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Nothing showing up under Live TV (Emby + ServerWMC)

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Posted (edited)

I am having a very similar issue to @@bsetnick (see post from Nov 2016).  My Emby and ServerWMC appear to be configured correctly, everything is working in windows media center, but I am not getting any content when I attempt to view LiveTV from any device.


Emby dashboard shows my tuner as "Available."


Under external services, it shows ServerWMC, status "ok."


I've tried rebooting and restarting service and the server machine without luck.  Emby, ServerWMC and WMC are all located on the same machine.


Please advise...thanks!



Edited by amm229

Here is my ServerWMC log file if it is helpful:


2017/01/15 09:29:45.316 ServerWMC started.
2017/01/15 09:29:45.348 Assembly version:, build: 1244
2017/01/15 09:29:45.348 Config file version: 158
2017/01/15 09:29:45.348 Build: Release
2017/01/15 09:29:45.348 Server MachineName: MEDIACENTER
2017/01/15 09:29:45.348 OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 (x64)
2017/01/15 09:29:45.348 OS Version: 6.1.7601.65536
2017/01/15 09:29:47.812 Processor: Pentium® Dual-Core  CPU      E6700  @ 3.20GHz
2017/01/15 09:29:47.984 Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 6450
2017/01/15 09:29:48.936 -----------------------------------------
2017/01/15 09:29:48.936 Non-default Config Settings -------------
2017/01/15 09:29:49.294 isAutoStart: True >>Default: False
2017/01/15 09:29:49.294 StartupMinimized: True >>Default: False
2017/01/15 09:29:49.294 IsCloseToSysTray: True >>Default: False
2017/01/15 09:29:49.294 StartWcfService: True >>Default: False
2017/01/15 09:29:49.294 -----------------------------------------
2017/01/15 09:29:49.544 MainWindow> Showing splash screen.
2017/01/15 09:29:51.588 MainWindow> Starting InitializeWorker
2017/01/15 09:29:53.132 RedirectWMCDLLs> WMC DLL version found in GAC: (win7)
2017/01/15 09:29:53.179 RedirectWMCDLLs> redirect handlers added
2017/01/15 09:29:55.113 RecService> Starting ------------------
2017/01/15 09:29:55.113 EPG> loading...
2017/01/15 09:29:55.113 EPG> opening store
2017/01/15 09:29:58.452 EPG> TV store opened OK
2017/01/15 09:29:58.498 EnumerateRecorders> Tuner Devices and TuningSpaces found:
2017/01/15 09:29:58.530 EnumerateRecorders> ContentRecorder: 0
2017/01/15 09:29:58.732 EnumerateRecorders>  Device #0
2017/01/15 09:29:58.732 EnumerateRecorders>    Name: ATI DTV Wonder Digital BDA Tuner,  Space: ATSC
2017/01/15 09:29:58.732 EnumerateRecorders>    Guid: 8cd8be43-d8d5-448e-be73-65fbc2d7bdb0
2017/01/15 09:30:01.821 EnumerateRecorders> done
2017/01/15 09:30:01.884 GetLineUpsAndChannels> started
2017/01/15 09:30:03.038 GetLineUpsAndChannels> Total LineUps: 1, Total channels imported: 10
2017/01/15 09:30:03.038 GetLineUpsAndChannels>    Channels found in database: 57
2017/01/15 09:30:03.038 GetLineUpsAndChannels>    Ignored Channels> Blocked in WMC: 47, User hidden: 0
2017/01/15 09:30:03.038 GetLineUpsAndChannels>    Strange Channels> Null space: 0, Out-of-range(ignored): 0
2017/01/15 09:30:03.038 GetLineUpsAndChannels>    Channel Types> SD-only: 1, HD-capable: 9
2017/01/15 09:30:03.038 GetLineUpsAndChannels>    Channels filtered out by _MasterChannelGroup_: 0
2017/01/15 09:30:03.038 GetLineUpsAndChannels>    Radio Channels> TV(audio-only): 0, Presets: 0
2017/01/15 09:30:03.038 GetLineUpsAndChannels>    RadioPresets> Registry: 0, Config: 0
2017/01/15 09:30:03.038 GetLineUpsAndChannels>    Protected Channels>  encrypted: 0, DRM: 0
2017/01/15 09:30:03.038 GetLineUpsAndChannels>    Edited Channels> Callsigns: 0,   Numbers: 0
2017/01/15 09:30:03.038 GetLineUpsAndChannels>    WMC Channel Groups> Found: 0
2017/01/15 09:30:03.038 GetLineUpsAndChannels>    Ignored WMC Channel Groups> Blocked in WMC: 0, Empty: 2
2017/01/15 09:30:03.038 GetLineUpsAndChannels>    Xml defined Channel Groups> Found: 0
2017/01/15 09:30:03.038 GetLineUpsAndChannels>    Ignored Xml Channel Groups> Empty: 0
2017/01/15 09:30:03.038 GetLineUpsAndChannels> done
2017/01/15 09:30:03.038 EPG> loading done
2017/01/15 09:30:04.005 StartRecordingLibraryWatcher> recording library watcher started OK.
2017/01/15 09:30:04.286 RecService> EventScheduler started
2017/01/15 09:30:04.302 DecoyManager> Timer started
2017/01/15 09:30:04.426 LoadGenreDictXML> C:\Program Files (x86)\ServerWMC\GenreDict.xml loaded OK, entries found: 175
2017/01/15 09:30:04.489 LoadGenreDictXML> C:\ProgramData\VDsoftware\ServerWMC\GenreDict.xml loaded OK, entries found: 173
2017/01/15 09:30:04.489 CheckChannelIcons> Channel icons successfully processed: 0  (epg: 0,  user: 0)
2017/01/15 09:30:04.489 RecService> -------------(DONE)----------------
2017/01/15 09:30:04.489 HandleFolders ------------------------------------
2017/01/15 09:30:04.692 Local WMC 'RecTV' folder: 'C:\Users\Public\Recorded TV',   ShareStatus: OK
2017/01/15 09:30:04.738 Format: NTFS
2017/01/15 09:30:04.738 Stored Network 'Recorded tv' path: 
2017/01/15 09:30:04.738 >  Samba: smb://MEDIACENTER/Users/Public/Recorded TV
2017/01/15 09:30:05.222 >    UNC: \\MEDIACENTER\Users\Public\Recorded TV,   ShareStatus: OK
2017/01/15 09:30:05.222 HandleFolders -------------(DONE)----------------
