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Hi all,


Some questions/issues with using genre metadata. I just started using Emby and just got my library added. I have not yet checked the metadata on most of my collection and as such this post is isolated to a Box Set collection I added. The Collection wasn't originally found in TMDB but that's because the name I had for it differed from TMDB which is fine. I went through the process of adding the TMDB ids to each movie via "identify" and it found the movies no problem so I assumed it pulled in all the metadata from TMDB including genre.


I then went and added the genre to the main collection thumbnail and then tested searching that genre. Nothing appeared in the search results. I then went back and checked the movies I added the ids for and noticed that genre didn't get added nor some of the other key info like people (all of which are in TMDB). Added to this the search also didn't bring up the main Collection under the genre bucket nor a separate Collections bucket.


Another problem is that a couple of the mp4s in this Collection didn't get pulled in. These are movie trailers with no official ID. I have three movie trailers and one got pulled in and two didn't. I thought maybe there was an issue with the library db so I moved the folder out of the movies folder, deleted the library db, rescanned without the folder, added the folder back in and rescanned. Still the same thing. Two of the mp4s didn't show but the third one did. They are named "That's Entertainment 1 - Movie Trailer.mp4, That's Entertainment 2 - Movie Trailer.mp4 (this got pulled in), That's Entertainment 3 - Movie Trailer.mp4. When I renamed the two of them to just "Movie Trailer" in their respective folders and rescanned they got pulled in but were associated with incorrect metadata (which is fine because I just edited it... I'm just thankful they got pulled in). For the file that got pulled in it wasn't associated with any metadata which is what I expected. I don't understand why two wouldn't get pulled in until I renamed them yet the third one pulled in fine. When I looked at the logs the two problem files weren't even referenced (no error or anything). They only appeared in the log after I renamed them.


My questions are:

1. Why didn't the full TMDB metadata get pulled in for each movie? Once I added genre manually to each movie they then appeared in the search results.

2. Why didn't my main Collection appear in the search results? Are Collections as a search result not supported?

3. What's going on with scanning files? I could understand if the files were unsupported by Emby but these are standard mp4's and what's stranger is that one of the three got pulled in. I can't understand why two didn't.


I can provide logs if needed.


Most likely it's your movie naming and folder structure.  There is a Wiki covering supported structures.


The most reliable in my experience would be this:


\\Server\Share\That's Entertainment! (1974)\That's Entertainment! (1974).mp4

\\Server\Share\That's Entertainment! (1974)\That's Entertainment! (1974)-trailer.mp4

\\Server\Share\That's Entertainment, Part II (1976)\That's Entertainment, Part II (1976).mp4

\\Server\Share\That's Entertainment, Part II (1976)\That's Entertainment, Part II (1976)-trailer.mp4




Each movie in its own folder.  Each folder and movie named exactly as they are named on TMDB.  Each trailer named exactly as the relevant movie but with -trailer added at the end, and stored in the same folder.


That is not the only option in the naming wiki but from my experience it's the best combination of easy and reliable.  For things that exist on the TMDB I've had a 100% success rate with this naming scheme.


Thanks. I will try this. As mentioned it had no issues with the movie trailer in one of the folders (and it wasn't named exactly as TMDB) so I don't understand why the other two movie trailers weren't imported (and in the case of the movie trailers I wasn't expecting metadata regardless only that they get imported with nothing).


As for some of the files in this Collection there are actual references in TMDB (the main movies for this Collection) to which I added the TMDB ids and they were found. Do you know why metadata such as genre and people weren't imported when I gave it the ID? I doubt the filenames have anything to do with this. I'm finding this has been erratic in its behavior.


And also, do you know why the Collection didn't show up in search results even after I manually added the genre metadata? I'm trying to understand what level of effort I should be putting into this? If, for example, Collections aren't supported in search results (only their individual files) then I won't spend time populating that field at the Collection level.


Thanks again.


Can you please explain this sequence of events a little bit more?

I then went and added the genre to the main collection thumbnail and then tested searching that genre. 
Nothing appeared in the search results. 

For this:

I then went back and checked the movies I added the ids for and noticed that genre didn't get added nor some of the other key info like people (all of which are in TMDB). Added to this the search also didn't bring up the main Collection under the genre bucket nor a separate Collections bucket.

Probably because you did not refresh the content after editing the Id. Editing is just editing. It will not refresh from the internet after you edit because that could cause your edits to be overwritten. We have the Identify feature for this very purpose which handles this for you all in one shot. You enter an Id or search term, and it will handle the metadata refreshing for you.




#3 is just that the supported library structure was not followed, however we have to learn why you thought this was an Emby problem, because that's not good for us. I would guess that it's because you didn't consult the supported library structure.

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