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  2. bmflagg

    Extra "Camera Upload" folder

    Thanks Luke! Updated to 4.8.7 and removed the duplicates.
  3. Experiment 3: I added the additional below level of specials folder that i had before. The paths are now : [Upper directories] \ Animes \ One Piece (1999)- First Part \ Some files [Upper directories] \ Animes \ One Piece (1999)- Second Part \ Some files [Upper directories] \ Animes \ One Piece (1999)- specials \ specials \ Some files instead of [Upper directories] \ Animes \ One Piece (1999) \ One Piece (1999)- First Part \ Some files [Upper directories] \ Animes \ One Piece (1999) \ One Piece (1999)- Second Part \ Some files [Upper directories] \ Animes \ One Piece (1999) \ One Piece (1999)- specials \ specials \ Some files Result 3: Metadata is added correctly over all folders Experiment 4: So the last thing would be to readd the top level folder I had that contained my (now three) subfolders. The paths are now : [Upper directories] \ Animes \ One Piece (1999) \ One Piece (1999)- First Part \ Some files [Upper directories] \ Animes \ One Piece (1999) \ One Piece (1999)- Second Part \ Some files [Upper directories] \ Animes \ One Piece (1999) \ One Piece (1999)- specials \ specials \ Some files Everything looks now as before, when the metadata was not added: [Upper directories] \ Animes \ One Piece (1999) \ One Piece (1999)- First Part \ Some files [Upper directories] \ Animes \ One Piece (1999) \ One Piece (1999)- Second Part \ Some files [Upper directories] \ Animes \ One Piece (1999) \ One Piece (1999)- specials \ specials \ Some files Note of considereation: Since I was suspicious of the folder structures until now, i reduced the file count for the experiments. I'm really curious, what this test will show. Result 4: With reduced files the chosen folder structure works just fine. → Could it be the immense file count?
  4. johnnorris

    Can't login to server

    What I found to be interesting is that once I was able to access the dashboard, the In-Home (LAN) access IP address shown on the dashboard was exactly the same one provide in the password reset text file, but when I tried to connect using that address is just sits there and eventually times out. Using the static IP address that I manually assigned to my server was the only one that actually worked.
  5. KiritoYing

    Certificat SSL oublie Mot de passe - Crash Emby

    En supprimant le fichier certificat j'ai pu avoir de nouveau accès à mon emby. Où se trouve le paramètre ?
  6. vincen

    Certificat SSL oublie Mot de passe - Crash Emby

    Tu avais désactivé les connexions en non SSL ? parce que normalement si tu as activé le SSL mais pas décoché la case pour uniquement l'accès en SSL tu devrais pouvoir encore y accéder en http !
  7. KiritoYing

    Certificat SSL oublie Mot de passe - Crash Emby

    J'ai réussi je ne sais pas par qu'elle hasard a le faire fonctionner. J'ai mis le mot de passe, cela me fait la meme chose...
  8. solve it by add permissions: # chmod 666 /dev/nvidia0 # chmod 666 /dev/nvidiactl # chmod 666 /dev/nvidia-uvm
  9. Bonjour, J'ai voulu ajouter un certificat SSL sur Emby mais j'ai oublié d'indiquer le mot de passe en dessous. Mais n'ayant pas fait attention j'ai redémarrer mon emby. Et depuis je ne peux plus y accéder, plusiseurs tentatives pour relancer emby Server, n'ont pas résolu mon problème. N'y a t-il une fonctionnalité comme windows pour annuler un paramètre établi ?
  10. I'll edit this post with my experiments. Experiment 1: I decided to remove the additional upper level of folder, so now I have two folders. The paths are now : [Upper directories] \ Animes \ One Piece (1999)- First Part \ Some files [Upper directories] \ Animes \ One Piece (1999)- Second Part \ Some files instead of [Upper directories] \ Animes \ One Piece (1999) \ One Piece (1999)- First Part \ Some files [Upper directories] \ Animes \ One Piece (1999) \ One Piece (1999)- Second Part \ Some files Note for consideration: I also removed the folder structure with the specials, so in the next step I'll add that to gradually regrow to my old structure to find out when it breaks apart. Result 1: Metadata is added correctly over all folders. Experiment 2: I decided to remove the additional upper level of folder, so now I have two folders. The paths are now : [Upper directories] \ Animes \ One Piece (1999)- First Part \ Some files [Upper directories] \ Animes \ One Piece (1999)- Second Part \ Some files [Upper directories] \ Animes \ One Piece (1999)- specials \ Some files instead of [Upper directories] \ Animes \ One Piece (1999) \ One Piece (1999)- First Part \ Some files [Upper directories] \ Animes \ One Piece (1999) \ One Piece (1999)- Second Part \ Some files [Upper directories] \ Animes \ One Piece (1999) \ One Piece (1999)- specials \ specials \ Some files Note for consideration: In my old structure there was a folder layer more for specials (the distinct "specials" folder below the tv show folder, cause its usually needed on other tv shows and I thought it would be needed here , too. This assumption seems to be wrong, since in this experiment the specials-files were correctly recognized even when virtually on the same layer as the normal episodes. Result 2: Metadata is added correctly over all folders.
  11. bwarthen

