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  1. Past hour
  2. DarWun

    Emby, Trakt, and Specials?

    @LukeAt the series level: All external Ids are correct.
  3. Yep you got it ! Downgrading emby to made my Ha work again ... @LukeIs there a know issue about this ?
  4. 3032834864

    How to configure hardware transcoding of a video

    The video is 1080p H264,I don't think the hardware transcoding is working,User sessions in my Admin console look like this 正在播放 紫罗兰永恒花园外传:永远与自动手记人偶 2019 0:07 / 1:30:39 Emby 网页版 Chrome Windows http/1.1 流媒体 MKV (5 mbps) 直接播放 视频 1080p 高264 直接播放 (5 Mbps) 音频 Japanese FLAC stereo (默认) 直接播放 Logs are also attached hardware_detection-63852224789.txt
  5. roycrt

    Version not creating Collections

    Thanks jaycedk, not sure how I missed that.
  6. Junglejim

    Rethink Audiobooks

    ABS will use the individual audio files (mp3) as chapters, if you decide to use the merge tool in ABS (Make M4B Audiobook File) it will use the individual files/chapters and embed them to the m4b. There is also a chapter lookup tool in ABS to import chapters from online sources but these tools are really out of scope of a app like emby. As for individual files (m4b/m4a) it will read the embedded tags, if the is non you could use the chapter edit/lookup feature and get lucky with a exact match. Then use the "quick embed" tool to write that chapter meta back to the m4b as tags.
  7. luangm

    FR: Please allow person in Games

    Hi Luke, while you are at it, could you please also add support for collections on Games. It seems natural to me, game often comes in collections, Final Fantasy series, COD etc. Right now I have to manually add a tag "Collection: Final Fantasy", in order to see all the games in the same collection. It would be better if Collections have a separate entry in the Game folder, just like movies and TVs. Thank you very much!
  8. I had this same problem on with the official embyserver container, and was fixed by rolling back to on an AMD Ryzen 7950.
  9. Happy2Play

    Tags not being honored anymore

    Yes tag blocking appears to work but Allow tags is not. Regression in @Luke @GrimReaperplease move to testing area.
  10. I do not know anything about unaired episodes as i do not use Emby for live TV but the missing episodes have been moved to the three dot menu at the bottom of the TV show's poster on the TV page. I do not like it there much but Emby has proved to be very instant it is the correct thing to do so it is unlikely it will get changed. Of course if you are talking about something else then what I said has no information for you.
  11. Appears to be working on my test system missing and upcoming Do you have specific example with server log for that example? Can only guess a issue talking to TVDB. Have you verified library metadata providers? @GrimReapercan you move to testing area.
  12. Today
  13. Gremory17

    volumen bug

    desapareció el icono de volumen al reproducir video al actualizar a la version En la version no existia ese problema y me permitia tener mas volumen de lo normal ya que emby tenia su propio volumen y el volumen del sistema windows era aparte Al reproducir radio si sale disponible el icono de volumen en version
  14. Episodes with missing files have also disappeared. So the only episodes showing at all are ones with files. This is a BIG problem for me. Are there settings anywhere that I could have wrong?
  15. They are also not showing in the API.
  16. Yesterday
  17. As the title says, updated to Version beta and now unaired episodes are not showing. Is there a way to switch back to older version without db problems?
  18. seashell

    embyforkodi (next-gen) 10.X.X support

    I think there's a bug in your synced node views for mixed media libraries. It looks like you add tags to Kodi for the library name, but when you pass the library name into the views such as get_next_episodesIds(self, TagName) the TagName you pass is "{Library Name} (tvshows)" not just "{Library Name}" so the TagId lookup fails. I'm talking about the auto generated views in what I think Kodi calls browse, there area you get to if you select ".." a couples times from TV Shows in the default skin and from there select EMBY: {Library Name} (tvshows) then select a view like "Next Episodes. I suppose even in the that view the bug is present as I see Emby: {Library Name} (tvshows) (tvshows) so the tvshows part is present twice and the first one is getting taken as part of the library name.
  19. EricKnaak

    TrueNas Scale

    Turned out I just needed to click "bind to host network" to be enabled and it made the correct ports working
  20. icegoddess222

    fast forward not skipping by preset amount

    its working fantastically again thank you luke
  21. guimazito

    Join Our Translation Team

    Hi, there're some concordance errors in pt-BR language. I'm using emby version How it is: Mais Recentes Filmes How could be: Filmes Mais Recentes How it is: Mais Recentes Séries How could be: Séries Mais Recentes How it is: Mais Recentes Trailers How could be: Trailers Mais Recentes I found the param inside pt-BR.json file in line 757 How it is: "LatestFromLibrary": "Mais Recentes {0}" How could be: "LatestFromLibrary": "{0} Mais Recentes"
  22. @Luke, been a while. Any thoughts?
  23. I think the UI code is updated beside the version of the App (since it is based on Electron).
  24. n0tanks87

    Hdhomerun Playback error machine actively refused it

    I did notice I can't rewind or fast forward on my android phone and tablet.
  25. Blam84

    Scrolling doesn't page down properly

    I'm glad to hear Emby has a knowledgeable crew. I don't need snazzy. I don't need pretty. But fixing bugs impacts everyday use. I am no expert in coding, so I don't know the impact of what Roku limits developers to. But I would hope those limitations don't make bugs an inevitability. It's one thing to say the Roku app will never be as pretty as Android/Fire stick. It's another to say it will be buggy.
  26. Gilgamesh_48

    Scrolling doesn't page down properly

    Roku is the single most popular streamer in the USA. So "popular" does not seem to be the reason/cause. As far as expertise goes. I have never had any dealings about Roku with any group. including the Roku team itself (at Roku), where the expertise was greater than what we have here with Emby. @speechlesand @ebrhave proven to be quite knowledgeable about the inner workings of Rokus but they are very limited by the poor implementation of the programming language (BrightScript I think) that Roku forces developers to use and the restrictive requirements that Roku places toward road blocks for creative programming. I wish we had more info about where fixes are/were but we don't and Emby has what they believe are good reasons for hiding a bunch of info. Additionally: I was part of Emby's Roku beta for a fairly long time but I had to drop out, due mainly to my health issues, but, even as part of that beta i did not have much more info about the progress of fixes than I do now. I think the lack of effective believable data about progress is one of Emby's big weaknesses and it is one that I believe Emby could address. They just must be careful to not go too far. Going too far with development/debug information could easily be, for Emby, every bit as bad as the current closed info system is. See; I don't have answers just different questions.
  27. n0tanks87

    Hdhr flex 4k list Ed as two devices

    I did notice I can't rewind or fast forward live tv on my android phone and tablet.
  28. Blam84

    Scrolling doesn't page down properly

    I am currently working on three issues with the Roku app. I have been asked for log after log, and the posts get attention, but the issues aren't fixed. I have come to the conclusion that either resources are being directed to the other apps because Roku isn't as popular, or the team lacks the expertise to actually fix these things.
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