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  1. Past hour
  2. DonMacaroni

    Emby and Album art issues

    After little bit of thinking and investigating, @Lukeis it (perhaps) by design?
  3. ebr

    Roku Emby client API

    Sure. I could see being able to trigger the request to change and you'd probably need the actual userID and it would still have to flow through normal auth in the app. So, it would just behave as if someone selected the new user from the switch user menu.
  4. rbroh

    Emby connect not working

    Thanks. But I can't seem to delete the server either. When I click on the delete button here, nothing happens. I've tried logging in/out and from multiple browsers, but can't remove it.
  5. Hallo... ist es möglich, dass man über Emby for Android TV weitere Apps einbinden kann? Also das man einen Link in Emby hinterlegen kann, so dass dann z.B. die Netflix App gestartet wird. Ist sowas möglich?
  6. ebr

    Android TV Emby app hangs.

    I've just put up a new beta. Thanks.
  7. xe`

    Roku Emby client API

    Thanks for the information it saves me many hours of wasted effort. Do you think it would be appropriate to make a feature request for this? What I am imagining is a simple NFC sticker at each TV which I could trigger a profile change simply with a users phone tap. Feels like a nice QoL thing for low cost and is easy to do if the API supported it.
  8. Admin Center under folders I created Blu-Ray Sets as a movie file type. This is where I have all the folders of movie sets and some have subfolders. When you click on the Blu-Rays sets icon on the home page and then click collections at the top and it will show me all the folders I created inside my blu-ray sets folder. The "collections" group thing that Emby creates I do not have this listed on my home page. However, inside that "collections" icon if I do add it to the home page are all the collection folders, BUT when I go into Super Hero it still shows as below.
  9. Noel-M

    Android TV Emby app hangs.

    This is not life threatening - just inconvenient. Let me know when there is a beta update and we'll start again.
  10. What are you calling a "blu-ray set" in Emby setup terms? Exactly what did you add to the collection in Emby using the "Add to collection" menu?
  11. ebr

    Android TV Emby app hangs.

    Oh shoot, I see now that the fix hasn't actually gone out in beta yet.
  12. Bonjour dessoler de ne pas avoir répondu avant . problème de Santer . je reviens vers vous car je reprend ou on ses arrêter sur la discussion et toujours pour la même raison. Merci de bien vouloir m'aider cordialement G.B 2024-05-06_165918.pdf
  13. What do you mean? Inside of the blu-ray sets are all my folders of movie sets and then inside some of the folders I have sub folders like super hero. Blu-ray Sets/Super Hero/Ant Man
  14. ebr

    Android TV Emby app hangs.

    Exactly how do you start watching it?
  15. Noel-M

    Android TV Emby app hangs.

    OK, app logs sent. Server logs attached. At 7:30 I record program "Masterchef" At about 8:15 (??) I start watching the recording. Masterchef ends at 8:40 I watch until the end of the recording. skipping ads, about 9:15 (??) Exit the playback and it hangs. embyserver (4).zip
  16. Today
  17. ebr

    Android TV Emby app hangs.

    I'm afraid I don't know what those are... If you send the log now, I can probably see that occurrence. Thanks.
  18. ebr

    Roku Emby client API

    If on the local network, our standard remote control/casting features should work but those do not include logging out or in at this time.
  19. Noel-M

    Android TV Emby app hangs.

    I had an instance about 4 hours ago (that's yesterday for me). Are the auto-client logs any good? Should I repeat the process tomorrow?
  20. I'm going to guess it is either 3 or 6 seconds as it sounds like it is repeating HLS segments. I tried to go through your ffmpeg log and cannot see it ever going backwards (but it is long so may have missed it).
  21. crusher11

    Invalid Username/Password

    How long does the lockout last? Is there a way for me as the admin to manually override it?
  22. Im moment kann ich laut Kindersicherrung einstellen damit mein Kind innerhalb der Zeit X - Y Tv schauen darf. Es ist jedoch sehr unterschiedlich wann sie schauen und einen genauen zeitraum kann man so nicht erfassen. Ich würde mir wünschen wenn sie ein Tageslimit einfügen würden. Zb Maximal 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Stunden. Somit ist die zeit wann der TV an geht völlig egal und es wird nach Stunden abgerechnet. Oder auch beides in Kombination würde gehen . Innerhalb eines fest gelegten Zeitraumes daf man dann x Stunden schauen.
  23. ebr

    Invalid Username/Password

    That's how I would interpret a 403. The question then being, if the password is successfully changed, should we eliminate that lockout as well...? I think probably yes.
  24. ebr

    Android TV Emby app hangs.

    Can I please get a new app log?
  25. Lend your support here:
  26. powol

    Emby premiere registration Error

    I'm a bad user I didn't read those steps, blanking out and re-entering did the trick , thanks for the quick support
  27. ebr

    Cant Log on to my acount.

    It appears there was an illegal streamer using us named "SaltedMeat" and they have up and disappeared. I've had several of their customers coming to us for help. If you guys sign up for one of these guys, you have to realize that they may leave the building (with your money) at any point in time. Instead, you can install your own server and use Emby as it is intended. Quick Start
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