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freebsd13_4.9.0.8_amd64.pkg : Exec format error. Binary file not exec…


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On TrueNAS CORE I set up a BASEJAIL 13.3 and followed the install doc
Emby Server for FreeBSD - Emby

Just had to change from quarterly-built packages to latest, to get the DotNet.
Everything then went through, but EmbyServer just would not start and when I checked the file it was missing execute permission and when trying to set it I got
>./EmbyServer: Exec format error. Binary file not executable

And looking at the file, it seems it is not compiled for BSD:

root@embyBETA:/usr/local/lib/emby-server/system # file EmbyServer
EmbyServer: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), 
dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, 
for GNU/Linux 4.4.0, with debug_info, not stripped


In a 2nd JAIL I quickly installed the regular PKG, which works just fine:

Message from emby-server-

To automatically start Emby Server at boot time:
# sysrc emby_server_enable="YES"

To then manually start Emby Server without rebooting:
# service emby-server start

Once started, visit the following webpage to configure:

If you are running emby-server in a jail, set "allow.mlock"
for this jail otherwise the program will fail to start.
root@emby:~ # sysrc emby_server_enable="YES"
emby_server_enable:  -> YES
root@emby:~ # service emby-server start
Starting emby_server.
root@emby:~ # service emby-server status
emby_server is running as pid 31979.

…and here it seems to be compiled for BSD:

root@emby:~ # cd /usr/local/lib/emby-server/system
root@emby:/usr/local/lib/emby-server/system # file EmbyServer
EmbyServer: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (FreeBSD), 
dynamically linked, interpreter /libexec/ld-elf.so.1, for FreeBSD 12.4, 
FreeBSD-style, BuildID[sha1]=70fe02d2ec52ce2304675725b16e188866efdc25, stripped

Is there something missing in the Installation - BETA instructions?
Anything else I'm missing?


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That file can be ignored when not using the embedded rutime, we use  `dotnet EmbyServer.dll`, I'll just remove it if we go back to the non-embedded runtime. The managed files are built on Linux so there's still a launcher that's created for Linux, but we only use it when we embed the runtime. That said it's possible the managed are not as agnostic as we thought so if we ever go back to using the system runtime, we may have to build the managed files on FreeBSD as well.

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