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Emby Server - Improved music playback history

Richard Branches

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Richard Branches

Music playback needs some little tweaking to improve the way music is reproduced:

1) Skipped songs SHOULD NOT be marked as "Recently Played" unless they reach a minimum playback percentage (perhaps a 50%), I guess the server could calculate this based on the total time of each individual track at the moment they start playback.

2) the "Frequently Played" row MUST start to fill up when songs were at least played twice.

If you agree, please upvote this comment.

Thank you.

Edited by Richard Branches
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1) Skipped songs SHOULD NOT be marked as "Recently Played" unless they reach a minimum playback percentage, I guess the server could calculate this based on the total time of each individual track at the moment they start playback.

hi, yes i agree this makes sense. thanks for the feedback.

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I think you can argue that either way. On the one hand it makes sense. On the other if you're brand new to Emby, seeing content show up there immediately will help educate you about it and encourage you to play more.

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Richard Branches
21 minutes ago, Luke said:

On the other if you're brand new to Emby, seeing content show up there immediately will help educate you about it and encourage you to play more.

On the other hand, if I only see a few songs there, it means those are the ones I really like to repeat when searching for them manually or let it play (as long as point # 1 applies) each time they show up when I start a shuffle playback...

Edited by Richard Branches
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Richard Branches

For example, you have 10.000 songs and you only play them using shuffle playback, the first time you start to play music and spend some time listening to 200 songs without skipping, those 200 songs will be marked as "play count = 1". The next time you start a new shuffle playback and any of those previous 200 songs play again:

1) If you skip a song before playback reaches the minimum playback percentage, the song will keep the "play count = 1" mark, which means, it shouldn't appear in the "Frequently Played" row.

2) If you skip a song after playback reaches the minimum playback percentage (or let the song to play from start to finish), the song will be marked as "play count = 2" which means, it should automatically appear in the "Frequently Played" row.

Edited by Richard Branches
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Richard Branches

The "Frequently Played" row should always present the songs with the most frequently played song at the top of the list (descending order).

Edited by Richard Branches
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21 hours ago, Richard Branches said:

The "Frequently Played" row should always present the songs with the most frequently played song at the top of the list (descending order).

That's what it already does. It just doesn't have a minimum play count rule.

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Richard Branches

Perfect, I though it didn't, I just hope you add the play count rule.

Thank you for your attention.

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