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When playing back video in Emby Theater or Emby in a browser on Windows 10, the audio drops out and then the video freezes.  This pattern repeats every six to nine seconds.  It only occurs on recorded TV.

The only symptom I observed is that the Task Manager show a large peak in the network traffic on the playback machine and the same infinite peak on the server.


This seems to have occurred after the recent update to server version Version


I have reverted to using the PC because the XBox playback currently fails in less than 15 seconds.


Any recommendations are welcome.



Posted (edited)



I described the symptoms in the previous post.

In the example today, I tried to playback an episode of The Voice which I recently recorded on the using Emby and a SiliconDust HDHomerun with an over the air antenna.

The network spikes, the audio drops, the video stops; after two seconds, the audio starts and the video starts again.  Sometimes audio information is lost but usually it will recover, just delayed and out of step with the video.  The process repeats in a pattern every 6 to 9 seconds.


I attached the server and ffmpeg logs for review at the following link https://1drv.ms/f/s!AnfmLnbQksWOhBQkg7k5lqTIts79



Edited by UnderMiner

Ok, for the next server release we've updated our audio/video sync, so let's reevaluate then. Also Emby Theater for Windows is about to get a shiny new video player, so we should also re-evaluate once that is released. Thanks !

  • 2 weeks later...



The server updated itself last week to Version  I still have the same symptoms on playback.

I have faith that this issue and the Xbox issue (only plays for less than 15 seconds and crashes to home screen) will be fixed eventually.

I was on the monthly subscription but purchased the lifetime version a few days ago to show my commitment.



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