thanks a lot for your help!


Nice work! No problem, have a good one.

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What are the PROs of this new netcore Docker Version against the standard Synology App?


Thanks and best regards



docker version is DOTNET, native version is MONO.


running docker version here, but I run in Native Network mode.





Edited by andyblac644
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