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  2. ebr

    Back to PLEX i go..sad

    Okay, I just needed a translation of what you considered "screwed up". Some things like that are pretty tricky when they are only in very specific situations. But, also, both of those are relatively recent and they are in the works.
  3. kikinjo

    Emby Premier Costs etc.

    So not all are premiere, yes we knew that and no one said they all are, i just pointed that that is the ONLY location that is a starting point to see all devices used and starting point to see how much deices are used on emby server, but all of this you already knew. Answer the 2 questions that i posted. If everything is clear as you point it through the posts than answering those 2 questions should be easy.
  4. Hi. You will need to make sure the firewall on the server machine is allowing traffic to the server process. It sounds like it isn't. First, make sure your network on the server machine is set to "Private" and NOT "Public". Then check the firewall rules. When you first installed the server, you should have gotten a message from the Windows firewall saying that the server wanted access. If you denied that, that would cause this problem.
  5. Hi. I don't think there is anything in the app log that will tell us anything. It is just progressing with playback until you start pausing and jumping back. I suspect this is the HLS segments getting mixed up during the remux/transcode. It could indicate a timing issue in the file itself (like it was stitched together or something) or could be some other anomaly. Please send the server and ffmpeg logs to Luke.
  6. js28194

    embyforkodi (next-gen) 10.X.X support

    Addons - Video Addons - Emby for Kodi - Configure - Playback - Message Box Automatic Close after X Seconds - Change the value to 15
  7. Imeneo

    Recordar reproducción

    Hola. Acabo de instalar la última versión de Emby en un ordenador Debian. Básicamente lo utilizo para escuchar música, tanto en el navegador como en el móvil. El problema que tengo es que si cierro el navegador cuando estoy escuchando música, Emby no recupera la lista de canciones que estaba reproduciendo, así como la canción activa. Esto también me pasa en el móvil. Sabeis si esto tiene solución? Gracias. Saludos
  8. shackbill

    Cant Reach Server

    I just built a backup server in a cloud account i have. I have no problem connecting and managing it from inside my LAN from my desktop computer but if i try to connect using an app on my iPhone or Samsung TV i get a CANT REACH SERVER error. Ive also tried to turn off the wifi on my iPhOne and connect thru cellular and i get the same error. I turned on debug on the logs to see if it was attempting a connect but i dont see anything. Any ideas on what else i should check this seems like a very basic issue but i cant think of what im doing wrong. embyserver.txt
  9. Schebberle

    Emby Theater on RPI-5

    Hi for about an hour i'm trying now to use a R-Pi 5 as Media player with Emby Theater for my library. right now i tried 2 different versions of the Pi image directly: emby-theater-rpi_3.0.19_armhf.img and emby-theater-rpi_3.0.16_arm64.img these 2 do not boot and are calling an incompatible OS. Since i got no luck with these 2, i tried to boot into Ubuntu, installed Emby theater over the "app store" clicked start, and... nothing happened. did a reboot tried again. nothing. is there any way i can use Emby theater with an RPI5 at the moment?
  10. I'm running Emby in a container on the newest Unraid. Got this weird problem with the "Continue Watching" list on the home screen: Items from my TV library are being shown twice. The library itself shows them correctly. Other user profiles have the same problem. This is how it looks: The first item is from my "Movies" library, following that are 2 episodes from my "TV" library. After that is an episode from the "Anime" library. Only the items from the TV library are being displayed twice. It happens with every single show from that library and each show has only one version (one file per episode). My library setup: The shows are only listed once in the TV library itself (as well as the episodes when you open a show or season): While writing this, i noticed that shows (including episodes) are showing up twice in the search as well: TL;DR: Episodes are being duplicated in "Continue Watching" and search results, library is fine. I have attached my embyserver.txt file. embyserver.txt
  11. Today
  12. Just happened and while trying to grab logs my emby server crashed and rebooted. I did have debug turned on in the roku settings and did the Send Log option. It happened while watching Star Trek Discovery around 11:24 eastern and 24:52 into the show. I rewound a couple times so it would show it a few times in that time frame. As long as I stay in that spot and pause and go back it will keep doing it. If I stop the show and then resume the same spot doesn't keep happening. I have the embyserver and ffmeg logs to send too when ready. Thanks Edit: Caught another one, same show during the credits, 56:15 into the show. Around 12:19p eastern. Sent logs from Roku.
  13. Gilgamesh_48

