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Movies List constantly flashes


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I noticed there was an update to Emby Server so I updated.  While everything plays fine on only my Roku(Roku 3 and Roku 4(older model)) when I enter Movies the posters struggle to load and the screen flashes.  The TV shows are fine just the movies.


Running Emby Server

Tested on Emby Client and Emby Beta for Roku.

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Hi.  What OS does your server run on?


This behavior on the client is an indication of too much image data (the images are too large for the UI) which can happen on some platforms if your image processor on the server is not functioning properly and, thus, sending full sized images to the app.


The log Luke requested above will show us if this is the case.



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There is now a way to tell when this is going to happen, with the caveat the roku device is using firmware v8.1.x



The isStatusMessage() throws true and in getInfo() will be the generalMemoryLevel string which has 3 conditions: normal, low, critical. When that image flashing problem happens it would be interesting to know what condition the roku is in. Once you know the roku is in low or critical state, you can stop dispatching for images and fallback to general purpose lower resolution placeholders (movies/tv/music/album/song/etc). This would stop the flashing, but introduce the new problem of "where did my images go"? This would be better than flashing IMO and you could even display a little popup each time the message comes in that memory is low or critical and pass this along to the user so that at least they know this isn't the apps normal behavior. On the popup rather than repeat it once they know memory is low, have it prompt the user to either dismiss or close the popup. If you choose close, the popup will repeat when each low/criticial condition event occurs, dismiss wont let the popup show again even if the condition occurs again. Food for thought.

Edited by speechles
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I am experiencing the same issue where images will flicker on media selection screens. It even happens on TV Shows for me. I do believe this is due to the update to Roku OS 8.1, because everything was flawless before that.

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I am experiencing the same issue where images will flicker on media selection screens. It even happens on TV Shows for me. I do believe this is due to the update to Roku OS 8.1, because everything was flawless before that.


Can you please provide a server log from when this was happening and indicate at what time it was happening?



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Same issue since the update.

The last minute of the log is just thr roku on the menu with debug logging enbled. Hipe it helps. This is REALLLY annoyingLog.txt


Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk

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P.s. i have a short video of it too, but i cant attach it. PM me for the vid if you want.


Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk

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Same issue since the update.

The last minute of the log is just thr roku on the menu with debug logging enbled. Hipe it helps. This is REALLLY annoyingattachicon.gifLog.txt


Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk


It doesn't look like debug logging is actually enabled but I believe this is the root of your problem:

2018-06-12 22:42:21.357 Error ImageProcessor: Error encoding image
	*** Error Report ***
	Command line: /system/EmbyServer.dll -programdata /config -ffmpeg /bin/ffmpeg -ffprobe /bin/ffprobe -restartexitcode 3
	Operating system: Unix
	64-Bit OS: True
	64-Bit Process: True
	User Interactive: True
	Processor count: 12
	Program data path: /config
	Application directory: /system
	System.EntryPointNotFoundException: Unable to find an entry point named 'sk_bitmap_lock_pixels' in DLL 'libSkiaSharp'.
	   at SkiaSharp.SkiaApi.sk_bitmap_lock_pixels(IntPtr B)
	   at SkiaSharp.SKBitmap.Resize(SKBitmap dst, SKBitmap src, SKBitmapResizeMethod method)
	   at Emby.Drawing.Skia.SkiaEncoder.EncodeImage(String inputPath, DateTime dateModified, String outputPath, Boolean autoOrient, Nullable`1 orientation, Int32 quality, ImageProcessingOptions options, ImageFormat selectedOutputFormat)
	   at Emby.Drawing.ImageProcessor.<ProcessImage>d__29.MoveNext()
	   at SkiaSharp.SkiaApi.sk_bitmap_lock_pixels(IntPtr B)
	   at SkiaSharp.SKBitmap.Resize(SKBitmap dst, SKBitmap src, SKBitmapResizeMethod method)
	   at Emby.Drawing.Skia.SkiaEncoder.EncodeImage(String inputPath, DateTime dateModified, String outputPath, Boolean autoOrient, Nullable`1 orientation, Int32 quality, ImageProcessingOptions options, ImageFormat selectedOutputFormat)
	   at Emby.Drawing.ImageProcessor.<ProcessImage>d__29.MoveNext()

The server is unable to create proper sized images to send to the app due to what looks like an incompatible version of the image processing library.

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We pushed an update to our docker container. Please update it and try again. Thanks.

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We pushed an update to our docker container. Please update it and try again. Thanks.

wow so much better!! thanks again!

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I'm also seeing this problem on a Roku Express with the Emby App, on an older Roku 3 it works fine but on the newer EXPRESS model it flashes constantly on the Movie Info Pages.I am running Emby Server on the QNAP box. Are you intending pushing the update out to all versions?

Edited by Peterw0163
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I got flickering on my shows and movies, only when I enter a show/movie. If I enter a season, or outside of those, there's no flicker.


I checked the media for one of the shows, and it's not too big or unusual. Shows that didn't flicker before, do now. Latest emby on Windows 10 Pro, with Roku 3 Streaming Stick latest. Log attached.


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As I said, I have checked on some of the images. And this bug happens with all shows, even ones that didn't have it before.


But, just to help out, this image is 1920x1080. Same res' I'm using on the Roku.

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