2017/01/15 09:30:05.971 SocketServer> starting up SocketServer
2017/01/15 09:30:05.971 SocketServer> permission to access sockets granted
2017/01/15 09:30:06.111 SocketServer> socket object created
2017/01/15 09:30:06.220 SocketServer> The first listed ethernet interface will be used for client Wake On LAN target - use MACAddressOverride setting to change:
2017/01/15 09:30:06.595 SocketServer> [1] Interface: 'ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card' MAC: E0:69:95:6E:AB:3A
2017/01/15 09:30:06.595 SocketServer> started on port: 9080
2017/01/15 09:30:06.610 StartWcfService> opening WCF services
2017/01/15 09:30:06.735 Worker::Init> PrimeTimeRecordings not enabled
2017/01/15 09:30:06.735 Worker::Init>  MaintenanceTimer started
2017/01/15 09:30:06.735 Worker::Init> VideoInactivityTimer started
2017/01/15 09:30:06.735 InitializeWorker> successfully started: True
2017/01/15 09:30:06.907 MaintenanceTimer> Callback started...
2017/01/15 09:30:07.016 Updater> Checking for updates...
2017/01/15 09:30:09.496 StartWcfHost> acl reservation exists for: http://+:9180/serverwmc.stream/
2017/01/15 09:30:09.559 StartWcfHost> acl reservation exists for: http://+:9180/serverwmc/
2017/01/15 09:30:11.119 XmlRecordStore> Recording objects loaded: 0
2017/01/15 09:30:11.259 MaintenanceTimer> Callback completed in 4.35 sec.
2017/01/15 09:30:11.727 StartWcfHost> stream based httpBinding set ok
2017/01/15 09:30:11.899 StartWcfHost> Endpoint behaviors set ok
2017/01/15 09:30:11.899 StartWcfHost> Endpoint behaviors set ok
2017/01/15 09:30:12.351 Current version still up to date.
2017/01/15 09:30:12.351 Updater> Current version 1.0.1244.0 is up to date
2017/01/15 09:30:12.351 Updater> Next check at 1/15/2017 2:00:00 PM
2017/01/15 09:30:13.911 StartWcfHost> Host ''opened successfully
2017/01/15 09:30:13.911 StartWcfHost> Host ''opened successfully
2017/01/15 09:31:12.443 New client connected: client: 'Emby^MEDIACENTER', IP: ::1, machine: 'MEDIACENTER', isRemote: False
2017/01/15 09:31:12.443  > path to Recorded TV Folder: 'C:\Users\Public\Recorded TV'
2017/01/15 09:31:12.489 AddonVersion> client: 'Emby^MEDIACENTER' has addon/plugin version:, OS: windows 6.1.7601.65536
2017/01/15 09:31:12.521 Received client request: MediaBrowser^@MEDIACENTER@|::1|GetServerVersion
2017/01/15 09:31:12.521 Finished request GetServerVersion in 0.00s
2017/01/15 09:31:57.433 Received client request: MediaBrowser^@MEDIACENTER@|::1|GetServerVersion
2017/01/15 09:31:57.433 Finished request GetServerVersion in 0.00s
2017/01/15 09:31:57.433 Received client request: MediaBrowser^@MEDIACENTER@|::1|GetServerVersion
2017/01/15 09:31:57.433 Finished request GetServerVersion in 0.00s
2017/01/15 09:31:57.433 Received client request: MediaBrowser^@MEDIACENTER@|::1|GetTunerStatus
2017/01/15 09:31:57.480 GetTunerStatus> Name: ATI DTV Wonder Digital BDA Tuner, Id: 8cd8be43-d8d5-448e-be73-65fbc2d7bdb0, SourceType: ATSC, Status: Available, ProgramName: , RecordId: , ChannelId: , Clients: 
2017/01/15 09:31:57.480 Finished request GetTunerStatus in 0.05s
2017/01/15 09:32:03.221 Received client request: MediaBrowser^@MEDIACENTER@|::1|GetRecordings
2017/01/15 09:32:03.221 RecordingCache_Refresh> [init] Cache background refresh started.
2017/01/15 09:32:04.188 GetRecordings_Refresh> Total process time 0.42 sec
2017/01/15 09:32:04.188 GetRecordings_Refresh> Completed for client Emby^MEDIACENTER,  results:
2017/01/15 09:32:04.188 GetRecordings_Refresh>    Transfered: RecTV folder files: 1,  watched files: 0
2017/01/15 09:32:04.188 GetRecordings_Refresh>    Transfered: Recordings returned with empty paths: 0
2017/01/15 09:32:04.188 GetRecordings_Refresh>    Ignored:  local files: 0, temp files: 0
2017/01/15 09:32:04.188 GetRecordings_Refresh>    Weird files:  no program: 0, no channel: 1, orphaned: 0
2017/01/15 09:32:04.188 GetRecordings_Refresh>    Misc:  drm: 0, icons: 0, instantRec: 0, metaDataReads: 0, urls: 0, primeTimeRecs: 0
2017/01/15 09:32:04.188 GetRecordings_Refresh>    Invalid StartTimes: 0
2017/01/15 09:32:04.188 GetRecordingsCached> Cached recordings[1] returned to 'Emby^MEDIACENTER' in 0.97 sec
2017/01/15 09:32:04.188 Finished request GetRecordings in 0.97s
2017/01/15 09:32:04.219 RecordingCache_WorkerCompleted> [init] Cache background refresh completed in 1.00 sec, client: Emby^MEDIACENTER.
2017/01/15 09:32:16.543 Received client request: MediaBrowser^@MEDIACENTER@|::1|GetTimers
2017/01/15 09:32:16.543 TimerCache_Refresh> [init] Cache background refresh started.
2017/01/15 09:32:16.746 GetTimersCached> Cached timers[2] returned to 'Emby^MEDIACENTER' in 0.20 sec
2017/01/15 09:32:16.746 TimerCache_WorkerCompleted> [init] Cache background refresh completed in 0.20 sec, client: Emby^MEDIACENTER.
2017/01/15 09:32:16.746 Finished request GetTimers in 0.20s
2017/01/15 09:32:18.212 Received client request: MediaBrowser^@MEDIACENTER@|::1|GetSeriesTimers
2017/01/15 09:32:18.961 GetSeriesTimers> series/repeating timers[3] returned to 'Emby^MEDIACENTER' in 0.75 sec
2017/01/15 09:32:18.961 Finished request GetSeriesTimers in 0.75s
2017/01/15 09:33:33.030 MainWindow::Window_Loaded> not running as service, checking folder status.
2017/01/15 09:33:33.030 MainWindow::Window_Loaded> Done

