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Control the number of threads during thumbnail image extraction


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It would be nice to be able to control the number of threads used during thumbnail image extraction, since the current logic uses only 1 thread and makes the initial process quite slow.


Maybe this could be set dynamically? Such as using many threads when the server is IDLE and decreasing it to 1 when the server is being used (playing a movie for example)?


Here is the command I am seeing doing the extraction:


/bin/ffmpeg -f mp4 -threads 1 -skip_interval 10 -copyts -i file:/data/MYMOVIE.mp4 -an -sn -vf select='eq(pict_type,PICT_TYPE_I)',scale=w=320:h=180 -vsync cfr -r 0.1 -f image2 /config/cache/temp/7644073623b3405cb1371dd3f95e0cf0/img_%05d.jpg


Alternatively, I would be fine creating a custom script that does that for me, but I am missing the commands to convert *.jpg files to one single .bif file. Can you please help me with that?

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Hi, there's already an open request for this or something functionally equivalent. Please join in and contribute to the existing discussion at:


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