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  2. deadblue0910

    关于 TV extras的显示问题

    感谢您的回答。由于动画蓝光通常包括NCOP、staff访谈、声优活动等多种特典内容,而TMDB/TVDB中的动画special通常只涵盖OVA、动画短片等内容,存在一定差异。因此,希望能将specials以外的TV extras,如interviews或behind the scenes,不归入Season 0,而是单独列出,并添加备注以便直观识别视频类型。
  3. yu666

    Issues with 3.3.88 and 3.3.90

    Already solved the problem,
  4. bjgrimm

    Escaneo de bibliotecas tarda muchas horas

    Ya revisé todos los discos y están ok, después de probar de todo parece que ya funciona bien. Creo que el problema era que cuando hay varios elementos que no consigue identificar parece que se vuelve loco y el escaneo dura muchísimo más, casi diría que a veces ni termina, está días enteros escaneando. Por cierto quería preguntar también como hacer que una vez que elijo las imágenes de una película no cambien nunca? las portadas cambian a veces por otras que no he elegido yo, es normal?
  5. voodoo5_6k

    Playback issues with 4K HEVC movie

    Another test, with 3.3.91 from github. No change, logs attached. emby_android_1715582964643.txt embyserver.txt
  6. Today
  7. Luke

    关于 TV extras的显示问题

    Hi, yes currently that is how the extras get displayed, although this may change in future updates.
  8. Luke

    Android App Connect Issues

    It’s not an issue of reachability. It’s an issue of browser requirements and restrictions for https. When you use the hosted web app over https, the browser will not allow you to connect to your Emby server over plain http. They just don’t allow that anymore. so that’s not a bug per se but rather that you have to pick one of the four options in the bullet points.
  9. rochambeaux

    Android App Connect Issues

    I don't understand the error. The server is running on my home LAN - I can reach it via Windows remote desktop. I have drives on it mapped and can access those. My ShieldTV is streaming content from it to a TV.
  10. Abobader

    关于 TV extras的显示问题

    Hello deadblue0910, ** This is an auto reply ** Please wait for someone from staff support or our members to reply to you. It's recommended to provide more info, as it explain in this thread: Thank you. Emby Team
  11. deadblue0910

    关于 TV extras的显示问题

    server: 参照https://emby.media/support/articles/TV-Naming.html,我创建了extras和interviews文件夹用于放置动画的额外文件 并没有像电影的Extras一样显示在演员下方,而是被分到了Special里算作了season 0,请问这是正常的吗? TV Extras: Movie Extras:
  12. try running select * from mediaitems where type=5 in both databases. from there you'll have to eyeball the results or export and view using some other tool.
  13. Luke

    Linux player "steals" focus !

    OK we'll take a look at it. Thanks for reporting.
  14. Luke

    Issues with 3.3.88 and 3.3.90

    HI, please let me know if 3.3.91 resolves your issue. Thanks !
  15. Luke

    Bugs in Playliste und "alle abspielen"

    @Eddie6411284thank you for the log file. Can you also enable both debug server logging, and Dlna debug logging, then repeat the test, and then attach the debug server log? Thanks !
  16. Luke

    Bugs in Playliste und "alle abspielen"

    Hi, it goes up one level in order to separate program data files vs. executable files.
  17. Luke

    Error DLNA: Error updating device info

    @chempionmaksplease try the 1.4.0 update to the Emby Dlna plugin and let us know if this resolves your issue. Thanks !
  18. vincen

    Linux player "steals" focus !

    As explained in my original quote it's happening when player is in full screen mode. If you need more details I'll need to reinstall it as it's ages I removed it of all my computers due to that bug and volume one also that is a nightmare to use in the app !
  19. RafaG

    ASS subtitle problem in AV1 file

    "not supported in the standard" what that means? Emby don't support transcoding AV1 files? It's that the problem? Because, until now, I don't know. I love it when people anwser to sum minus one to conversation...
  20. Luke

    Emby stuck at boot - Ubuntu Server

  21. Luke

    Emby Server reset after update to 4.8.6

    @TroyKing HI, chapter thumbnails should just require a normal library scan. The channel images unfortunately will require manual fixup to remove them and then run a refresh guide to get new ones. In the upcoming 4.8.7 release we'll update this to recover more automatically in the event your channel images go missing.
  22. HI, we'll take a look at this. Thanks for reporting.
  23. Luke

    Live TV stops after 3 seconds

    Hi. Can you try searching for our standard android app (Just "Emby" on Amazon and "Emby for Android on Google) on the same device's app store and see how that compares? Thanks.
  24. Luke

    Audio-only channel from HDHomeRun not playing

    hi @somepersonhave you updated to Emby Server 4.8.6? Has that helped?
  25. Luke

    Fails to play

    Hi, what exactly happened?
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