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Yes, I know about the Season 1 folder thingy for series without seasons, this was strange for me when first get familiar with MB, but after while wasn't a problem. I noticed even that some of the major movie database sites using same logic

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@@Luke I am lost now ...


I just deleted the Beta 5482.3 folder and restored Beta 5482.1 - everything went back to normal (with the manual type changes as described in post #15 for Beta 5482.1)


So what exactly do i have to do to upgrade to Beta 5482.3 and not brake anything in the process?

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The requirement of a series or episode inside the folder is no longer needed when assigning as tv since all sub folders are assumed to be series.


Really the major things are daily episodes and stronger extraction of episode numbers from file names.


Thats why other apps don't do mixed folders because any video with a year in it can be mistaken as a daily episode. So in our case we are going to keep the mixed folders since you guys want then but we will have to make these new features unavailable to them, and probably other new features later.

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It's probably me just not getting it but does this mean that Beta 5482.3 has changed in a way that it does not cope with mixed folders at all? Even when i set the subfolder's types manually?


On the file name issue: i always rename daily episodes manually (never actually tried the 'Auto-organize' feature; specifically to avoid problems when the date is included in the file name), putting the season and ep nmbr first and then moving them into the correct 'Season #' folder:


e.g. 'MyDailyTVShow_2015-01-09_blablabla.mkv' becomes either 'S01E01 MyDailyTVShow_2015-01-09_blablabla.mkv' or '01x01 MyDailyTVShow_2015-01-09_blablabla.mkv'


Is this a safe way or is it better or even required to avoid future trouble to remove the date from the file name completely?

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The requirement of a series or episode inside the folder is no longer needed when assigning as tv since all sub folders are assumed to be series.


Really the major things are daily episodes and stronger extraction of episode numbers from file names.


Thats why other apps don't do mixed folders because any video with a year in it can be mistaken as a daily episode. So in our case we are going to keep the mixed folders since you guys want then but we will have to make these new features unavailable to them, and probably other new features later.

I'm lost on your guidance. All of my TV shows I have went through and changed every single one (hundreds) to TV and left the Season folders as inherit. Took me hours. Now I come home to find that MediaBrowser now thinks all the TV Series' are folders and the the Season folders are Series'. Why? What is the Base TV folder supposed to say and what is the Season folder supposed to say to make it work like it has since I downloaded this program?


To clarify, I have a Library called Kids. It's set to Mixed and has both Kids Movies and TV shows. Folder Structure is like this:

Kids Movie 1 (Movie)

Kids Movie 2 (Movie)

Kids Show 1 (TV)

  - Season 1 (Inherit)

  - Season 2 (Inherit)

Kids Movie Boxset 1 (Movie)

  - Kids Movie 3 (Movie)

  - etc. 

Edited by Jobber8742
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My personal problem was the change in the TV structure ........ my tv shows are contained within genre folders eg:-


TV Animation/South Park/Season 01/South Park - S01E01 - title.ext 


I use metabrowser for all my metadata and therefore everything added to the server is named to a uniform standard which had always worked great as I prefer everything 'to be in order' before adding to server.


I, personally, liked the genre folders because it made it so much easier, when using the clients (classic/android etc) for people to find what show they wanted .... ie kids go to TV Animation to find Fireman Sam ..... Wife to TV Drama for her stuff etc etc ......... so much easier than trawling through 200 shows 


My documentaries have a deeper folder structure which meant using the mixed media which again created problems.


Could we not use a particular standard .xml file in a genre/carrier folder which the server will read as such  and go to the next level for the series etc ........ 


These are my observations (I have reinstalled the last stable release and all is good for now lol) 

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mj3310, you may have a good reason but wouldn't you get the same result, and in a more MB3 friendly way, by putting all your stuff in the more traditional structure and then use the genres to filter?


I think it may not make as much of a difference now that it sounds like the "mixed content" is going to remain sort of how it was but not be able to handle the new functionality that requires a more definitive tv/movie structure.

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mj3310, you may have a good reason but wouldn't you get the same result, and in a more MB3 friendly way, by putting all your stuff in the more traditional structure and then use the genres to filter?


