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  1. Past hour
  2. That guide is old and doesn't include this new feature. That has always worked. You could always create a folder in your TV show folder and call it anything and it will show up as a season, even before 4.8. It just wouldn't pull any external metadata. @LukeI am interested in this new feature "Support extras for seasons and episodes", but you don't state anywhere what this feature does or how it works.
  3. Today
  4. Techyon

    Play back history is not being recorded.

    Ok attached the server logs. embyserver(1).txt Here are some screen shots Firstone is the video playing Here is when i paused the video to show where it is in the playback And here i go to the home of the video and it did not record the playback history So it does not remember where you where in a video or if the video has been watched.
  5. Johnny40

    Zappiti 4K HDR + emby

    Hi everyone, this is my first post and would like some guidance please. Since the loss of the Zappiti server and media interface, I was hoping to run emby or Jellyfin as an alternative. If possible? For now I've created an account with emby and installed the emby server. Do I also need to install the emby for android tv app? I can access the server interface through the Web browser, although this isn't ideal and I'm not sure how to add my media files from the internal drive. It's a great shame not to have the glossy interface anymore and I know there is a paid alternative to download and subscribe but would consider that option as a last resort.
  6. Hello kasablur, ** This is an auto reply ** Please wait for someone from staff support or our members to reply to you. It's recommended to provide more info, as it explain in this thread: Thank you. Emby Team
  7. Hi, I've installed a server and can't find the http address I need to enter in order to connect to the server. Everything I see online says it should just show up here, but it's not. Just the WAN address, which doesn't work when trying to connect to the server. I feel like I'm going crazy here, why is it so difficult! I've tried the knowledge base and no luck. Thanks in advance for your help.
  8. rbjtech

    It's possible RIP Old CD with tracks in DTS

    It's probably better to extract them as MKA container format - which will contains the dts audio track. I don't believe emby supports a .dts or .dtshd discreet file format ? If it does, then there are tools out there that convert the WAV to a readable DTS bitstream. From memory eac3to may do this - but can't be 100% - it's been a while since I looked at DTS files tbh. (FLAC is a much better option now, both in terms of file size and also compatibility)
  9. DJAndieK

    Downloads Vanishing?

    This has been happening to me and my users recently also. Android app just randomly seems to be deleting downloads. A couple of days ago I was watching an episode and half way though it popped up an error cannot play video. I backed out of emby completely, relaunched it and all downloaded episodes of the show I was watching were missing.
  10. I almost feared that... would have been too good to be true.
  11. Noel-M

    Recording consecutive programs problem

    I recorded 3 consecutive programs on the same channel. Recordings start 5 minutes before and end 15 minutes after. * BBC News At Ten (30 minutes duration) * ABC America World News Tonight With David Muir (30 minutes duration) * PBS Newshour (60 minutes duration) All 3 recordings start with "BBC News at Ten". To view "PGS Newshour" I have to skip through both the other programs. Recorder TV directory listing attached. Check the size of the files on the emby server. * BBC News At Ten (50 minutes duration = 30 + 20) * ABC America World News Tonight With David Muir (80 minutes duration = 30 + 30 + 20) * PBS Newshour (140 minutes duration = 60 + 30 + 30 + 20) I note the creation time of the files is 5 minutes before the program start (as expected) Logs attached.. hardware_detection-63850431611.txt embyserver (2).txt
  12. Junglejim

    Rethink Audiobooks

    Cool. Yeah I'm itching to give it a go, just got to find the time. I'm sure I will run into the same naming/directory... issues that you did. I will test the docker build on my NAS. Seems pretty straight forward to set up. Cheers. Ok. So my niece is over for the night and wants to watch Barbie.. Could be time to give it a go.
  13. There are only 50 albums displayed by the singer, and no more than 50 albums are displayed.
  14. yep.. this is my point - an extreme example, but you are not going to remux this in 2 minutes .. 09/02/2024 15:00 672,673 clearlogo.png 05/11/2018 18:17 25,087,933 The Lord of the Rings- The Return of the King (2003) - Remux-2160p Extended DV HDR10-trailer.mkv 27/08/2023 04:07 16,346,336 The Lord of the Rings- The Return of the King (2003) - Remux-2160p Extended DV HDR10-320-10.bif 09/02/2024 15:00 524,129 landscape.jpg 22/04/2024 01:53 143,736,602,947 The Lord of the Rings- The Return of the King (2003) - Remux-2160p Extended DV HDR10.mkv 09/02/2024 15:00 2,073,973 fanart.jpg 09/02/2024 15:00 1,186,879 poster.jpg 26/01/2024 11:30 1,545,511 The Lord of the Rings- The Return of the King (2003) - Remux-2160p Extended DV HDR10-trailer.png 22/04/2024 03:58 17,746 The Lord of the Rings- The Return of the King (2003) - Remux-2160p Extended DV HDR10.nfo 9 File(s) 143,784,058,127 bytes
  15. I have a mixed media library, but my cartoons are divided into movies and TV series, all of which are mixed together, so it is difficult to find them.
  16. Some of my files have not been scraped, but only background images have been automatically generated. This image can't be displayed in full screen. It's really ugly.
  17. As for the recently played and most played and favorite music, only one song can be played after clicking. Every time I listen to the next song, I have to manually choose another song, which is really poor and the operation is too troublesome. sd1714804377_2.mp4
  18. 17732

    Favorite artists can't

    I have many favorite song artists, but only 12 can be displayed on the emby main page. sd1714804188_2.mp4
  19. 17732

    Can't read cover.

