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Feature Request: media information in Auto-Organize Activity Log to help user resolve conflicts


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This specifically comes up when media isn't imported because it would replace something already there (and "Overwrite existing episodes" is unchecked), though it would be useful to see information about new imports.


When an import would replace something already on the server, I run ffprobe against both pieces of content to see what the differences are. I'd like to see the information that's gathered about content when an item is imported next to the same information about content that's pending approval to overwrite it. The logic behind the decision over whether or not to overwrite could be something that later on might lead to new features around setting up rules for making decisions based on content information, but currently the person making the decision doesn't have enough information to make the decision manually.


An info button at the end of the row in the Auto-Organize Activity Log page would do the trick. If content imported with no conflict, show just that, but for conflicting items show both sets of information.


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It would also be great if there was an option to set an "ignore files with size less than" since sometimes emby is too fast and starts copying before its ready

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  • 1 month later...

It would also be great if there was an option to set an "ignore files with size less than" since sometimes emby is too fast and starts copying before its ready

It's there.


Auto-Organize > TV > Minimum file size (MB)

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