    Video ads coming to Roku TVs

    You really think an Apple product will be an improvement? Apple is not noted for respecting users at all. I will look for an Android product that I can be comfortable with but I would NEVER expect an Apple product to be useable by me. I guess if it gets real bad and extends to my Shield and Fire there are a LOT of third party Android devices and they are usually quite customizable. BTW: I do own an Apple TV, i received it as a promotion for trying a local cable bundle, I tried it for a while but i found it clumsy and intrusive so it has sat unused in my rack for well over a year. But this is why we have variety in clients. If one size fit all then there would be no need for variety.
  14. Gilgamesh_48

    Back to PLEX i go..sad

    Well a quick search turns up and I found those within 30-40 seconds just searching for threads I started. There are more, many more, where i mentioned bugs in threads started by others. Again there are problems with the bug tracking when things just go unaddressed. I wonder how many bugs reported by others that I never see because of the simple way I use Emby that also go unaddressed like all the bugs in live TV that we see reported over and over. I stopped using live TV in Emby because it just failed too often in too many ways but, if i want to actually use Emby, I cannot avoid using other parts and stumbling through the interface. I simply report bugs. You should track them and fix them or at least indicate why you can't.
  15. Bonjour ebr Merci pour votre intervention. Je suis une fille un peu idiote en serveurs, réseau etc. Je ne comprend pas ce que vous me dites. Dans ma maison, j'ai un PC, une box Internet, la Shield reliée à une télévision J'ai installé Emby sur le PC (Windows) Aucun problème, tout va très bien, ma médiathèque fonctionne parfaitement avec Emby. Le bonheur. Je voudrais avoir la même présentation de médiathèque-Emby sur la Shield/TV. L'application "Emby Android TV" s'est bien installée sur la Shield, rapidement. Quand j'essaie de l'ouvrir, on me demande l'adresse IP du serveur (et le port 8096). Comment faire ? Où se trouve cette adresse IP ? C'est quoi ? Ce n'est pas celle du PC (j'ai essayé). Je veux que Emby sur Shield/TV fonctionne quand le PC est éteint. Help
  16. user24

    Using embedded music metadata Styles

    To follow on from my last post, here is an example of what the individual Genre pages could potentially look like, by incorporating a new Style row directly beneath the Genre heading and a text Overview of the individual Genre. (horizontal landscape orientation shown) (Please ignore 10cc, being the obvious rogue Blues Artist, as they are most definitely Soft Rock!) Another rationale for this GUI is that the newly updated work-in-progress Genre pages are a bit in "no man's land" right now. Not quite summary pages and not quite detail pages. Ideally, they should be detail pages (similar to other individual detail pages). If you compare the mock-up Genre page above with the actual Album Artist page below, there is a very consistent look and feel between the two. As the web pages are responsive, I also experimented with vertical mode and the same GUI consistency would be maintained (I think). I realise that implementing this is likely more involved that just the GUI itself, but perhaps is still worthwhile? It would be great to know what others think!
  17. ebr

