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XBOX one app


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I see a new update was released, hopefully this will work, its getting near the end of the month and if this doesn't work will need to cancel, Wife isn't going to agree to keep paying for this, she tells me every time she try's to use it and it freezes.."You are cancelling this right?"

Edited by Lamista
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Tested again tonight...started out scrambling...then cleared up..then froze..all in a span of about 3 minutes..I guess their is not fix..cancelling and asking for a refund.


Suggestion to the develops...create a true trial package that lets users actually test the application in use..one minute playback on xbox simply wasn't enough time to discover a SERIOUS flaw like this in the program.

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If you can provide a sample video for testing i'm happy to try it out. Perhaps a video is being stream copied when we should be doing a full transcode.


On more than one occasion there have been Xbox platform defects that have caused video playback problems, and understandably users such as yourself take your frustration out on us and then suddenly a system update comes along and everything is working again. The most notable example of that would be what happened with the Creators update.

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Luke, I understand COMPLETELY, and I am not taking my frustration out on emby,  BUT you must know from my position I have a setup with 2 different XBOX models that are experiencing the same issue (everything else works fine as far as media streaming on them), I have checked my home server for patch updates as well and hardware driver updates., I am not on xbox "beta" program, (I am on embys now) and the issue is the same on both, although at times it has worked for a bit longer on each...but the problem keeps coming back. I am not sure how much longer I have access to premier content since I asked for a refund, but I did submit for cancellation and it says until the 29th, so if it is still working over the weekend I will get the video samples, tell me how you want the video samples (I never had to get those before from xbox) Right now both live tv and local content choke, so I will submit one of each. I will go as far as deleting the  app from both systems and re installing them to make sure these are not botched installs from before XBOX fall update.


If one xbox worked flawlessly and the other did not then I would go as far as wiping the xbox and starting fresh, but the xboxs was just purchased maybe 4 months ago brand new,  so other that xbo updates it didn't have much on it. And as I mentioned before the problem carried over from pre xbox fall update on my systems..granted, this may be far fromt he cause, but information I like to give out since It may rule out certain known issues.



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I will mention one thing, and I havent gone back to test it since my XBOX devices are the main units in my house, that My kids roku did play a Full 2 hour movie without issues one time..I haven;t tested it since then...but i am working from home today and will put both rokus on and test live tv on one and movies on the other and tell you want happens with them. Granted if they work, it still doesn't explain what is going on entirely with the xbox's, but at least you can maybe rule out some issues with the device.

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I will mention one thing, and I havent gone back to test it since my XBOX devices are the main units in my house, that My kids roku did play a Full 2 hour movie without issues one time..I haven;t tested it since then...but i am working from home today and will put both rokus on and test live tv on one and movies on the other and tell you want happens with them. Granted if they work, it still doesn't explain what is going on entirely with the xbox's, but at least you can maybe rule out some issues with the device.

Have you tried telling it to force transcode the item?

I mainly use SD with Emby, which occasionally has similar problems, so dont have any HD to test


Bring up the timeline while something is playing

Click the cog wheel for the options

There should then be an option for play quality (not infront of xbox to get exact description), might say "Direct Streaming"

Try lowering this to a lesser setting, try a few to see whats best

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Thanks Paul, ill look into that. But I have Plex running full HD movies all the time, it does 0 trans-coding to the xboxes..and I am passing 20gb movies encoded at 24bit with hd audio streams with no issues. Right now emby drops out after a couple minutes of a live tv show and any movie I am playing.


On a side note I have both my kids rokus playing at teh same time..one live HD tv and one a HD 24bit encoded movie with hd audio..no issues so far...and its been about an hour

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If you can provide a sample video for testing i'm happy to try it out. Perhaps a video is being stream copied when we should be doing a full transcode.


On more than one occasion there have been Xbox platform defects that have caused video playback problems, and understandably users such as yourself take your frustration out on us and then suddenly a system update comes along and everything is working again. The most notable example of that would be what happened with the Creators update.


I am not entirely certain that this is just a microsoft issue this time.  I am still getting the same issues as @@Lamista.  Plus the all movies alpha picker is still only loading 2 rows of posters and nothing else.  I have been testing emby daily to see if these issues are resolved but when my family wants to watch a movie we have been using Ember for emby and it has been working flawlessly. From what I understand they use the same video player.