    The cover of the playlist I uploaded can't be displayed. I think the TV terminal limits the size of the picture.
  20. andreilis

    Live TV isn't playing

    Hello, Luke I didn't resolve the issue for 4.8.x. What I did was remove 4.8.x completely, and installed 4.7 from Synology package center. Now it works ok. Now, when I'm on 4.7, I am not sure that the problem is in the Emby version. Probably it matters that I had 2 m3u playlists with 2 XML teleguides (now, on 4.7 I use the one m3u and teleguide). I do not know if this can be the root cause.
  21. demonseed

    Boxsets Get Unboxed

    Well it seems I have my answer because after two weeks not a single person has chimed in. So I'd say the nay's have the overwhelming majority vote via not saying anything at all. (Unless this community has just become super quite in my absence, IDK) Which is perfectly fine, as I'd rather brutal honesty that saved me from endless hours making something that would go largely unused. So unless this picks up traction later down the road, I guess this one will get a pin put in it, for a possible revisit on future date. Thanks for stopping by and checking things out! Until next time, Demon signing off, later guys! Oh and hey EBR! Been a while. And it Seems it'll still be a while longer.
  22. Using the remote control, you cannot move the selection box to the lyrics button and the list button on the right. sd1714802849_2.mp4
  23. Let say Emby has buffered 10 to 50% of the movie, tv show, or video already and I am at 2 to 4 % of the video so near the very beginning. Will the video stop playing if the spot the car is driving has no cellular data signal or very little ? Not sure how this works sorry. Would the buffered part of the movie, tv show, or video still me on the remote server of Emby or some of it or even all of it on my mobile device? I would be using Emby app on iOS. Does using nPlayer Plus or Infuse Pro change anything as well ? Thanks.
  24. Next version will de-double the boxset/collection updates....
  25. How 10.X works: Realtime updates (Emby via websocket) do not report boxsets/collections changes directly, just e.g. a movie has changed. The plugin tries to detect the assign boxsets/collections by movie's ParentId. It queries all boxsets from the ParentId and updates them all. e.g. "Alien" boxset/collection change... Emby would report 3 movie changes The ParentId is usually the subfolder of a movie. /movies/Alien 1/Alien1.mkv /movies/Alien 2/Alien2.mkv /movies/Alien 3/Alien3.mkv In this example ParentId would point to "/movies/Alien 1/", "/movies/Alien 2/", "/movies/Alien 3/" At the moment the plugin would update the "Alien" boxset/collection 3 times cause 3 movies had changed. I need to find a way to de-double these updates, however.. If ParentId points to a folder with multiple movies and multiple boxsets/collections assigned like... /movies/Alien1.mkv /movies/Alien2.mkv /movies/Alien3.mkv /movies/Back to the future1.mkv /movies/Back to the future2.mkv /movies/Back to the future3.mkv ...it would update both boxsets/collections. "Alien" and "Back to the future" even "Back to the future" has not changed. If you have many boxsets/collections in a ParentId's location, it could take quite some time to update them all.
  26. Im moment kann ich laut Kindersicherrung einstellen damit mein Kind innerhalb der Zeit X - Y Tv schauen darf. Es ist jedoch sehr unterschiedlich wann sie schauen und einen genauen zeitraum kann man so nicht erfassen. Ich würde mir wünschen wenn sie ein Tageslimit einfügen würden. Zb Maximal 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Stunden. Somit ist die zeit wann der TV an geht völlig egal und es wird nach Stunden abgerechnet. Oder auch beides in Kombination würde gehen . Innerhalb eines fest gelegten Zeitraumes daf man dann x Stunden schauen.
  27. TeamB

    Rethink Audiobooks

    I only just found AudioBookShelf, I have been playing with it for a few days, it looks cool and appears to work well. They have a Windows installer now : https://www.audiobookshelf.org/docs#windows-install It took me a while to wrangle my audiobook collection into a directory structure that works for me and is acceptable for AudioBookShelf to import, but once you get it set up it looks and feels great. I had to re-order the metadata importers, wanted it to take my authors, series, titles, readers from the directory/file structure and had to move that metadata importer to the top. Apart form that, it was easy to set up and use. I will be testing it on my phone (just using the web client) over the next few weeks to see how it goes.
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