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  2. Happy2Play

    Part name in TV series?

    We are halfway there as file stacking works per naming scheme but currently does not automatically play additional parts for TV. But I guess could be a bug as it was not intended to work yet.
  3. n0tanks87

    Ota guide data is 4 hours a head

    I used emby guide data local over the air broadcast. Zip is 67230. It's hdhomerun flex 4k.
  4. johnnorris

    Can't login to server

    It's not the same IP address that I normally use to connect to the server, but it does use the same port. I have the unRAID server configured with a static IP address in my router.
  5. Yea the server must think it’s a local connection. If that’s true then misconfigured network settings are the most likely cause.
  6. Hi, I understand what you’re asking so more ways to play are needed. But I think the title of this thread is misleading. The content on what you see in those three tabs is based purely on the data in the audio files.
  7. Hi, in 4.8 playlists are private per user. now that you’ve checked that box, try using the 3 dot menu to manage collaboration for that playlist.
  8. Hey, so I just moved my server to a new location with different internet, because I am only going to be here temporarily I decided it would probably be easier to just make it so my setup is only local and no remote connections, I was able to get it so I can connect to the server locally, however every time I try to play anything I immediately get a playback error. If anyone could help me out that would be great, I am attaching the logs here. embyserver.txt
  9. There’s no way to do that from the metadata provider. Is there a problem with just letting server settings handle it?
  10. Luke

    Can't login to server

    Hi, the link it puts in the text file is your server address, right?
  11. Luke

    Ota guide data is 4 hours a head

    And what guide data zip code and lineup did you select?
  12. Luke

    Ota guide data is 4 hours a head

    Hi, have you checked the time zone on your server machine to ensure it is correct?
  13. Luke

    Emby and nordvpn

    @Daniel8192 may have some nord vpn tips.
  14. Luke

    Emby and nordvpn

    Hi, I don’t know the answer of whether it will help or not but you could try it. Please let us know how it goes.
  15. Luke

    Live TV isn't playing

    Hi, you can just install 4.8 on top of 4.7. The diagnostic plugin is in the plugin catalog, in the general section.
  16. Hi, yes this is something we can look at. Thanks for the feedback.
  17. techbri

    Multi version of the same movie

    Hi @Luke I currently have two movie quality folders as this has to do with sourcing and I map them as different libraries. I wonder if auto versioning would work if I used this method: /movies /hd /Awesome Movie (1986) Awesome Movie 1986 - 1080p.mkv /4k /Awesome Movie (1986) Awesome Movie 1986 - 2160p.mkv This would allow me to set the sourcing tools to treat the /hd and /4k folders as separate "libraries" but I'm hoping it would look like a single library in Emby and the versions would match. If this does work, and I set a max quality for a user in the Emby settings will they see the higher quality versions or are they hidden?
  18. Luke

    Chapter Image Extraction

    Hi, a feature request is not necessary. We need to ensure that the chapter images are separate for each version. Thanks.
  19. Hi, did you check the date created timestamps of the episode files?
  20. Hi, I would suggest allowing video transcoding and then using the quality setting to reduce the bitrate. You could have port try throttling occurring on either side of the connection.
  21. Luke

    Subtitles are off-screen?

    Ok when you can that would be great, thanks.
  22. n0tanks87

    Ota guide data is 4 hours a head

    Because csi vegas airs at 9 p.m. cst. The guide had it airing at 6 p.m. cst along with the 10 p.m. News at 6 p.m. as well as it not matching what was playing. I also checked it against the hdhomerun app.
  23. Luke

    DDNS To whitelist

    Hi, yes it makes sense. Thanks for the feedback.
  24. Luke

    Meine Musik Library in Emby

    Hi, have you taken a look at the embedded tags within your audio files? That’s where this information comes from.
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