Apparently I am the only one who has mentioned Zorin OS.
I have been thinking of perm moving to it if mediasever can be installed and ran from it.
Not even sure where to post as it is Linux/Debian but made to be Windows friendly, it is now currently the #6 in branches, in first quarter this year it had half a million downloads for Zorin 12. It has the security of Linux but the features and integration of windows programs and apps.
It is to me and looking as if to most others dumping garbage windows and osx OS's the go to and future go to operating system being so familiar with the two in looks but much more secure and tons faster. You can even boot into BIO's and give it a test spin before install.
@@Luke has this even been tested yet also do you think compatibility already exist for installation? I did 3 forum searches and only mentions of it are 3 post in my sig