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Program Artwork with XMLTV / Schedules Direct


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Hi, is there a known way to get program artwork using XMLTV epg data obtained from Schedules Direct?

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We don't have a way of combining the two. When you choose Xml TV, the xml tv data is expected to contain the complete guide information.

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We don't have a way of combining the two. When you choose Xml TV, the xml tv data is expected to contain the complete guide information.

well my question was to users of xmltv rather than users of Emby. But the fix in Emby would be allowing the addition of multiple SD line ups and better channel auto or manual matching. is any of this in the pipeline?

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We do allow multiple SD lineups, and we even have a way of auto-matching m3u to SD using tvg-id. @@maegibbons can share.

Mark has shared with me, the way to do it outside of Emby. But that requires the use of xmltv as epg because the channel matching in Emby doesn't work great automatically and is pretty cumbersome manually
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Yes.  The ideal solution would be for the inbuilt SD matching routines to allow auto mapping between the tvg-id and the channel-id in the SD json data.  It works great using the xmltv data for me but would be easier if there was a tvg-id to json channel-id matching option available in the inbuilt automapper.  The channel-id is of the format "I69387.json.schedulesdirect.org".  Is this field available when you query SD by json directly?  I'm sure it must be.


If this could be done it would remove the tedious step of setting up the xmltv grabber and the need to run a cron job every day outside of Emby







Edited by maegibbons
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It has to be part of the schedules direct lineup that you've chosen and is added to your schedules direct account. In other words it can't be completely arbitrary. SD only allows adding a few lineups to your account and that becomes your pool of available channels that you can utilize.

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Sure - choosing the Multiple lineups is not the issue.  It is the matching of the tvg-id field to the SD channel-id field that needs to happen in the inbuilt emby routine.


It works when matching against xmltv data file but not when querying SD directly.





Edited by maegibbons
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Well I will test that again. 


As I said mapping tvg-id to channel-id in xmltv WORKS absolutely fine and dandy.  I use it every day


I did have issues with it not working between m3u and inbuilt routines but have not tested it for a while - when I last brougt it up here:




You responded in the next post with your usual


"Well that's a possible enhancement for the future"


So are you saying you reckon this was done in the standard inbullt SD routines?





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it should work fine with those examples in that other thread.

so you would add the different SD lineups as separate guide providers? is there no way to just add the existing lineups to Emby that are already associated with my SD account? doing it the Emby way means i have to select new lineups which then messes up my existing xmltv epg

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Without question this does NOT work.


I have just tested it on my Windows test serever with beta


A few channels are auto mapped but the majority are not.


It is certainly NOT matching the tvg-id with the SD json on the channel-id like "I69387.json.schedulesdirect.org"


Again I stress this works PERFECTLY currently with xmltv - please dont break that :o





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It certainly was the last time i tested. the SD lineup you have selected would need to have a channel with Id 69387.

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Of course, I understand the lineup thing.  The lineup is "BSkyb England"  ==> GBR-0001172-DEFAULT


I69387 is BBC One HD.  Herewith the xmltv entry for this channel using the json grabber with this EXACT lineup.

  <channel id="I69387.json.schedulesdirect.org">
    <display-name>BBC One HD</display-name>
    <icon height="270" src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/schedulesdirect/assets/stationLogos/s69387_h3_aa.png" width="360" />




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@@Spaceboy what is your question?

whether you could respond to @@maegibbons we would like to use Schedules Direct directly rather than having to use xmltv. you suggested its working, we are fairly confident its not. are we doing it wrong or do you need to fix something?

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what precisely do you want to see? the m3u file?


Can you supply a complete example? thanks !

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ok well m3u will have to be pm'd again


we still have this issue where in emby we can't add just the schedules direct account and have it use lineups that are already attached to that account. in emby you always have to add a new one which then causes issues because you cannot have more than 4 and neither in SD or Emby is there a way to clear these. i'm using another program called EPG123 for this purpose.


lets keep it simple for now, just one lineup. post code N5 2NR in GB, chose the Sky England lineup. m3u on its way...

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Thanks although that's not an issue. You add the lineup to Emby and then it only gets added to your Schedules Direct account if it's not already there. So there's really no problem with that.

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Thanks although that's not an issue. You add the lineup to Emby and then it only gets added to your Schedules Direct account if it's not already there.

ok, i can see this now

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