Try posting the serverwmc log again, but this time include an attempt to start a live stream before you post it. 


Thanks for the prompt reply!!  Unfortunately, I am not able to attempt to start a live stream because there is no content listed under my guide or channel tabs.  See screenshot:





The guide and channels do work in WMC.





One more thing...should the http service option in serverWMC be enabled?  By default it is not enabled but there was a prompt suggesting that it should be.  Incidentally I have tried both with it enable and disabled without any luck.


Oh, I see.  Under the 'Channels' heading in Kodi do any channels show up?  Do any recordings show up under 'Recordings'?


I am using Emby as my frontend not Kodi.  Nothing for channels but I do have a recording that shows up and plays correctly.


One other thing that I noticed.  I downloaded the most current version of ServerWMC that I could find from https://serverwmc.github.io/ which was  However, The version of the emby plugin is different.  Is this an issue?  Or is the version of the plugin specific to the plugin and independant of the ServerWMC version?


Looking at the ISDN status for my WMCServer I see the following:


"ChannelsTxfr" : 0,


I think that is the issue but I don't know how to fix.




Sorry, I meant Emby.


The plugin version depends mostly on the emby version.  So long as you have loaded the latest version of the plugin according to the emby catalog its good.


Can you post your entire serverwmc log again?  Just include the file rather just pasting the content.


Thanks.  The log shows that it returned two timers to emby, but it doesn't show emby asking for the channel list.  Not sure why.  Have you tried opening the emby settings page then going to scheduled tasks then Live TV> Refresh Guide?


If that doesn't help, we'll need the emby guys to say what is going on.  Post the emby log.


That fixed it!  I simply clicked refresh guide under Emby LiveTV settings.  My guide is now populating and I am able to view content.  Thanks for your help!

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