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I have just completed one movie on a roku and tv is still streaming...so rokus do not seem to have an issue so far...playing another movie. I will now delete emby from the xbox devices and re install fresh sometime today and re test

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When you next get the problems with xbox, have a look on the server


Taskmanager for windows (or similar for others) and see what the network stats are


I dont have any to test here at the moment, but when i have had ones with issues, Emby is trying to send out large amouunts of data, as though its a very high bitrate, chokes the network and the player gives up


Just wondering if ffmpeg is mis identifying things for some situations

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I have just completed one movie on a roku and tv is still streaming...so rokus do not seem to have an issue so far...playing another movie. I will now delete emby from the xbox devices and re install fresh sometime today and re test


The issue is specific to xbox right now.  I have multiple different platforms and remote users using several different devices.  None of them are having an issues at all. Roku, android and amazon fire devices are all working perfectly.  When microsoft releases an update it sometimes messes with embys functionality but the DEV team including @@Luke work really hard to play catch up and work around Microsoft's mistake.  They do a great job.  I know what its like when the wife wants it to "just work".  if you give them a little patience they should get it sorted out.

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I have noticed some improvements since the update yesterday. I can now listen to a whole album which I could not do before. It still crashes sometimes and I have to restart emby but definitely abit better.

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I can confirm scott that rokus are playing flawlessly, I ran 2 24 bit 2 hour movies back to back with live hd tv running on the other roku..and to toss something in the mix I added my note 5 and watched hd tv as well with no issues all at the same time....so definitely xbox issue..I havent got a chance to wipe the app and do a fresh install..been fairly busy today...I will do this tonight and see what happens.


Now that I got a refund I can probably convince the "boss" to try testing for another month, this would be on me now since I know what I would be getting myself into...but lets see what happens till the EOM.

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I can confirm scott that rokus are playing flawlessly, I ran 2 24 bit 2 hour movies back to back with live hd tv running on the other roku..and to toss something in the mix I added my note 5 and watched hd tv as well with no issues all at the same time....so definitely xbox issue..I havent got a chance to wipe the app and do a fresh install..been fairly busy today...I will do this tonight and see what happens.


Now that I got a refund I can probably convince the "boss" to try testing for another month, this would be on me now since I know what I would be getting myself into...but lets see what happens till the EOM.


Also have you tried Ember for emby on Xbox?  I am using it right now and it is working without fail. I don't know if it has TV support or not cause I don't use TV. Maybe someone else can confirm this. If one of the theater programs has an issue its nice to have a backup.

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I used to have ember on a small linux based unit, worked great till devices failed. With the kids and wife I am looking for a one app solution for live tv and movies..and one central source for all the metadata. I already have plex and hd homerun (since plex has yet to release live tv support on xbox) and both apps ran well, hd is sorta "basic" but it plays..Plex works wel with all teh movies, but lacking in some feature that I like in Emby, thus why I am here, trying to get it to work. Wife liked Emby Live TV interface much more that HD homerun, but the fact that it freezes all the time has her using hd homerun still. Hopefully a solution can be found.



On a side note I just texted the xbox one s with the newest emby release and I wiped emby from the xbox, rebooted and installed a new copy, still froze in 3 minutes. Ill get video clip you asked for luke.

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@@Lamista you had Ember mediamanager on a Linux box. :)

Ember for emby is a native Emby client app.

When I renamed it from Emby to Ember for emby (due to Luke and eber releasing Theater in store) I forgot that there was an media solution already named Ember..

So, bad name.. not the same product that you ran on Linux. :)

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@@screwfaze, I have, I jumped to the beta program to see if a patch will fix it


@@7illusions, ok I will try that, I looked it up and the interface looks nice..hopefully it willl also correct the drops. 


@@Scott310 thanks for the link


I havent looked further into ember other than a couple blogs, Do I add the plugin to the xbox emby app, server or both? ( I assume emby app based on what I saw)



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OK...play hd tv on ember..5 minutes in..no freeze....I am going with my first thought, this was not server related..its app related..but will test during the weekend to make sure

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So far played live tv and movies for about 20 minutes each with Ember for Emby...no issues, going to watch a full movie tonight with the wife and see how this goes...but if this works then I am good with emby and ember..still need to iron out the channel guide..but so far so good now.

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I did get a couple of freezes last night from ember but it seemed like it might have been more network related possibly. I set it to force the transcode to see if that would clear it up. @@Lamista have you tried setting either program to force the transcode?

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Nope..I didnt adjust anything yet, I figure the xbox should not need transcode..I did so with emby. On plex and xbox video was pushed 0 trans-code.  Are you on wireless? everything in my house is hard lined, so that may make a difference with throughput.

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Played a movie fine on Ember for Emby..there was a small issue with the screen going black every so often real fast, but a cold boot seems to have fixed this, my main gripe would be the gray bar color default on the top an bottom, you can manually change them to black, but this has to be done every time...overall very happy with the app and I will probably going lifetime membership with emby here..since live tv and movies work on the rokus and android devices with no issues. Also love the collection features..makes organizing even better than plex..still playing around with everything.

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