    Help First Emby Plugin Development Issues

    Here is the initial load and the logs after the second refresh. embyserver.txt
  12. Today
  13. I'm working on my first plugin for Emby. I'm working on a multiple channel plugin that will pull in the similar items to the last 3 things you watched. On initial load everything is working as expected but after I rerun the "Refresh Internet Channels" Job all the libraries contain the same thing. How can I fix this?
  14. waqar123

    Real time monitoring issues on Synology NAS

    It seems like my issue is resolved. I was messing around with all the settings; after that i restated my device. Now it seems to be picking up all the stuff i upload immediately. I guess it needed a restart after the Inotify patch. Thank you everyone for helping out.
  15. RanmaCanada

    Issue with season level extras for TV shows

    I do both pending on the amount per season. Some just have opening and ending, others have bonkers amount of stuff.
  16. mrtj18

    Audio transcoding issue live tv

    Hello Im fairly new to Emby, and I am having issues with Live TV transcoding audio with Emby and Unriad. When transcoding live IPTV through TVheadend the video playback is fine. I just have no Audio. After checking the logs it seems there is some type of issue with VP8 or VP9. I have no issues with sound with local tv shows and Movies. Everything plays back perfectly. But I am stumped on how to get the sound working. I have tried, turning off VP8 and VP9. Also stopping and restarting the container. I have no Sound with live tv no matter what device I use. any help, I be grateful. embyserver(1).txt ffmpeg-transcode-8f977e34-0c08-4299-89d2-e5920b8c5195_1.txt
  17. sa2000

    Playback error, no compatible streams available

    Thanks @Riptide126for the corresponding logs. I can see a difference and in the case of the iPhone test the transcode was started - the media was being transcoded because of the high bit rate. For the iPad for some reason the transcode was not started. Your tests were not exactly like for like - in that you were using a different user account for the iPad test from that for the iPhone. Would prefer comparison tests to be done using the same account I see we have an updated version of the Emby of iOS app out now - with versions 2.2.20 and 2.2.21 addressing video playback issues. Could you update the app on the iPad to the latest available and try again - using same user account you did the test on the iPhone and let me have the server log for that test - as well as any ffmpeg log file generated - please test with the same video as before - and please compare the app playback settings on the iPhone and iPad and make sure they are the same for this test. Thanks
  18. ctaranto

    Error when transcoding movie - Conversion Failed

    Thanks, Luke. Let me know if you need any other info or logs. I'm only looking for a more sticky setting that doesn't reset on a reboot. Anything that can be provided is appreciated
  19. Short update, while I try to continously experiment with the folder structure and naming: My theory with 600 files per folder was just validated as it is as fruitless as my previous setups. So with my actual configuration it's really the jump into the second folder that causes the metadata additon to halt for whichever reason. It's plain reproducable within my setup. I'll try to experiment a bit more, until I can deduct the relevant configuration or mechanism.
  20. NitDawg

    Help with audio tracks being recognized

    And I've scanned from the server interface, and I've moved it into a new collection...same behavior...there is no audio/file information. it has to be something from adding the tracks, but VLC sees them all, even the track names I provide in MKVToolNix. I feel like its something obvious I'm doing (I've never added audio tracks before) but not sure.
  21. Siamsquare

    Problems Kodi V21 with Emby

    Here it is while my library scan was stuck 90% Thanks! embyserver.txt
  22. I'm having the same issue with beta running under docker. Rolling back to resolves the issue. Comparison HW detection logs for both versions attached. hardware_detection hardware_detection
  23. Dibbes

    Boxsets Get Unboxed

    These are awesome!! Thanks Demon!
  24. What are your prompts for these?
  25. supermood

    Audio codec logo, etc

    ffmpeg can identify all info, someone wrote in another one here I'm out with all the technical stuff, really no clue. but from a design perspective, as an amateur, I don't see any issue here with dublicate info or the overall approach. this is kindergarten. I know people who could draft 3 different views in 2h, and all of them would look great but they are expensive maybe 2500 eur a day.. I have no clue why its not there already for 5 years but it's also not so important for me that I would pay extra bugs like I would for some other things. hmm, or maybe I would
  26. NitDawg

    Help with audio tracks being recognized

    It's the library where I've done the scan and refresh metadata.
  27. You can also just sign up for the beta app releases in your Google account.
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