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User preferences, password and profile restrictions

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I am testing Media Browser 3 in a school network environment, it is working very well with over 50 users signed up, we need to find a way to restrict/disable the user from changing their password, username and profile details.


Is there a way of implementing this, once we have this setup this will be used for over 1500 users, on laptops, tablets, phones, DNLA devices and computers, so this is a very good testing ground.


I look forward to hearing your suggestions.


Many thanks



  • Solution

Welcome. in the new beta they won't be able to anymore, only the admin. it should go stable in a few days.

  • Like 1

now that is great news, in the meantime where would i get the Beta release to test this, if this works as described, then this is a dream of a streaming solution.


In the server dashboard go to Advanced->Auto Update and change the Update level to beta and then let it update.


Or, alternatively, you could just go back to the web site and when you choose to download the server there will be a beta option.  Re-installing that way won't cause you to lose any settings and that may be the better way in this instance since it won't expose you to future beta releases.


Also, something you will probably be interested in with your environment, is the new Server Configuration Backup plug-in that will be coming out soon.  This could be very useful with 1500 users.


Also is there a way to stop people changing 'my preferences' so we can set this for users, maybe have a generic user.


Ive just tried the Beta release on another computer, the profile is gone for the user which is great, the only thing is, the playback is very temperamental and you cant skip curtain files like you can in the official release, also to have the choice for user preferences to be enabled or disabled would be great :)

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