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Library Scan does nothing (finnishes in 0 seconds without any results)

Go to solution Solved by AllesMeins,

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I've just setup an fresh OpenMediaVault Install with emby enabled. So far everything went without problems, but now I'm stuck. Embys Library Scan is not working at all - it doesn't even try. If I click the scan button the progress bar is visible for just a fraction of a second - the log shows "scan completed on 0 minutes and 0 seconds" and of cause no movies show up in my library. I've already tried different folders, reinstalling emby and resetting the permissions of the media-folder. No luck so far...


Permissions for the directory are as follows

drwxrwsr-x 2 root users 4096 Jan 25 01:11 Movies

Permissions for the Files

-rw-rw-r-- 1 root users 11000000842 Jan  8 17:25 Captain Phillips (2013).mkv

I'm using OpenMediaVault 2.1 with their current emby plugin (Emby Version


Any idea what might be the problem?



Hi, what does your library setup look like in the Library tab? Does it show your libraries? What paths did you add? thanks.

Posted (edited)

The setup is pretty basic, because I wanted to test everything first. I've just added this one folder with a handfull of movies. It shows up in the library-tab just fine. I've tried a TV-Folder with a couple of Shows as well - same problem... I even tried to remove the mhddfs-layer I'm planing on using and accessed the folders directly. No change, didn't work...

root@dateikiste:/media/2ada94ab-cbcc-41ec-b19b-bfc46c5dc611/Media# ls -la
insgesamt 20
drwxrwsr-x 5 root users 4096 Jan 25 08:23 .
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root  4096 Jan 25 08:04 ..
drwxrwsr-x 2 root users 4096 Jan 25 08:23 Movies
drwxrwsr-x 2 root users 4096 Jan 25 00:11 Musik
drwxrwsr-x 2 root users 4096 Jan 25 08:23 Serien



I tried a few more things with no success:


- I've added a "Music"-Folder with some MP3s. They don't get picked up either. So it shouldn't be a problem with my mkv-files

- I've added an "Mixed-Type"-Folder: Nothing shows up in there as well. So maybe it is some kind of access-rights problem? But they all look fine to me...


Edited by AllesMeins
  • Solution

Okay, I somehow managed to get it to work... I removed emby, restarted my system and did a fresh install and suddenly it worked...


That's very strange, thanks for the update ! I wonder if it's the restart that did the trick. In any event, thanks for reporting back.

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