I think it may not make as much of a difference now that it sounds like the "mixed content" is going to remain sort of how it was but not be able to handle the new functionality that requires a more definitive tv/movie structure.


The structure I was using was MB3 friendly up until the latest beta lol ......... I see your point buddy but I have all my ongoing shows hard linked into a folder and my archived shows on a separate drive hard linked into a folder which is contained within the existing hierachy I have always, successfully, used ..... The stuff in my TV folder is backing up to crashplan around the clock ..... So basically if a work around is available then I would prefer not to have to change to the 'new' traditional/upgraded structure :) 

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Just curious. Some people don't know some of the features.


I suspect once this beta cycle goes stable that you won't have to make any change if you don't want.

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I'm lost on your guidance. All of my TV shows I have went through and changed every single one (hundreds) to TV and left the Season folders as inherit. Took me hours. Now I come home to find that MediaBrowser now thinks all the TV Series' are folders and the the Season folders are Series'. Why? What is the Base TV folder supposed to say and what is the Season folder supposed to say to make it work like it has since I downloaded this program?


To clarify, I have a Library called Kids. It's set to Mixed and has both Kids Movies and TV shows. Folder Structure is like this:

Kids Movie 1 (Movie)

Kids Movie 2 (Movie)

Kids Show 1 (TV)

  - Season 1 (Inherit)

  - Season 2 (Inherit)

Kids Movie Boxset 1 (Movie)

  - Kids Movie 3 (Movie)

  - etc. 


if you stop the server, go to programdata/config/system.xml. Find the ContentTypes xml node. You can quickly undo all the overrides you added. Once complete after the server finishes the startup scan, ideally everything should be the same from before the beta was released.

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So your saying for example Homeland/Season 1   :   leave homeland as inherit and set season 1 to TV.  Is that correct?

Because other posts suggested setting homeland to TV will make season 1 automatically TV. I did what the other posts suggested, now have xmls being generated again.


Just to be clear, no this is not what I was saying.  In your example, whatever folder contains "Homeland" would be set to "TV Shows" - as long as the only thing it contains is series folders.

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if you stop the server, go to programdata/config/system.xml. Find the ContentTypes xml node. You can quickly undo all the overrides you added. Once complete after the server finishes the startup scan, ideally everything should be the same from before the beta was released.


There is no such thing as a ContentTypes xml node! Is that introduced in Beta 5482.3 for the first time?



So i'll try and ask again, in detail, slowly:


- the server is running Beta 5482.1 - all is well and it tells me there is a version Beta 5482.3 available for download

- my folder structure is built the same way @@Jobber8742 has described it in post #30

- some folders like e.g. 'Series' are of the type 'TV' and look consistently like that: "FOLDER" -> "NAME_OF_SERIES" -> "SEASON X" -> "S0xE0x_VIDEO_NAME.ext"

- some other folders e.g. 'Documentary' are of the type 'Unset (mixed content)' and contain 2 different structures:

    (1) "FOLDER" -> "NAME_OF_SERIES" -> "SEASON X" -> "S0xE0x_VIDEO_NAME.ext" ... where the folder "NAME_OF_SERIES" is manually set to type "TV"

    (2) "FOLDER" -> "NAME_OF_MOVIE" -> "VIDEO_NAME.ext" ... where the folder "NAME_OF_MOVIE" is manually set to type "Movies"


If i update to Beta 5482.3 right now the fecal matter hits the rotary impeller and the result looks like post #2 in this thread. Tried it twice ... i'm not gonna try a 3rd time.


2 questions:


- Does it even make sense to update to Beta 5482.3 or should i wait for the next version as everything is gonna be changed again anyway?

- If i update to Beta 5482.3 what do i have to do to not run into the same trouble shown in post #2?

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if you've been setting content types in the metadata manager then you will have ContentTypes in system.xml. you want to stay on the path that i outlined.