    Back to PLEX i go..sad

  18. Gilgamesh_48

    Back to PLEX i go..sad

    Well there is the fact that after playing a movie the display is screwed up. If you want more actually use the Roku to play content. While the Roku is, by far, my favorite client, there are lots of little glitches in the interface that has been reported many times but never fixed. While the Roku, mostly, plays everything fine the Emby interface is lacking. Just read the feedback that appears. There are even, according to @speechles, open tickets that have been around for over a year. Of course I cannot itemize them as I have no access to your bug tracker. It is only my responsibility to report bugs it is yours to track and fix them. It seems that Emby only fixes bugs that impact Emby directly. It gets frustrating to report bugs and see no progress toward a fix for often years. The lack of an alpha picker when browsing photos by photos in the web interface and the lack of the ability to even display photos in the last 1/3 of my photo library when browsing by folders has been around for a long time with no progress toward a fix shows that the "benign neglect" is not just for the Roku but for other interfaces as well. I suppose, if you want more i could somehow find my posts and give a link to all of them where bugs get reported but never acted upon but that list would be pretty long and, it seems, your searching tools should be superior to mine and, if you were really interested, you could find all the bugs that have been reported but not acted upon much easier and faster that I could. Don't get me wrong. I think you do a great job. There are just bugs that fall through the cracks and, it seems to me, that there is something wrong with the bug tracking and fixing by Emby and, as long as that flaw is not addressed, there will continue to be reported bugs that go unaddressed for a LONG time.
  19. 你好管理员,我一直不知道连接到服务器的地址和端口是怎么获取,safari浏览器也打不开localhost:8096这个网址
  20. requa3r0

    Run-away Emby on debain 11 server

    Hi Luke The log is 75mb and I will not upload this in public. Can you accept a private link in a message on the forum. Why is emby re-indexing my library every day at 0730. all task has been disabled. Its sending my server haywire. Currently i have to shut the sever down permanently ;O(
  21. jaycedk

    Emby Premier Costs etc.

    There is already a FR about this.
  22. scb99

    Emby Premier Costs etc.

    I think I’m right in saying that there is no way to see the premiere device count, which is only held on your inhouse server. Is there any way to make this info available to Emby admins?
  23. EmbyPenguin

    How can I disable transcoding?

    Hi, My set-up is as follows. I have an Android 10 Based "all-in-one" audio plyar : a Fiio R7. I plugged in a USB stick with a lot of music files (only music). On the Fiio R7, I installed the latest Emby Server .apk in "Beta" version. I launched it and gave the USB stick as a location for storage. The server launched and was able to scan and index the whole music library. Once done, I remote controle the Emby Server with the latest Emby Client installed on my smartphone (a Xiaomo mi 11 Pro). No problem to have access to the files indexed and no problem to play them to the Fiio R7 used as a renderer. I can : - Play the files to the Fiio Music app that allows to have the device as a renderer ; - Play the files to another app enabled as a renderer (UAPP or Bubble UPnP). The problem is : if I retriev the files indexed by Emby Server on Fiio R7 on my smartphone ; if I then ask to playback those files to the Fiio R7 using Fiio Music as a DLNA renderer, it converts the files to .mp3 (at least that is what Fiio Music shows : .mp3 with sample rate and blabla...). I have deactivated the conversion as reported here, but the files still are sent as .mp3 files (the original files are 24/44, 24/48, 24/88 or 24/96 files in .flac). Weird enough, the same files can be played back in .flac if taken directly by Fiio Music app on the storage... SO the Fiio Music app supports palybakc for .flac files ! What am I doing wrong ? Would installing the latest stable Emby Server .apk be of any help here ? Thanks a lot for your answer. Regards.
  24. sinansenol

    Carplay Music Error

    I must mention that this experience only happens on CarPlay app, not on iOS app.
  25. visproduction

    TV Shows defaulting to audio track with commentary

    Discussion on how to change the audio track order of the media file: https://superuser.com/questions/1440629/change-audio-track-order-in-mkv-files You can also remux the file with AVIDemux and there is a way to switch audio tracks in the audio control menu. You just flip the choices of which comes first and remux or encode if you want to convert. Remuxing with encoding takes about 1 minute per 2 hour media.
  26. Would love the ability to make "All Items" the default view on all clients.
  27. Just updated from 3.3.66 to 3.3.86 and I see Collections has changed to split everything up by media type. Unlike Android TV, though, there appears to be no "All Items" button to change the view back to how it used to be. Can this be added? And, preferably, can an option to make "All Items" the default view be added? This split view is terrible for my purposes and I'm baffled as to why all the clients are moving this way.
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