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Sort by date added to the playlist


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It would be great to sort playlist items by the date they were added to the playlist. The existing Date added sorting means the date the media was added to the library.

Use case : see recently favorited music on top of the list.


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3 hours ago, ryancey said:

Use case : see recently favorited music on top of the list.

I don't understand the relationship between a favorite and when something was added to a playlist...

This is an interesting idea but this is data we don't currently track (when something is added to a playlist).  

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8 minutes ago, ebr said:

I don't understand the relationship between a favorite and when something was added to a playlist...

Well, the "Favorites" of each media type is handled like any other playlist right? At least it appears so in the URL. My use case is about my favorite music tracks, but the feature itself ("Date added to the list" as a sorting option) could apply to any other playlist once it's implemented.

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10 minutes ago, ryancey said:

Well, the "Favorites" of each media type is handled like any other playlist right? At least it appears so in the URL. My use case is about my favorite music tracks, but the feature itself ("Date added to the list" as a sorting option) could apply to any other playlist once it's implemented.

Okay, so favorites are not a playlist.  Those lists are generated dynamically.  So, if your request is to sort favorites by when you favorited them, then that would be something different.  But, also, data we don't currently track.

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3 minutes ago, ebr said:

So, if your request is to sort favorites by when you favorited them, then that would be something different.

That's exactly it, sorry if I misphrased it.

I don't know the inside of your codebase but I'd have thought that it was more of a frontend thing, something that could apply to any view that has sorting filters no matter where or how it has been generated.


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The server handles all sorting and we need to have the data to sort by.  Currently, there is no data that provides what you are asking for (the date something was marked as favorite).  Not to say there couldn't be in the future but it isn't something we track now and we'd want to see a lot of need for such a thing to add it.

Honestly, I don't see the actual time you marked something as a favorite as all that valuable but to each their own.  You can at this time filter a view by favorite and sort by date added which seems much more  likely to be valuable.

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5 minutes ago, ebr said:

Honestly, I don't see the actual time you marked something as a favorite as all that valuable but to each their own.

That's why I created the topic, to see if I'm the only one to need it or not. I understand prioritization and that it won't be implemented if I'm alone wanting it, there is absolutely no problem!

8 minutes ago, ebr said:

You can at this time filter a view by favorite and sort by date added which seems much more  likely to be valuable.

It is for sure, and I use it in my albums view. But I use favorites differently. I have a few hundreds of favorites at the moment (growing) and sometimes I just want to listen to a track I know I favorited 3 days ago. If I imported the track 5 months ago it's difficult to find it because I can't neither filtrer the favorites list by word(s) nor use Ctrl+F to locate it in the page because of the lazy loading. The only option is to scroll 😕 and with a lot of items it's tedious.

Also, locating the track among other favorites allows me to build a listening queue more naturally than searching for and playing one item in particular.

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