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GameBrowser: "An unknown error prevented this game from launching"


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I went to launch a game last night and again this morning. I keep getting this error when I select "Play" on the game:


"An unknown error prevented this game from launching"


Here's the pertinent logs:

2014-01-23 07:59:22.9695,Debug,,===CustomImage resx://MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser.Resources/media_unknown being cached on first access.  Should only have to do this once per session...,1,Application

2014-01-23 07:59:24.9595,Debug,,Creating a new instance of GamePlaybackController,49,Worker thread for Play Action

2014-01-23 07:59:25.0095,Info,,Gamebrowser playback controller about to play GAME TITLE(\\hostname\path\to\GAME TITLE.iso) ,49,Worker thread for Play Action

2014-01-23 07:59:25.0195,Info,,Gamebrowser playback controller playing GAME TITLE,49,Worker thread for Play Action

2014-01-23 07:59:25.0295,Info,,*** GAMEBROWSER *** Trying to match GameSystem for NintendoGameCube,49,Worker thread for Play Action

2014-01-23 07:59:27.9295,Error,,Error playing item:  ( Exception.  Type=System.NotImplementedException Msg=The method or operation is not implemented. Src=GameBrowser-Classic Method=StopInternal Line=0 Col=0 [n] StackTrace= [n]    at GameBrowser_Classic.Code.ModelItems.GamePlaybackController.StopInternal() [n]    at GameBrowser_Classic.Code.ModelItems.GamePlaybackController.LaunchGame(Media media) [n]    at GameBrowser_Classic.Code.ModelItems.GamePlaybackController.PlayMediaInternal(PlayableItem playable) [n]    at MediaBrowser.Code.ModelItems.BasePlaybackController.Play(PlayableItem playable) ),49,Worker thread for Play Action

GameBrowser client (classic) plugin version

GameBrowser server plugin version 2.9.5110.13936


Let me know if I can provide any further info...



Forgot to mention that if I call the emulator from the Run dialog/command prompt with the switches supplied and {rom} substituted with the full path to the game, it works fine...


Edited by kevinmd88
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The issue looks like it's due to changes made to GB months ago. For starters, I would suggest deleting your 


and then re-launching the MBC configurator to re-enter your emulator switches. Hopefully that will pull down the correct console mappings from the server plugin.

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Just tried it Redshirt, unfortunately same thing still happening. Also pulled down the 3.0.117 update to Classic no luck there eother

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Can you please post a link to the gamebrowser plugin configs for both the server plugin and client plugin.

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So it looks like the server and client xml configs are correct. The game data itself is the problem. 


It sucks, but you'll need to shut down server and delete all the xml files in your game libray (console.xml, platform.xml, game.xml) and then delete your library.db located in


Once you restart and the scan media library task is complete, everything should be up and running again.

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Just tried this as well. Deleted *.XML from my Games folder and all subfolders, as well as library.db in that AppData folder... Library scan completed, but unfortunately it's still happening

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  • 2 weeks later...

I honestly don't know yet. The dialog says "an unknown error", but that's not actually true. The error is triggered when the game can't match the correct emulator. Can you provide a new client log of you trying to launch a game. I'm hopeful the information is more revealing now that you've deleted all the xml files and rebuild your lib.


Also, does this happen for all game platforms, or just a few?

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redshirt: http://pastebin.com/UXxLU0hn


It happens every time for all platforms. I tried each one individually to make sure.


Does the GameBrowser plugin use any external libraries? Any specific .NET framework I can try to reinstall? Etc.?

Edited by kevinmd88
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@@kevinmd88. I've been trying to recreate this for days. Due to other server related testing I've deleted my database probably a dozen times and I cannot recreate this issue. It works for me every time, for every system I configure. So to be sure, did you follow the directions I laid out in previous posts. 


  1. stop server
  2. delete library.db
  3. delete servers GameBrowser.xml
  4. delete all .xml files contained anywhere in your game libraries
  5. delete MBC GameBrowser.xml
  6. start server
  7. re-add all game directories to the Gamebrowser server dashboard config
  8. wait for scan to complete
  9. launch MBC configurator and add emulators to the various platforms.
  10. Play game.
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I will try it again tonight but that's exactly what I did. I'll even try to make a screenvid of the process. Maybe I'll end up reinstalling the server or formatting or something...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm also having a problem with GB3 and wii emulator and games. I'm not on my htpc but I get an unexpected parameter error from dolphin when trying to launch my wii games from mb3.

I've tried on 2 different machines and get same popup white box error. The emulator works fine outside of mediabrowser. Its fetching all metadata correctly. It's just the launching of the game that's the problem.

I've read a few posts and can't decide is this an iso issue or switch issue? It's a standard server/classic install.


Any ideas ?

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ok so I replaced the switch in the classic configurator with --exec="{rom}"   as per thread by Mithra62 and it seems to work on test computer.

Why isn't this info in the tutorial/guide thread ?

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Im  Having the same error on all emulators aswell. Only since latest updates!. I also tried to roll back both server and mbc but still the same result.  I tried all of the above is there a fix or this yet?

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  • 2 weeks later...

For me the fix was that i needed to make the rom locations local on mb server in the game browser plugin under platform configuration not unc as they where previously. Hope this helps

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  • 2 weeks later...

I forgot about this but just took a look at the issue here again recently. The error I was receiving had changed from "Unexpected parameter" (or whatever it was) now to "ISO mounter not correctly configured" (or something). This prompted me to wonder why it seemed to be treating the ISO images (for GameCube, at least) as if they were DVDs that needed to be mounted via DAEMON Tools (as configured in MBC Configurator). Sure enough, when I set the correct location for DT there, it tried to autoplay it that way. So, it would appear the library location isn't properly being recognized as a games folder or something?


Furthermore, when I went to look within my Game Boy, Nintendo 64, and other ROM game locations, it didn't detect anything - instead, said "No items found".

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I dont think GB is being loaded. Possibly an outdated version. I'd reinstall the plugin to make sure you have the latest version.

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  • 1 month later...

If anyone else is seeing the same issue you should check your game.xml file and if your game system does not match what is in the configurator that might be your issue.  For instance mine use to be NintendoWii and it changed to Nintendo Wii and then the games worked fine.  I ended up just deleting all the game.xmls and let MBS repopulate them.

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