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Well the only way I can get normality is setting the main folder to inherit and the sub season folders to tv ..... So I have for example a folder for sport which includes football then " match of the day " then "season 2014" and then episodes as per tvdb site. So Sport/football/match of the day/season 2014/ episode s2014e01. Season 2014 content type has to be set to tv and everything else to inherit. Any other setting creates a mess. Primary images are also effected. Mixed folders just don't make any sense anymore. I suspect when the stable release does come, another mess will be created and the above method will have changed. The above is the only way I can get tv shows to play in MBT and web client that are contained in mixed folders. I did what Luke suggested previously and reset content type, rescanned and everything was recognised as per pre beta, but would not play or show episodes in clients. The above method is only one that works now. The big question is , after I sort my library again, is this structure gonna change? Does this make sense Luke , cause trust me it's the only way I can get pre beta normality. I'm on the latest beta.

Edited by djlf
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Holy cow! I apologise!


The ContentType node showed up when i did another restore of the complete folder. Something went wrong during the 2 restore procedures before. O.k. ... that's sorted!


So now ...


- i stop the service

- remove everything in between <ContentTypes> and </ContentTypes>

- execute the update 5482.3


... and it should be fine, right?

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The initial scan takes a really long time now ... we'll see how it looks when it's done with the magic.


Btw.: the ContentType(s) not being visible before was caused by the server service still running but not being visible in task manager. It just needs a little more time to shut down and let go of the config files.


22.8% and counting ...

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I just created a batch file with 


del D:\*.jpg / f / s / q / a
del D:\*.png / f / s / q / a
del D:\*.xml / f / s / q / a
del E:\*.jpg / f / s / q / a
del E:\*.png / f / s / q / a
del E:\*.xml / f / s / q / a
del F:\*.jpg / f / s / q / a
del F:\*.png / f / s / q / a
del F:\*.xml / f / s / q / a
del G:\*.jpg / f / s / q / a
del G:\*.png / f / s / q / a
del G:\*.xml / f / s / q / a
and then went back to the release server
I'm at 39% rescanned and back on my way to lovin' this product...
keep up the good work and I'll look forward to this new feature working in the future....
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I just created a batch file with 


del D:\*.jpg / f / s / q / a
del D:\*.png / f / s / q / a
del D:\*.xml / f / s / q / a
del E:\*.jpg / f / s / q / a
del E:\*.png / f / s / q / a
del E:\*.xml / f / s / q / a
del F:\*.jpg / f / s / q / a
del F:\*.png / f / s / q / a
del F:\*.xml / f / s / q / a
del G:\*.jpg / f / s / q / a
del G:\*.png / f / s / q / a
del G:\*.xml / f / s / q / a
and then went back to the release server
I'm at 39% rescanned and back on my way to lovin' this product...
keep up the good work and I'll look forward to this new feature working in the future....



Well done!

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I followed the steps and cleared out the ContentTypes.xml. MediaBrowser seems to recognize the TV Shows as TV shows now, but it's not handling the epsiodes correctly. It's trying to create metadata and a poster for every single episode and the episodes aren't showing up in mediabrowser. It's just not handling TV shows correctly. Here's a screenshot.


Edit: If I do like some posters above said and make the base TV Show folder Inherit and the Season folders TV, it works. That can't be what you intended though. I'm not going through hundreds of seasons to change them. 





Edited by Jobber8742
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ok  jobber, i've put up a dev build with a fix for that. if you can validate it i'll get a new beta out. thanks.

Confirmed. It is now recognizing the episodes as would be expected. 

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Still Scanning ... 65.4% (it's not stuck!). I actually had time to get a quick nap and have breakfast  :blink:


Am gonna stop the scan now, install the dev build and start again.

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WIN! Finally!


Just updating to the dev-build wasn't the solution though. Somewhere in the whole updating, removing, manual type-setting process something must have gone terribly wrong. The db didn't seem to be that happy any more.


So in the end what i did to fix it was to stop the service, delete the server folder, restore the working 3.0.5482.1 from backup, delete the <ContentType> node, start the update process manually (i saw that the new ß-version was already available), update to 3.0.5482.4. The initial scan finished in a few minutes.


Voilá! Back in business!!


On a side note: some folders were marked 'unseen' which i had to set back to 'seen' manually but i don't consider it a problem in this case as all of these folders contained videos w/o any available metadata. A few others also needed manual care as the episode order on TVDB had changed for i don't know what reason.


Thanks to everyone who contributed in this thread and a special thanks to Luke for his eternal patience!




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