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Share media "with anyone who has this link"


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So, long story short, I'm a part of a small Discord server with a few online friends.  We like to occasionally share music in the form of YouTube videos, but sometimes I get music faster than YouTube does for one reason or another.  Rather than upload to YouTube or make everyone on Discord a login or logins for my server, which these particular people would barely use outside of these circumstances and likely forget... I think it'd be kinda cool if I could generate temporary links that I manage (ie. refresh/change link, delete, etc) that gave anyone that used the link the ability to access just the media item or items I select for it.

In this scenario I picture it'd take them to a temporary playlist or play queue that would disable any clickable links to navigate away (ie. clicking a band name, album name, song name, etc), effectively making the rest of the server inaccessible.  No navigation pane, no settings menu, etc, etc.

This would be a browser/web app exclusive feature, naturally.  It could also apply to sharing links to viewing singular movies or television episodes or anything.


Now I imagine this might give people the ability to expose their Emby servers to a degree that most of us aren't comfortable with.  In my mind it wouldn't be too hard to disable the ability to navigate away from the temporary playlist/play queue if media is accessed this way and/or require a login (per usual) to anything outside of that link... but I'm not a security wiz, and this might be a bad road to go down in a lot of ways, I can accept that.  But I wanted to get my thoughts down somewhere while I had it on my mind.

Edited by Dreakon13
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Hi, there's already an open request for this or something functionally equivalent. Please join in and contribute to the existing discussion at:


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