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GameBrowser: "An unknown error prevented this game from launching"

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I am having the same issue

"An unknown error prevented this game from launching"

Ive tried all of the steps

  1. stop server
  2. delete library.db
  3. delete servers GameBrowser.xml
  4. delete all .xml files contained anywhere in your game libraries
  5. delete MBC GameBrowser.xml
  6. start server
  7. re-add all game directories to the Gamebrowser server dashboard config
  8. wait for scan to complete
  9. launch MBC configurator and add emulators to the various platforms.
  10. Play game.

I have just upgraded Mediabrowser from ver.2 to 3 - wish i hadnt now as i am having nothing but problems... any help would be great. thanks :)


I'm also having the error "An unknown error prevented this game from launching".


All of my game systems/emulators, games, and metadata are showing up in MBC, but when I click "Play", I get the error.  Below are my log files and versions, any help is appreciated.


Windows: 8 version 6.3 (Build 9600)

Windows Media Center: 6.3.9600.16384

Media Browser Server: 3.0.5289.18702

Media Browser Classic:   6-20.1

Game Browser:


All swtiches set to "{rom}" for Nestopia (version 1.4) , Gens (version 2.14), and zsnes (version 1.51)


Server Log File: http://pastebin.com/GYTajDN4

MBC Log File: http://pastebin.com/LxUDLCFq

Configurator Log File: http://pastebin.com/9ama7Byk


We're aware of it. Trying to resolve it.


If it helps: as an FYI, my issue did not occur after an update.  This is my first time installing Media Browser and Game Browser.


is it possible to download old versions of MBC and GameBrowser so that this error can be avoided?


Hey all --  I'm new to GameBrowser, but I was able to work through some of the issues I am seeing pretty commonly when I was searching through these message boards with the "An unknown error prevented this game from launching" message without a lot of deleting files or uninstalling and reinstalling.  Sorry if this solution is old news -- I only found these posts because I was unsuccessful when googling for a solution myself.


The problem seems to boil down to this:  There are three xml files which need to match up to launch a game on an emulator:

game.xml -- In the folder containing the rom/iso
gamesystem.xml -- in the library for the system
GameBrowser.xml -- in the program data (for me, ProgramData\MediaBrowser-Classic\Plugins\Configurations\GameBrowser.xml)

The first, game.xml, is the scraped metadata for each game.  It needs to have a field <GameSystem> which specifies the system the ROM is to be played on.  The second, gamesystem.xml, is the scraped metadata for the platform.  It needs to have a <LocalTitle> field which matches the former's <GameSystem> exactly.  The last one, GameBrowser.xml, is the data file specifying which platforms have been set up.  This one has a <Name> field which must match both of the former two exactly.


It seems that, for whatever reason, it is pretty common for either the rom file to be missing a <GameSystem> tag entirely, or for the platform's <LocalTitle> to be different from the <Name> in the program data.  If any of these happen, you end up being unable to launch either that game, or all games for the platform.


For example, looking at line 400-402 of Frolf's MBC Log, it looks like he's trying to launch Kid Icarus, but the log reads:

..."Trying to match GameSystem for ,"...
..."game.GameSystem has no value assigned"...

So, the <GameSystem> element is blank or (more likely, from my experience) isn't present in the game.xml file in with Kid Icarus.  This looks to be pretty common, as In my installation I found that something like 80% of the platforms I setup had no <GameSystem> element for any of the games, even when they were scraped successfully.  Also, even when I deleted the game.xml and re-scraped, it would come back without a <GameSystem> on most platforms.


On my end, to fix this, I wrote a powershell script that took the <LocalTitle> from each system's xml file and inserted it into all the game.xml files in subdirectories.  Its specific to my own file structure, so I don't think it would be useful unless anyone is comfortable editing the code themself.


The other thing I ran into, the latter two files going out-of-sync.  For example, I had a gamesystem.xml file which defined a <LocalTitle> of "Nintendo Game Boy", but the GameBrowser.xml file had a <name> filed of "Game Boy".  Again, this leads to the same "unknown error".  This one is a easier fix, as it only requires editing either the one program data file, or one file for each system that doesn't match.


By just editing to make sure these matched up for each game, I was able to get all 12 of my emulators working with all the games -- no deleting and repopulating or uninstall/reinstall needed. I haven't messed with DOS or MAME.  


I have also seen a post on Windows Games not showing up in the configurator.  I'm having the same problem and haven't found a solution, but it looks like this may also be an issue with the GameBrowser.xml file -- in mine I have any empty <WinGames/> tag.  I just don't have a reference for what that tag should contain.


Hope that helps someone.


Hey all -- I'm new to GameBrowser, but I was able to work through some of the issues I am seeing pretty commonly when I was searching through these message boards with the "An unknown error prevented this game from launching" message without a lot of deleting files or uninstalling and reinstalling. Sorry if this solution is old news -- I only found these posts because I was unsuccessful when googling for a solution myself.


