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Emby has a little problem with airplay


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I love emby so much, I recently used it to manage my own music and found a problem.

When I use emby (ios 2.1.6) to play music and then push to the smart speaker via airplay2, the connection is smooth, the speaker takes over the playback, but no sound comes out.

I have tried the following,
Used emby to play movies, push through airpaly, no sound;
Used multiple iphone devices, push through airpaly, no sound;
Used different media apps, push through airpaly, other apps can work normally except emby;
Used emby to play music and connected via bluetooth, it works fine.

So, I think it may be that emby has a little problem with airplay support. I want to ask other friends here if they have the same problem? Is there any setting I can try to adjust?

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Hi Luke
Thank you for your attention, the process of my connection to airplay is shown in the figure:
1. When emby starts playing music, drop down the menu and select the airplay button;
2. Select the playback device;
3 and 4. You can see that the connection is complete.

Just to take a screenshot, I tried again and found that the iphone X can make the smart speaker work properly this time, it has sound.

But I did the same operation on another iphone 13 pro, same as yesterday, still no sound, it's a bit strange, I can't find the reason.


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