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HDHomeRun liveTV - wrong picture ratio, no guide data

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I have Emby server installed on Windows 7 machine and recently I bought HDHomeRun model HDHR4-2DT.

I've set it up with default settings and scanned for channels (Croatia is the location). Tried local LAN streaming through HDHomeRun View application and VLC and everything is working as expected, including automatic switching of picture ratio (16:9 -> 4:3 and back when streaming content changes).

Then I've set Emby server to use newly found tuner (that part actually went pretty much automated).

But when I try to look at the guide I get no info about the program and when I stream livetv picture is always shown in 4:3 ratio when viewing in the web browser.

On the android on the other hand everything is looking OK but guide data is also missing.


I'm attaching logs: freshly restarted server, first streaming livetv to a web browser (google chrome, tried before with firefox, also), wrong aspect ratio (should be 16:9 but it displays as 4:3); then streaming to android application - everything looking as it should be.


Guide data for channels from hdhomerun device not showing in both cases (I have Mediaportal plugin still working, the same channels on MPTV Server are showing guide data as they should - using DVB grabbing for EPG).







did you setup schedules direct? that's where the guide data comes from.

Posted (edited)

did you setup schedules direct? that's where the guide data comes from.

Hi Luke,


No, I did not setup schedules direct.

But, if I remember correctly (I saw that option before when setting up MediaPortal plugin), schedules direct don't offer data for Croatia.


So, there is no possibility to gather guide data from DVB-EPG?



But, at the moment, I'm more concerned about this aspect ratio problem...

Edited by mmesnjak

We don't have data for Croatia, but if you're using DVB-S then we have lineups for the various satellites, like Astra 19.2E, 28.2E. I know there are others, but no one has sent a scan in that we can use as a baseline for creating the lineup.


We don't have data for Croatia, but if you're using DVB-S then we have lineups for the various satellites, like Astra 19.2E, 28.2E. I know there are others, but no one has sent a scan in that we can use as a baseline for creating the lineup.


Well, no. I use DVB-T. The HDHomeRun model in question is EU version for aerial antenna and DVB-T/T2.

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