The problem seems to boil down to this: There are three xml files which need to match up to launch a game on an emulator:

game.xml -- In the folder containing the rom/iso
gamesystem.xml -- in the library for the system
GameBrowser.xml -- in the program data (for me, ProgramData\MediaBrowser-Classic\Plugins\Configurations\GameBrowser.xml)
The first, game.xml, is the scraped metadata for each game. It needs to have a field <GameSystem> which specifies the system the ROM is to be played on. The second, gamesystem.xml, is the scraped metadata for the platform. It needs to have a <LocalTitle> field which matches the former's <GameSystem> exactly. The last one, GameBrowser.xml, is the data file specifying which platforms have been set up. This one has a <Name> field which must match both of the former two exactly.


It seems that, for whatever reason, it is pretty common for either the rom file to be missing a <GameSystem> tag entirely, or for the platform's <LocalTitle> to be different from the <Name> in the program data. If any of these happen, you end up being unable to launch either that game, or all games for the platform.


For example, looking at line 400-402 of Frolf's MBC Log, it looks like he's trying to launch Kid Icarus, but the log reads:

..."Trying to match GameSystem for ,"...
..."game.GameSystem has no value assigned"...
So, the <GameSystem> element is blank or (more likely, from my experience) isn't present in the game.xml file in with Kid Icarus. This looks to be pretty common, as In my installation I found that something like 80% of the platforms I setup had no <GameSystem> element for any of the games, even when they were scraped successfully. Also, even when I deleted the game.xml and re-scraped, it would come back without a <GameSystem> on most platforms.


On my end, to fix this, I wrote a powershell script that took the <LocalTitle> from each system's xml file and inserted it into all the game.xml files in subdirectories. Its specific to my own file structure, so I don't think it would be useful unless anyone is comfortable editing the code themself.


The other thing I ran into, the latter two files going out-of-sync. For example, I had a gamesystem.xml file which defined a <LocalTitle> of "Nintendo Game Boy", but the GameBrowser.xml file had a <name> filed of "Game Boy". Again, this leads to the same "unknown error". This one is a easier fix, as it only requires editing either the one program data file, or one file for each system that doesn't match.


By just editing to make sure these matched up for each game, I was able to get all 12 of my emulators working with all the games -- no deleting and repopulating or uninstall/reinstall needed. I haven't messed with DOS or MAME.


I have also seen a post on Windows Games not showing up in the configurator. I'm having the same problem and haven't found a solution, but it looks like this may also be an issue with the GameBrowser.xml file -- in mine I have any empty <WinGames/> tag. I just don't have a reference for what that tag should contain.


Hope that helps someone.

@@Redshirt .... Just giving this a bump to get your attention. Looks like he may have stumbled onto a bug and found the fix for it


@@Enker Nice sleuth work. 


You are correct in your assessment of the two issues that seem to affect a lot of Gamebrowser users.  


The first issue and most severe as it seems to be affecting everyone now is that the GameSystem value of each game is not being retained after the game is initially resolved by the server. @@Luke I could really use a hand here. I've verified through logging that Game.GameSystem is set correctly when the game is resolved. However the value is either not retained or is being overwritten. I haven't changed the server plugin in quite a while so I'm not sure why this issue is suddenly rampant.


Red - this isn't true. Just a refresh should be fine.


I tested a library refresh this morning and it didn't cause the games to re-resolve and regenerate the missing value. It took me deleting my library db to fix everything


@@Enker Nice sleuth work. 


You are correct in your assessment of the two issues that seem to affect a lot of Gamebrowser users.  


The first issue and most severe as it seems to be affecting everyone now is that the GameSystem value of each game is not being retained after the game is initially resolved by the server. @@Luke I could really use a hand here. I've verified through logging that Game.GameSystem is set correctly when the game is resolved. However the value is either not retained or is being overwritten. I haven't changed the server plugin in quite a while so I'm not sure why this issue is suddenly rampant.


I made a change to the plugin. push it when you get chance, leaving required server version to default. thanks.


I am at this point discontinuing my involvement in any media browser plugins and will be phasing myself out in an orderly fashion. For reasons to numerous to mention, I'm tired of all this.

Does that mean there will be no more support for GameBrowser? If so that is very dissapointing news. GameBrowser in conjunction with MBServer provides a very nice "whole house" solution to games that nobody else, competition wise, is providing, and I'm sure I'm not the only person here who would love to see continued support and what else the future can add to GameBrowser and MediaBrowser


ok, let me see if i can tweak the plugin. i'm sure a library reset can be avoided. not to worry.


ok, i just pushed an update to the plugin. i think with that, you won't need any library reset. just a refresh of your game media folder from the editing interface. Apologies for the disruption.


Thanks for fixing it. I updated the nuget package when the issue first appeared and it didn't show a change to that method signature. Not sure if that meant the nuget package went out after the breaking server change was released.


The fix requires yet again, that affected gamebrowser users delete their library db and all associated metadata. I am at this point discontinuing my involvement in any media browser plugins and will be phasing myself out in an orderly fashion. For reasons to numerous to mention, I'm tired of all this. 


Red - this isn't true. Just a refresh should be fine.

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